More Weapons and assistance alliance

  • I think that if the game had some more weapon to help people find the weapon right for them. I’d say maybe a revolver like pistol with the chamber but it would shoot a harder more damaging bullet but maybe make the bullet not travel as far or maybe make it a bit harder to move it around while aiming. Also I feel you should maybe a assistance alliance So u can buy a bullet crate to take with you to do order of souls on islands and maybe also let the players purchase food and cannon balls and fire bombs


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    just for fungeneral
  • Ahoy!

    Revolvers aren't going to be invented in the game for at least another one hundred years, in relation to the technology level we have. Not to mention any kind of "faster firing, more damage" gun than is already in the game (Pistol reloads in 1.11s if you spam-click and don't ADS before firing first bullet. Blunder one-shots in the right circumstances) would be nothing short of downright broken and impossible to balance without destroying the weapon's identity and making it a detriment to equip (thus rendering the point of the gun's implementation useless to begin with).

    Firearms in the seas are already the most effective tactic available when used in combinations (double-gunning). I think it would be a wrong step to implement an even stronger firearm than what exists, or just another firearm in general for that matter.

  • @commanderburne

    A revolver specifically isn't going to happen, for reasons stated already. As for buying supplies, that won't either - newer players have very little gold, while many older ones have piles of it that they just can't spend - but they will be able to if they can blow it all on supplies each session and sink, while those newer players struggle to gather enough gold for the cosmetics they want and the resources they need. Not to mention that players can sink and come back again and again at events such as strongholds.

  • @kafeleskleros thanks for the feedback I also have another post about a new boss

just for fungeneral
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