Monthly Letter of Recommendation Mechanics

  • Hey guys. I'm a new player and I have a doubt about the monthly letter of recommendation mechanics.

    When I buy a letter of recommendation does it enter a "cooldown" state for 30 days or the limit is literally one letter/faction per month?

    I mean can I buy one letter for a certain faction on Feb. 29th and another for the same faction on Mar. 1st? Or only again for the same faction on Mar. 29th? (just and example of the dates).

    P.S.: Sorry if this is an old topic or its in the wrong place. I'm new to the Game/Forum and could not find this answer in a 10 min search.

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  • @tog3428 Ahoy matey!

    This is 30 days from you personally purchasing the item, and you can buy one letter per faction each and every 30 days.

  • It goes 30 days from the date of purchase. It does not reset on the first of the month, no.

  • Unless this was patched, It's been after each update for me. I've been buying hunters call letters each month. On update day...

  • If you are a new player, progress is easily earned through regular play.

    Enjoy the game, rather than trying to rush to PL by letters of commendation. I have vowed not to use them to get to level 50 in Hunters Call and the Sea Dogs, because I would rather earn them properly.

    There’s no rush. The game isn’t going any time soon.

  • I have Been getting mine each update

  • @decipher8206 ahoy me matey! You seemed to have posted in a thread that’s a year old and we call that a necro and will be locked.

    Please check the date of the last post before adding your comments. Cheers!

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