Sloop ladders

  • Make the ladders on the sloop retractable for solo players.

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  • its not that hard to ladder guard

  • If you intentionally choose to sail solo in a game, that revolves around multiplayer crew oriented, you automatically get all the downsides that come up with it. Their is no need for the game to give you a crutch for your inability. The foundation of this game is an equal playing field, why do you get a special mechanic when others don't?

  • Allowing players to pretty much stop any kind of On ship PvP or sneaky boarding of their ship. Removing any fun out of the already bland PvP with tucking ect. How are you supposed to board a sloop without ramming them with this mechanic

  • @simplelyricc said in Sloop ladders:

    How are you supposed to board a sloop without ramming them with this mechanic

    Simple, shoot yourself on their ship using your ships cannon's :D

  • @capt-flameheart seriously :/ you know how many times you would have to try that and how perfectly angled it would have to be

  • @ewoksithlord said in Sloop ladders:

    Make the ladders on the sloop retractable for solo players.

    I agree with this, not just sloop but all ship types, make boarding by use of the cannons or the harpoon, also by stealth when the ship owner leaves and has to lower the ladders to be able to get back on the boat. More skill involved to board than just the cheesy sword lunge pause randomly pressing the climb button.

  • First off, in the beginning of the game sail on the sea, you could not have closed crew, so it was pretty much 2 or 4
    then there was a cry for solo play. an that was met.
    But it came with a warning, that this was consider at "hard mode"
    not a easy joy on the sea, but that everything that was design around having 2 players, now you could do as one.

    think Rare should put the warning label back in, so player dont expect any mercy because they sail solo

    An I play solo all the time, an dont need any mercy, an kinda hate that the meg an kraken get neft down just because Im solo.

  • @nabberwar said in Sloop ladders:

    If you intentionally choose to sail solo in a game, that revolves around multiplayer crew oriented, you automatically get all the downsides that come up with it. Their is no need for the game to give you a crutch for your inability. The foundation of this game is an equal playing field, why do you get a special mechanic when others don't?

    Because of the sword lunge through the water, that seems a crutch for boarders.

  • @snowfire why not just leave the ladders up and take a mermaid to avoid people getting on your ship unexpetedly

  • @snowfire it is the only way to really board and taking that away kind of takes the ability to board away

  • @ewoksithlord said in Sloop ladders:

    Make the ladders on the sloop retractable for solo players.

    please no. if anything I wish soloing was made more difficult. I solo sloop 80% of the time and I love the challenge of it.

    make solo slooping more challenging not less.

  • @treefittymonsta truer words have never been said. Why make an already easy game even easier. New players have already had everything of challenge nerfed into the ground in terms of PvE. Don't allow them to nerf PvP as well

  • @snowfire

    Because of the sword lunge through the water, that seems a crutch for boarders.

    These aren't comparable. Sword lunge is well beyond a feature at this point, its been in the game since the games inception. People's desire for retractable ladders comes from an inability to adapt to the current game. The reasoning behind these two things is different. One has people taking it upon themselves to adapt to the game, while the other is making the game adapt to them. Myself and others like me have demonstrated and implemented tactics and strategies to work around people attempting to board. If we can do it, so can they, their is no need to make a tool for people's inability to adapt. This also completely messes combat in this game without changing other mechanics along side it. Boarding still remains a necessity in ship combat with high tiered fights. It already is way to easy to simple disengage from a fight if too much damage is sustained, only to repair/bail and re-engage. Now fights just stagnate on supplies. Without changes alongside this, this just breaks the game.

  • @ewoksithlord Why? Solo Sloopers are accepting a harder time/disadvantages by playing solo on a MULTIPLAYER game.

  • @nabberwar I like the response. I have been playing this game since day one. This my favorite game. It's not lack of ability that I would like to see retractable ladders, it more ship on ship combat that I want to see. Sword lunging through the water to catch a ladder is a cheap kill for those of us who have been playing awhile. I do it all the time. I just don't use it as a crutch like other players.

  • @ewoksithlord I think it would make for interesting gameplay and ad more responsibility for crews on all ships. Imagine taking someone else's ship and they can't get back on but them not being able to catch a mermaid. Or your other crew mate forgot to lower the ladder and your just stuck. You would have to get creative.

  • @greencamillion1 sagte in Sloop ladders:

    First off, in the beginning of the game sail on the sea, you could not have closed crew, so it was pretty much 2 or 4
    then there was a cry for solo play. an that was met.
    But it came with a warning, that this was consider at "hard mode"
    not a easy joy on the sea, but that everything that was design around having 2 players, now you could do as one.

    think Rare should put the warning label back in, so player dont expect any mercy because they sail solo

    An I play solo all the time, an dont need any mercy, an kinda hate that the meg an kraken get neft down just because Im solo.

    This plus make sure they all know thst they agree to PvP all the time they are on the Sea of Thieves and that there is no fairness regarding ship-/crewsize because it's a seabox game. This means it's about player organisation. If you are not willing to organize more players for an open seabox mixed PvEvP MP game, well....
    No need to cater more to Soloers, they alredy have their dumbed down random encounters.
    If you ask me, and i also like to solo sometimes, the toned down sloop versions of Kraken and Megs and to habe no Skaleones spawning is immersion breaking to me.

  • Double Edge.
    Keeps other players from climbing, but also keeps you from climbing.

    If they are rolled up, and you are off ship but need a quick climb to board, you have to stop, hold to drop than climb. Seconds can mean many things.

  • @ewoksithlord most of you commenting about retractable ladders. Saying it would make the game easier. I disagree, I think it would add to the game personal responsibility not only to solo players but crews of 4 as well. Have you ever locked yourself or a buddy lock there selves out of a car? Imagine Boarding a ship and the crew forgot to lower there ladders you than have control of there ship. I think it would add to the maintenance of the ship. Not make gameplay easier.

  • @ewoksithlord ladder guarding with a blunderbuss is a thing

  • @simplelyricc

    I disagree, I think it would add to the game personal responsibility not only to solo players but crews of 4 as well. Have you ever locked yourself or a buddy lock there selves out of a car?

    Except in the case of Sea of Thieves, its impossible to prevent you from getting back in your ship. Its not really comparable to your car example. Regardless of if you happen to be off ship, you have more methods to get back on your ship in comparison to your opponents. You have the option of Mermaiding and having an Ally harpoon you on. It does in fact make it easier to secure your ship, because you have effectively eliminated most forms of stealthily boarding your ship.

  • @treefittymonsta Have you tried Solo Brigging? I find it more challenging than solo slooping, with the benefit of extreme speed on my side (at the cost of manuverability). I find it much nicer because I don't spend all my time sailing from point A to point B, and I have the speed to make Reapers Chests worth my while

  • @nuklrghandi said in Sloop ladders:

    @treefittymonsta Have you tried Solo Brigging? I find it more challenging than solo slooping, with the benefit of extreme speed on my side (at the cost of manuverability). I find it much nicer because I don't spend all my time sailing from point A to point B, and I have the speed to make Reapers Chests worth my while

    I only pvp so brig would be impossible for me to sail solo.

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