Adventure Mode+ servers

  • With the addition of Xbox servers (and Arena), it opened a way for new server types.

    I propose the Adventure Mode+. It's the same old Adventure with two changes to it:

    1. The crew size is increased. Sloop = 3 players; Brigantine = 4; Galleon 6
    2. The crew can also be made of two ships with the total of 6 players.
      E1: 1 person Solo Sloop and 5 people Galleon.
      E2: 3 people Sloop and 3 people Brigantine.
      The ships share both the loot and voyage. Players can change the members of each ship at the outpost.

    I think this would make the game more entertaining for many players - especially those with more than 3 friends.

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  • Even though I like the idea and really like to see the servers and ships full, I think that will not happen due to the limitation of the servers...

  • @archaell Do you realize how ridiculously overpowered and unbalanced a 3 man sloop, 4 man brigantine, and a 6 man galleon would be? I can already solo a sloop efficiently, now imagine that but with 2 more guys and then sloop would be ridiculously OP. A 4 man brig would also be quite unbalanced as it would basically counteract all weakness brig has. A 6 man galleon would just be ridiculous as you would be basically unsinkable, able to use ridiculous amounts of firepower at all times, and you would just be able to make very stupid moves against the smaller ships and still manage to get out because of sheer tankiness.

    The ships have been balanced around their current crew sizes and thus increasing (or decreasing) their sizes is not a good idea. I have a better idea. They make the server count able to have 12 ships, but you can spawn with 2. So you will still only be able to be at max 1/6th of a server (assuming you play fair, but this would actually make alliance servers harder). I would add in a 6 man and 8 man ship. The 6 man ship would basically just be a bigger galleon with 2 decks but the middle deck has 6 cannons instead of the top deck. It would be a galleon but with all the disadvantages/advantages around 1.5x better. The 8 man ship would have 3 decks, 4 masts (3,4,4,3 for the amount of sails on each mast) with 8 cannons on the deck below the main deck.

    To balance these new ship types they would be for all intents and purposes unable to catch literally any ship which new what they were doing that was of a lower class. They would be large enough that they would require extreme amounts of coordination, and they would be quite easy to sink if you use tactics to avoid their broadsides.

  • @TargasBR If I remember correctly, the main issue are the ships, not the players, so perhaps if the 6 ships per server stay the same, the servers should be able to handle the increased crew size.

    @jofjjay I suggested a new mode so that it doesn't have to be completely balanced. Also who would win - 6man Galleon or two 3man Brigantines? I don't think the answer is so easy, because all the ships would be "overpowered", but that's the point of the mode.

  • @archaell Other day a player from a Brazilian community said that the limit is not 6 ships per session, but that it varies depending on the size of the ship and the number of players. Can you tell me which of these information is correct?

  • @targasbr Technically both can be correct. What I remember is that each ship takes lot of resources so we can't have more than 6. Based on that I assume players take significantly less resources so it shouldn't be impossible to increase the crew size. In the worst case scenario we would have to lower the number of ships to balance the load.

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