Pirate Legend Hideout (Journal) Door Opening Service :)

  • Inspired to help out... by @ps4isbestlul


    From 5PM GMT today... or shortly afterwards (Wednesday 22th Jan)... with a small break for food :)
    I will offer my services to open up that "Legend Door"... for those not yet at Legend Status, for a few hours.
    So you can get that journal.

    I intend to start a galleon that remains at dock.
    If people are interested.... Join Me.. Join the Crew... then rotate the crew in & out as required.

    Let me know sure.... forum name is my gamertag.
    (drop me a message either here or on the xbox app)

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  • @piratecraggy Doing the (pirate) lords work there matey. Good on you!

  • @luciansanchez82

    Aye... I fancy a chilled session, and a few grogs of course.
    An impromptu community gathering :)

  • @piratecraggy I have some sad news for all pirates who aren't legends or with pirate legends....
    If you're not a legend or not acompanied by a pirate legend you can't get past the waterfall.

    So @PirateCraggy I suggest you team up with people specificly who want this journal otherwise you'll dissapoint people.

  • @hynieth

    Well I will be accompanying them.
    That's the idea.

  • @piratecraggy said in Pirate Legend Hideout (Journal) Door Opening Service :):

    Inspired to help out... by @ps4isbestlul


    From 5PM GMT today... or shortly afterwards (Wednesday 22th Jan)... with a small break for food :)
    I will offer my services to open up that "Legend Door"... for those not yet at Legend Status, for a few hours.
    So you can get that journal.

    I intend to start a galleon that remains at dock.
    If people are interested.... Join Me.. Join the Crew... then rotate the crew in & out as required.

    Let me know sure.... forum name is my gamertag.
    (drop me a message either here or on the xbox app)

    lol I will sail with ye tomorrow if yer up to it and I still need it

  • @piratecraggy
    Mr PirateCraggy...No...Dear Mr PirateCraggy , you are one of the very few lights that are still shining bright on this Forum...If i could ever upvote one person to become a Boatswain ,then i would vote on you ( * Oi, George , you bloody Moron, are you turning into a politician ? Promising empty promises...hey? The number of Boatswains is stuck at 31 , nomatter how hard Pirates do their best to promote comaraderie on this Forum , they will only be seen Legends to those who care for them....Sadly enough... - Well said , Sunshine...for once.)

    Keep having that Golden Heart ,mate , nomatter how many naysayers may come around , it's Pirates like you who keep the Flame of Friendship , comaraderie and solidarity burn...

  • @clumsy-george

    George your words are too kind.
    I just inhabit my little area of the forum, and like to ( if I can ) help out.
    I know myself from the early days of the game... there are great & good names no longer with us that helped me on my journey.
    If I can... in return , if only occasionally, help a fellow Pirate... well it would be "rude' not to, if at all I can.

    I helped one guy through last night. Which was awesome, and doing so have a matey.
    Who in the future, if he so wishes, I'll help again... maybe indeed can help me.

    "Boatswain & titles"... well, I'm not or ever have been a man for any title.
    Although (re.the Boatswains)... I'm very thankful to them all ( you know who you are ), and the many others, for taking me under their wing.
    I'm glad to call yourself and all ... a matey.
    We continue our journey together.

  • @piratecraggy
    Yes!!! "Boatswain & titles"... well, I'm not or ever have been a man for any title...That's the True Spirit , my Friend ...We are only ants amongst Gods but Goddamnit , we can change whole mentalities if we just keep continue what we always have done , but on a more smaller and personal scale...i too, get more Heartwarmth in helping New Pirates than i ever would from a title , i would and have deny them , and throw them in the bin anyway....YeeeeHaaaa, you Rebel with a Golden Heart!!!!!

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