Choosing a side? Good vs Evil ..Flameheart vs Pirate Lord

  • If say in the future updates their was a tall tale and in that tall tale you get to make a choice. The choice is to side with flameheart or help protect with the pirate Lord who's side are you choosing. Also when you choose you can only unlock say a certain ship set and the other is permanently locked. Basically this would create a good vs evil in the sea of thieves world. And a new storyline unique to your choice.

    I choose flameheart.

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  • I hope this wont happen, or thst i can stay neutral and need not choose a side.

    I'm a pirate of my own, free and nobody's follower.
    Nor Ramsey, neither Flameheart Sr. or Flameheart Jr.

    And awhat about cursed cannonballs.
    Wouldnt the Followers of Ramsey Singh deny to use them as Cpt. Warmsith aka Wanda made them from a cannon of the Burning Blade?!

  • I completely like your idea apart from the restriction of being good or evil. I think that there is duality in all of us, no one is purely one or the other. it's cool to raise meaningful questions like this though.

    I guess, to answer your question, for me, I would like the option to infiltrate the ranks of flame heart and his loyal followers, so I could ultimately betray you all and steal all of your loot, return home to daggertooth for a cold grog in my favourite tavern and get a warm pat on the back from all my 'not so evil' pirate matey's for a job well done!

  • @chris-enigma

    P.s. That doesn't mean to say I won't also try to steal from them as well!

  • Which ever side lets me become a skeleton. Honestly though, I have a lot of ideas I could pull off then, from pretending to be a poor sailor who had been lost at sea in my rowboat, sneaking around skeletons at a fort to get the drop on a rival, or even pulling off an homage to Brook from One Piece.

  • I wouldn't like this "decision making" either. In some games it works in adding this freedom, but in a game as free as sea of thieves it would actually restrict the game. It would force u to play locked to certain parameters. In other words, choosing a side forces u to stick with that side till the end of the quest. As a pirate, the choice to side with someone should be like the sea, always shifting, sometimes calm and sometimes relentless. I have always said this, but tall tales or any adventure in this game should NOT force you to follow the story. If the game provides a story for you to follow then it is there only to help you create your own adventure. It shouldn't be about this great epic, but about being the protagonist in a great epic. As a pirate it should be about wanting to get a quick gold and get out or about ending the story to see the great rewards lie at the end of it all. Then again we really don't know what flame heart really wants or is aiming for other than wanting to make the seas more challenging.

  • @ajm123 I like this idea. I would have to choose the pirate lord. we all either are or are trying to get pirate legend. with the amount of time put into reaching Athena's Fortune. it would seem wrong to betray them after all of the work. especially those of us that are Athena 20.

    However, Reapers will need to make the choice.

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