New Player Here

  • I just downloaded the game on the XBone to play something different from the typical FPS games I have been playing over the last several years; CoD:MW, CoD: BO 1-4, Destiny 1&2, etc.

    The first couple of hours were pretty much just getting familiar with certain things in the game and running a few missions/voyages. Then I started getting hammered by larger more experienced players and having my ship camped so I could not return to my ship without dying instantly. I know this is all part of the game but pretty sad that people get their rocks off by mobbing an obvious new player.

    Anyway to my reason for posting. If anyone feels like helping a noob at Sea, please feel free to send me an invite or message on XBone at CURNtheNERD and I will do my best not to puke on the deck... or below it. Thanks!


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  • Welcome to the great wonders of the SOT.
    Helpful Lessons Tips.

    • If you find yourself being spawn camped. Cut your ties and Scuttle the ship.
    • Not all pirates act like that. So don't be to heavy on judging them all. Some risks are required to find them, raise alliance flag, use your speaker, ahoy and such.
    • Sale all your loot often, unless your a brave soul, hord away. (Tho you may become one of the cursed ^_^)
    • Not all players are "experienced." They see a video on youtube and just copy what someone does. Like spawn camping or hiding on ships. Good experience would sink your ship, steal your loot and leave you on an island with nothing but one shot.

    Happy sailing.

  • @curnthenerd said in New Player Here:

    I just downloaded the game on the XBone to play something different from the typical FPS games I have been playing over the last several years; CoD:MW, CoD: BO 1-4, Destiny 1&2, etc.

    The first couple of hours were pretty much just getting familiar with certain things in the game and running a few missions/voyages. Then I started getting hammered by larger more experienced players and having my ship camped so I could not return to my ship without dying instantly. I know this is all part of the game but pretty sad that people get their rocks off by mobbing an obvious new player.

    Anyway to my reason for posting. If anyone feels like helping a noob at Sea, please feel free to send me an invite or message on XBone at CURNtheNERD and I will do my best not to puke on the deck... or below it. Thanks!


    mate i'm sorry you had that happen to ye and ye can join me i play tuesday to saturday usually and it's not you're fault that you got attacked when i was new i got attacked everyday.

  • @burnbacon Thank you for the reply.

    The situation happened when I sailed into the Flying Dutchman area. A small ship come up from the water and I was able to sink it. Then another small ship came up and I began attacking it. That is when the other player's ship approached and at first harpooned the second small ship that I was fighting. I thought, ok, this guy is going to help, so I continued firing at the small ship. Then the player unhooked from the ship that I was attacking and came after me. That is when it all went bad.

    Lesson learned.

  • You say lesson learned, but I don't know if that's true because you also said "...pretty sad that people get their rocks off by mobbing an obvious new player".

    It's sad that pirates attacked you in a pirate game?

    1. How are they supposed to just know you're an "obvious new player"?
    2. All players are pirates in an online, multiplayer game with thieves in the title. Get used to people wanting to attack and/or steal.
    3. Being rude about others may not be best way to get help.
    4. Did you use your mic and talk to them in game? Communication is key.
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