cosmetic crew chest.

  • This is because of a thread of @kingslayer-Kurt and @lizalaroo
    reminding me that the ship cosmetics due to the sessionbased design of the game are shared within your crewmates.

    You are maybe new or missed this or that exclusive cosmetic, but if you have someone in your crew A10 you sail an A10 ship if you want or the Bonecrusher Set or the Wailing Barnacle Set or whatever...
    Same for Athena journeys.

    Now i think it would be cool to have the cloth and the tool chest, maybe weapons also in your ship containing all cosmetics the crewmembers have.
    Exclude Athena and Piratelegend cosmetics, exclude day 1 eyepatch and such and cosmetics that were or are tied to real money Investment like Ferryman set, but for sure add the exclusive event cosmetics.
    This way we can have crew uniforms and crews dress all the same and those who missed some exclusive cosmetics, no matter why are able to equip it as long as there is one crewmember who has them.
    Sessionbased for sure!

    I would like to share it with new players!!!

    What do you think, it would solve a lot of disapointment about that and i honestly understand them somehow, it would counter some elitism and exageration about the "meaning" of it.

    Feel free to comment, but please keep calm and dont get upset if you think that your effort would be devalued, imho it wouldn't because it's not the cosmetics, but the experience we had partaking what values more to me.

    good winds to all of you

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  • That is a good idea to solve the "issue". I think no one would be hurt this way.

  • Forgot to say if the cosmetic need a commendation like the Forsaken Ashen stuff it would be available but locked until you did the commendation, afaik they are still all possible to do.

  • @bugaboo-bill Hi Bill, it's a good idea on the surface but like you said, you are already excluding certain items (day one eye patch etc.). This another issue that I'd rather the devs not 'waste' time on and would rather them concentrate their time on actual game play content.

  • @octopus-lime

    Apreciate your opinion on this and is fine if you disagree or say it needs some development time.
    But i dont think that this is very hard to code, but i for sure cannot rate about that, my coding experience ans knowledge is very much limited.
    Lets say it's only a few lines of code and can be done in one of the upcoming Updates, would you he fine with it in general or not?
    I think if they would say it's possible, and they will do if they have the time to do it, it would leave all who want it feel better and they would wait patiently to have this feature be live.

  • @bugaboo-bill To be honest I'm a firm believer that if you didn't earn the cosmetics at the time of the event, then you shouldn't have them as it tells the players story, but that is just my opinion.

  • @bugaboo-bill good idea, but only for ship-cosmetics...
    What would happen, if clothes would be "shared" that way, if you start next time without the guys who you got that from? You start naked then? Would be a bit annoying to re-equip all the clothes every session...

  • @bugaboo-bill said in cosmetic crew chest.:

    This is because of a thread of @kingslayer-Kurt and @lizalaroo
    reminding me that the ship cosmetics due to the sessionbased design of the game are shared within your crewmates.

    You are maybe new or missed this or that exclusive cosmetic, but if you have someone in your crew A10 you sail an A10 ship if you want or the Bonecrusher Set or the Wailing Barnacle Set or whatever...
    Same for Athena journeys.

    Now i think it would be cool to have the cloth and the tool chest, maybe weapons also in your ship containing all cosmetics the crewmembers have.
    Exclude Athena and Piratelegend cosmetics, exclude day 1 eyepatch and such and cosmetics that were or are tied to real money Investment like Ferryman set, but for sure add the exclusive event cosmetics.
    This way we can have crew uniforms and crews dress all the same and those who missed some exclusive cosmetics, no matter why are able to equip it as long as there is one crewmember who has them.
    Sessionbased for sure!

    I would like to share it with new players!!!

    What do you think, it would solve a lot of disapointment about that and i honestly understand them somehow, it would counter some elitism and exageration about the "meaning" of it.

    Feel free to comment, but please keep calm and dont get upset if you think that your effort would be devalued, imho it wouldn't because it's not the cosmetics, but the experience we had partaking what values more to me.

    good winds to all of you

    nice idea mate

  • @schwammlgott

    Yeah maybe, valid argument.

  • @bugaboo-bill Ship cosmetics aren't shared within your crewmates - a pirate can't go into the shipwright chest and see/decorate the ship with a crewmember's cosmetics, so why would we share clothing cosmetics?

  • @entspeak sagte in cosmetic crew chest.:

    @bugaboo-bill Ship cosmetics aren't shared within your crewmates - a pirate can't go into the shipwright chest and see/decorate the ship with a crewmember's cosmetics, so why would we share clothing cosmetics?

    Literally they are shared if someone equip stuff you dont have you have them for this session equipped to the crew ship and everybody "has them".
    I see no problem to share my cloth cosmetics with others who dont have them.
    Why we should do or ve able to do it?
    Many are disappointed they dont have them, so why not grant them access to it when together in a crew?

  • @bugaboo-bill No, they aren't shared. One person puts on the cosmetic. That isn't sharing. Nobody else in the crew has that cosmetic if they didn't have it already. If it were shared, they'd be able to take it off and put it back on, but they can't if they don't have it.

    I don't care if someone is dissapointed they don't have them. They don't have them. Deal.

  • @entspeak sagte in cosmetic crew chest.:

    @bugaboo-bill No, they aren't shared. One person puts on the cosmetic. That isn't sharing. Nobody else in the crew has that cosmetic if they didn't have it already. If it were shared, they'd be able to take it off and put it back on, but they can't if they don't have it.

    I don't care if someone is dissapointed they don't have them. They don't have them. Deal.

    All fine, i'm trying to find compromises for those who want them and disagree with the exclusivity of them.
    I need nothing i have them all :-)

  • @bugaboo-bill I just don't see the need for a compromise.

  • @entspeak sagte in cosmetic crew chest.:

    @bugaboo-bill I just don't see the need for a compromise.

    I'm in love actually, my PoV is heavily influenced and i am a pretty nice person atm :-)

    Or in other words, i'm a little bit entitled to be a nice person and suffer some serious psychologic imbalancies 😂

  • @bugaboo-bill And? Is the implication that, somehow, I'm not a nice person?

    Cosmetics are a form of progression in the game - some are only unlockable at certain levels, for example. The exclusive cosmetics give a sense of "I was here when". I see no reason to give that type of progression to folks who haven't earned it or weren't there. Simple as.

  • I would go one step further. Allow the crew mates to buy all the outdated cosmetics you own for doubloons. Maybe lock it behind completing the athena together - 1 voyage, 1 cosmetic. It would promote more player interactions and that's the main point of the game. :)

  • @entspeak sagte in cosmetic crew chest.:

    @bugaboo-bill And? Is the implication that, somehow, I'm not a nice person?

    Cosmetics are a form of progression in the game - some are only unlockable at certain levels, for example. The exclusive cosmetics give a sense of "I was here when". I see no reason to give that type of progression to folks who haven't earned it or weren't there. Simple as.

    I got it, it was in no way about you and if you are a nice person or not, but because i think compromises for peopme who want them, but dont got them.

    I dont share the opinion of that we earned or deservd them and they don't.
    I am ready to dispense their exclusivity. Not all, but some and i said it still needs them to have the commendations if still available.
    Barnacle Set has none iirc, Forsaken Ashen has some.
    Day one eye patch or cosmetics like Ferryman what were paid for remain exclusive, same for Lord Guardian Sails for example.

    All fine, i got your opinion, let's see what others say ;-)

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