Impossible fishing in storm

  • Hello pirates !!!

    I would like to point out a concern that I have since the update of the fort of the Damned and which must affect a lot of people,
    Today, it's almost impossible to fish during a storm, so catch a storm of shade, I do not even talk about it.
    Would it be possible to point out to the developer this problem because having white light has become child's play but back up 1 fish during a storm becomes a miracle ...
    If you have a walkthrough or a trick that will allow me to do so, I am a taker.
    I have already tried from the sloop cabin but the light touches us anyway.

    Thank you for watching my post and sorry for the probable mistakes of writing, I am not English at the base.
    Thank you for your indulgence

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  • I only got it by luck when I was fishing with others. I had seen two over 4 hours of fishing prior and lost them to getting struck. Luckily a crewmate got one and managed to reel it in before we got struck again.

  • What we usually do is duo slooping and when one of us gets the trophy stormfish the other stays close to him until he pulls it out hoping that he will get struck instead of the one fishing. you need some luck but as far as I am concerned its the most efficient way

  • @mimiaucarre jump into the water, lightning strikes are not that common when you're in the water...only problem, when a shark spawns...but when you are 2 or more people, one can handle the sharks...

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