Can the sails be moved upward or something?

  • I could just be dense but I don’t think sails on a ship were so low that it blocked a pirate’s line of sight.

    The sails have caused several problems for me (it’s worse when the banners pop up for completed voyages or when approaching islands and such). One of them being not seeing barrels in front of me because i can’t see the seagulls or my attention is briefly diverted elsewhere and prevents me from seeing them before the waves cause the ship to dip or rise enough that the sails block the seagulls from my line of sight.

    Why do I bring this up in particular?

    The fact that kegs are now randomly spawned in the water. It’s not as bad as it was when they first were introduced when Reapers Chests were in the game, but there is the occasional bunch of barrels that have kegs in them.

    It’s annoying when I can’t see a group of seagulls which signals a bunch of barrels (you can tell the difference between barrels and shipwrecks because barrels have a small amount of seagulls that don’t fly in a particular pattern, and shipwrecks have a large flock of them and they fly in a circular motion in one spot), and I end up being the unlucky git who runs into kegs.

    It’s a few and far between chance of happening but when it does, it’s often at inconvenient times. And the explosions often knock you off your ship, and because of the slow load times you dont get back to your ship in time, or it kills you and again, slow loading times prevent you from getting back in time to save your ship.

    Merely a suggestion, unsure if anyone else shares my strife, but this is just my own suggestion and feedback.

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  • @agent-samuraii
    I remember hearing this was done on purpose to encourage teamwork. Even on a real ship back then they had someone who was the eyes for the captain on the front of the ship.

    Goin solo is tedious work. Try not to be glued to the wheel mate. I have been solo too lately, and those barrels only got me once. Sometimes i swear those birds dont render until its too late!!!

  • People out here complaining about everything. You can easily curl the sail for a little better view. Or you can let go of the wheel and walk down the steps a little. The only ship this may even be an issue on is the brig as it doesn't allow the step technic.

  • @agent-samuraii

    Have a look out, raise the sails for a captain curl at a speed cost or move your behind.

    The reason the sails are that way is to promote teamwork and skilled play, if you want to go at max speed or have a trade off between visibility and speed.

  • Its just funny everyone understands the wheel should be on the front of the boat but the rudder was not working somehow 🤨 ever since 1600 we are stuck with this sails problem and they never figured out how to fix it so they came up with steamengines and stopped using sails so you expect them to put the wheel to the front but it was no longer nescessary.. yeah ask titanic 😖

  • @agent-samuraii yeah this was implemented so you could work as a team that’s why it isn’t hard to see on a sloop because of the solo sloop community

  • @agent-samuraii but I’ve seen people complain about this a lot

  • @nwo-azcrack

    I’m never glued to the wheel. Even back in my noob days I learned quickly to pay attention

  • @iii-porker-iii

    I step down the stairs and off the wheel thanks.

    And if I curl the sails upward I lose speed. Remember the “inconvenient times” i mentioned? That INCLUDES being chased by enemy pirates.

  • @agent-samuraii

    I could just be dense but I don’t think sails on a ship were so low that it blocked a pirate’s line of sight.

    it has always been like that in this game.

    The sails have caused several problems for me (it’s worse when the banners pop up for completed voyages or when approaching islands and such). One of them being not seeing barrels in front of me because i can’t see the seagulls or my attention is briefly diverted elsewhere and prevents me from seeing them before the waves cause the ship to dip or rise enough that the sails block the seagulls from my line of sight.

    You are not supposed to be glued to the helm at all times when sailing. xD

    Release the helm, take a trip down the stairs, and use your spyglass to check for the seagulls. :P

    The wheel wont move by itself unless you are in a storm, so you can set the wheel to turn slightly to one side, to compensate for the offset caused by the waves, causing it to sail in a straight line, without requiring anybody to be at the helm... Allowing you to be, wherever the hell you want until you have to change course and re-adjust the helm again.

    It depends on the direction of the waves, and the speed of your ship/how much wind your sails are catching, but there's always a way to balance the helm to make the ship sail straight.

    TL;DR: Let go of the steering wheel and go look at where you are sailing.

  • @sweltering-nick

    Hey if you actually learn to read I am NEVER GLUED TO THE HELM

    So read up. Im not wasting my time explaining myself when I already have before.

  • @agent-samuraii then why do you have a problem with this? I don't even notice how low the sail is and I pretty much exclusively do solo slooping.

  • @agent-samuraii Tbvh @JofJJay has a point, if you aint glued to the helm, there's no reason why it would be a problem for you. :o

  • As others have pointed out, the sails are fine.

    Now, the banners, I do agree. There is no reason for the island name banners to take up so much screen space.

  • @sweltering-nick

    There is such a thing as the waves blocking your field of vision on the water.

    Don’t see the seagulls right away? Welp.

    And it’s IMPOSSIBLE to see them at night.

  • @jofjjay

    So do I but there is always an issue with the sails.

    Just cuz it isnt a problem for you dont mean its not a problem for others.

  • @agent-samuraii said in Can the sails be moved upward or something?:


    There is such a thing as the waves blocking your field of vision on the water.

    Don’t see the seagulls right away? Welp.

    And it’s IMPOSSIBLE to see them at night.

    What do you mean? In a few seconds you'll be ontop of the wave, and be able to see everything... If you still cant see anything, jump onto the high points of your sloop... the tarp, or the tip of the plank-thingy in front of the ship.

    Seriously, what are these arguments of yours about non-issues? ._.

    It's not impossible to see them at night, but i guess you don't have perfect eye-sight? How do you expect Rare to fix that?

  • @agent-samuraii said in Can the sails be moved upward or something?:


    Hey if you actually learn to read I am NEVER GLUED TO THE HELM

    So read up. Im not wasting my time explaining myself when I already have before.

    Then don't post such stupid nonsense.
    It's been said above. If you aren't "glued to the helm" then look forwards.
    If your stepping or moving the sail up a little. Then why can't you look where you are going.
    The rest of us seem to do fine.
    Sorry for being rude

  • @agent-samuraii What I do is I literally just run around the ship and avoid barrels when I see them. I mean do you really even need to be up by the helm very much at all as long as you adjust the sails. Its not the games fault that you cannot get around the sail. Hey if you want to go faster but don't want to deal with the sail don't raise the sail just adjust it so that it is to the side always. Not that that is an efficient thing to do but if the sail is really such a problem that will work.

  • @agent-samuraii

    It's totally intentional as others have said. It encourages team communication and/or not being glued to the wheel.

  • @jofjjay

    Your speed will still be messed up.

    And yes it does matter how long you’re away from the wheel lately cuz nowadays you can’t sail anywhere without your ship veering off and it’s WORSE when you’re sailing west!

  • @dreadpirate9200

    Don’t be rude then if you really are sorry.

    The sails can still be a problem no matter what you do.

  • @agent-samuraii

    The ship steering away has always been in the game. Its actually pretty accurate. The way the waves move and the way the ship is pushed, its direction shifts from time to time.

    This is what I do.

    Right as I have sails angled and I am driving in a direction I check the compass next to the wheel. I watch how fast it begins to shift either direction.

    Depending on the area and how wild the waves are, going over a wave can turn your ship about 10 degrees in one direction. If the sails are angled to the sides and you have full billow, then the direction shift is even worse over the waves.

    So watch the compass. Check to see how bad its veering off course. Then turn the wheel to compensate and just leave the wheel like that. Everytime it bounces and turns the wheel will slightly turn the ship into the other direction before the next wave hits. It keeps going like that. Now granted you'll have to go back to the wheel again to correct your course, but this will buy you A LOT more time to be off it.

    Calmer waters with the sails point straight ahead is usually the only REAL time you can leave your wheel dead center and it not veer off course every 10 seconds.

    EDIT Not gonna lie though, those barrels spawning the water almost killed me 3 times. Caused my prey to get away one of those times.

    The issue with those barrels is they spawn within a radius of the ship and often then not directly in line of your course.

    I remember a long time ago barrels used to be part of the world like sunken ships. They were far away and you would have sail towards them. NOW they spawn close to your boat, sometimes you can even WATCH them spawn in because of how close they are when they do spawn.

    I had clear waters, went downstairs to get supplies, ran to wheel to check my heading, got off wheel and barrels right in front of me that werent there before. No time to change course, ran to my anchor, dropped it, and jumped off the boat. Within 2 seconds I hear BOOM BOOM.

    I go back to the ship, repair, but by this point the ship I was chasing was long gone.

    I like the barrels because I've lead players by the nose into them and laughed when they sank, but the spawn mechanics need changing so that its not so close directly in front of you.

  • @agent-samuraii This is due to the force of the waves and the way the wind is going.

    To get round this don't have your wheel straight all the time, adjust it a couple of notches to combat the wind and you will sail true.
    As @Xultanis-Dragon said, watch the compass, see if it keeps moving and adjust the wheel until it stays on your desired direction.

    If you look into how many people are arguing against your OP and take note of how many upvotes everyone else with an opposing view to your own are getting VS how many you are getting. It's clear which way the community feels.

    Just letting you know, you are pretty alone in feeling like this is a problem.
    I have never once sailed into a TnT floating in and amongst the barrels.
    And I personally have never had a problem looking where I'm going.
    I think many will agree with me there.

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