Underwater Swimming

  • Swimming underwater controls for swimming straight up and down.
    While underwater, How about a button to dive down and a button to emerge from the water (up.)
    Every good underwater game has this. Take subnautica for example.
    On pc It’s space bar to go up and C to go down.
    On Xbox it’s LB and RB which are already used in SOT so understandably may not work there.
    Mapping to a controller is the only understandable reason why this would be an issue. Pc keyboards have space and C unmapped while swimming or space and Ctrl.
    This could remain unmapped for a controller with the option to manually map it in the settings.

    We all know how painful it is to navigate sunken ships due to the swimming mechanics. Getting stuck everywhere you go. Even swimming under our ship is a pain sometimes After a sword lunge especially or finding ladders while under water. Please address this.

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  • If I lose the LS button, I can't swim faster underwater; if I lose the RS button, I lose my food hotkey for quick healing.

    This is a no from me. Want to swim up? Press up. Want to swim down? Press down.

    Subnautica is an amazing game, BTW. 😅

  • @alfaal-24-7

    The ships aren't a pain if you know their and your hitboxes. You just have to practice. I can swim through pretty much any part of a shipwreck and not get stuck, because I've done it so many times. Also, the hitboxes react weirdly sometimes as well, which doesn't always help. However, remapping two buttons like that on a controller isn't going to work.

  • @ultmateragnarok ever played subnautica? its an underwater swimming game and the swimming is so much more comfortable. hard to explain youll just have to see for yourself. if your truly comfortable swimming in spirals to swim directly down then enjoy.

  • @galactic-geek your right. those buttons arent great suggestions. im hoping they can figure it out because there is no "press up, press down button" there is only forward and backward depending on where your looking.

  • Mapping to a controller is the only understandable reason why this would be an issue. Pc keyboards have space and C unmapped while swimming or space and Ctrl. Even C up and Ctrl down
    This could remain unmapped for a controller with the option to manually map it in the settings.

  • @alfaal-24-7

    I do indeed have Subnautica, it's a very good game. However, Sea of Thieves has a vastly different control layout to it, and adding more buttons for movement controls than there currently are wouldn't work very well. I could see the 'A' button working for upwards swimming, but there's nothing available for downwards swimming.

  • @ultmateragnarok how about RB isn’t that the pull your maps out button? When’s the last time you did that underwater.
    I can see controller being difficult. But please explain how making it available to map to keyboards numerous buttons shouldn’t be an option.
    Unfair to a controller player? Maybe yes. But a controller could map their A as you said plus another such as one of the four D pads or RB (the quest map button)

  • @ultmateragnarok I appreciate your feedback and input. Even if we disagree. The next time you sword lunge to your boat and get stuck under the ship or are in a sunken ship wishing you didn’t have to turn a 360 just to swim to the deck below you’ll remember the convenience of subnautica’s underwater swimming and think of this post.

  • @alfaal-24-7 said in Underwater Swimming:

    @galactic-geek your right. those buttons arent great suggestions. im hoping they can figure it out because there is no "press up, press down button" there is only forward and backward depending on where your looking.

    But that kind of makes sense, IMO. IRL, when swimming, you have to be prostrate or generally facing the direction that you're swimming.

    Subnautica, while a fantastic game, takes place in the future and has technology that we can only dream of (though I love how it's all in the realm of possibility). As such, it makes sense that in it, you'd have a way to go straight up or down at any time.

    I suppose you could go straight up or down IRL if you tried, but it would be incredibly slow. Picture yourself trying to push yourself up or down without angling your body in that direction - you would effectively only be able to use your hands, dog-paddle style, and that's a lot of mass to push up or down with such tiny flippers. You need to be able to use your feet for thrust.

  • How do I dive/swim underwater I play on Xbox console and with a controller and my friend said to push in on left stick until clicks while ponting down with the right stick and move around with the left stick but it doesn't work just keeps me above water do I need to fix settings and if so which settings?

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