Its not for everyone them ancient coins share some salt

  • You can be a big fan, you can have millions of gold, you swim in doubloons but you cant buy a pet or new emote.

    There are ancient skeletons out there with the invisible megan waiting to be found!

    But its not for everyone..

    Some cant buy ancient coins or are not allowed to. Some are hunting invisible foes but cant seem to find any..

    Its not for everyone you know.

    Your friends they have pets. People waving at you with new emotes.. it hurts you are always lagging behind.

    But it is not for you.

    You always stayed behind when they left to do fun things because life is unfair and for you it is too expensive to share this experience.

    Its not for everyone.

    You are captain salty, a landlubber without a boat, a solooper without a pet friend, captain lonely, captain poor.

    A life as a thief, a burglar or a beggar. A pirate of misfortune wielding a old rusty dagger.

    Its not for everyone and its not to share.

    This is for you to one day wake up in this old dirty tavern to look up and find a message in a bottle with a other worldly inscription worth a 1000 ancient coins.

    Because it should be for everyone also for you to one day step inside and join a adventure with a pet friend and this new expression by emote or just the awesome new figurehead for your own boat.

    But its not for everyone

    Its a pirate code for europe to change for ancient coins. 1000 ancient coins just like that so you can finally own a pet.

    Its not for everyone.. but maybe this is for you? Share your salt and Ill choose one to share some of my pirate happiness :")

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  • I feel this so bad :'( lol

    With car troubles, high rent and bills at home and lesser paychecks I simply am not able to enjoy some of the more lavish cosmetics. Its just not for me
    ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

  • @genericanalyst

    Well today it is xD
    Stay tuned for a private message and enjoy!

  • There is a suggestion that during weekly events, in addition to the usual rewards, it is possible to get a limited number of ancient coins, and the players are pleased and onlain will increase

  • @Ruigtand-NL

    Thank you dude!
    ✼  ҉  ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)  ҉ ✼

  • Lets do one more shall we! Lets get one out of the dark to send him onto the blue with his own muppet crew xD

  • +1 for Muppet Treasure Island
    +1000000000 for Tim Curry

    So when we get premium songs in the emporium, can Professional Pirate plz?

  • @pithyrumble

    I guess you are our next winner :)

    We dont have songs yet but you won the jump for joy emote and all weird stuff that comes with the package xD

    Need to know region us or eu for this ms code to change for ancient coin.. ?

    And when it works we like to see you jump for joy xD

  • @ruigtand-nl

    Huh? Oh okay! Sent you a chat.

  • @pithyrumble

    Alright try the code i send to change for ancient coins and plunder the emporium!

  • @ruigtand-nl

    Oh very nice, thank you! I'll post a jump when I get back on tomorrow sometime. Have to hit the Hammock for the night.

  • Next one is for someone who failed to protect his love from pirates!

    Now you can win the blow kiss emote and make things right.

  • @ruigtand-nl

    I’m amazed at your generosity - faith in humanity has been restored!

  • @peteloaf777

    Well we are greedy pirates, bloodthirsty, hostile and salty but we share a funny game and should never loose faith right :)

  • Didn't realize I had the "Shoo" emote in the clip to, but a jump for joy as promised 😁

    Again, thank you!

  • I found a new winner xD


    He dont like emergent pop up monsters and i agree it could have some extra time to escape if you dont like it.. its a sandbox to play what you like i think.

    So you win a pet to sound alarm and a go away emote for the emergent monsters!

    If you can use it offcourse then let me know the region eu or us? I can share you a ms code to get some ancient coins :)

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