More Cosmetic Ideas

  • Unsure if this has been suggested or not, but here’s a quick example:

    I figured that, since defeating the Kraken a lot gives you kraken stuff for both your pirate and your ship, I figured that me defeating the Shrouded Ghost would’ve rewarded something really cool, but upon checking I got nothing which was kinda disappointing since the mythical Ghost is so so rare. The title itself was amazing to have but imagine being able to show off such a cool achievement through ship or pirate cosmetics. The same could go for the defeat of Ancient Terror, Crested Queen, Shadowmaw, and The Hungering One.

    Just a small suggestion so we have more stuff to waste our gold on XD

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  • @agent-samuraii

    I've never wanted to say I hated someone on here......but anyone whose killed the beastie is on my most hated list.

    Dont get me wrong I'm happy for you, but I am allowed to be incredibly jelly at your success and the amount of salt I am producing could make an endless supply of soy sauce.

    So I hope you have a bad case of something. Maybe you eat something too spicy and spend a firey hell on the porcelain throne??

    I'll upvote though. Any idea for cosmetics is a good idea

  • @monkeyshishan

    Bruh I deleted my pirate so the commendation was lost.

    I joined the game MONTHS ago, and had been playing almost every day for hours straight.... for around 9 weeks.

    Aka; trust me it’s VERY hard to get that thing.

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