So sick of PC players please separate the cross play !!

  • 1 pc players faster then sonic response time

    2 always pistol shotgun combo

    3 lags console players so bad to dashboard

    4 1pc vs 4 console players pc wins due to lag and bull c**p or hacks too

    5 they do a one hit jump sword attack mashing their space bars w*f console can’t do that !!

    6 bullying

    7 just get ride of cross plat make it so
    pc vs pc
    Console vs console
    So even fights !

    8 oh and please fix this PC CAN TALK AND HEAR WHILE IN AN XBOX PARTY or if they are in DISCORD total BS

  • 45
  • @r3d-skull-39 i play on pc but i use a xbox controller haha. i dont think it matters that much. ive been playing since beta times. if youre skilled and have a good crew these things are marginally important. pvp isnt even the biggest thing in the game. there is sneakiness betrayal strategy. sure a straight out 1v1 gun fight on equal terms may not go in your full favor but i dont have that happen very often. i use my environment and trickery. i usually bomb people (sometimes with their own bombs always in the crows nest) then hide on their ship to execute them as they try to repair. and in the cases i do run up on people who outshine me due to skill or keyboard i take another tactic i use my ship or i just leave haha. im just saying the few times this makes a difference isnt worth cutting the player base apart and separating friends.

  • I was really excited for crossplay cuz i figured more people to play with, and dont get me wrong ive made a ton of PC friends but every one of my PC friends are PVP gods compared to me. Im levels 50/50/50/7 and against any console player i can hold my own, shoot even some really bad pc players. And i hate to admit this but its true, a mediocre PC player can take out a galleon of xbox players pretty easily. Its just the fact clicking where u want to shoot is inherently easier than aiming with a joystick.

  • @Rabbyt3 Your post has been removed for violating the forum rules. Please read and abide by these rules going forward.

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  • Everything you Said is so wrong!

  • May we hope this never comes to pass, for the game does not have enough PC players by itself to sustain itself. It will die out way quicker On PC as many games seem to do, there are exceptions but still.
    As far as "PC player gods" Teamwork. If you are solo, that is on you, there is an LFG you can find a 4 man crew the like of which you pick. Teamwork is your friend. Also how many console players have schooled you? More then a few I can imagine. And that is entirely normal it happens.

  • stop sooking removing crossplay ruins the point of the game, just learn to play better be more aware of your surroundings avoid all pvp because its to hard for you . and just look for empty islands and sit on the beach and wait for pve players to alliance with you

  • I do apologize for posting the picture of PC from the FlashGitz animation, you have to admit it's pretty funny and relates to the topic. But I do have to add in my input which is that this is an obvious thread to bash PC players by accusing us of things most of us don't even do. Even if the moderator removed my image because somebody got offended and reported it, they should at least lock this thread as well since it will only cause more unrest and flaming in the forums. Unless you have an actual argument and accusations with proof for removing Cross Platform Gaming in SoT, but this thread is definitely ridiculous.

  • Also what's up with reason 8? Does he mean the glitch where we can hear other people from far away in game because that's also going on with Xbox. Don't tell me he's complaining about PC players being in another chatting program talking to each other, Xbox has it too and why else would there be an official Discord server?

  • there was this guy we played with on an enemy galleon. our teammate had knocked him off the ladder 3 times. he
    caught the ladder every time on a full speed galleon. we had a PC player on our team and he clearly said you can do this.

  • @r3d-skull-39 said in So sick of PC players please separate the cross play !!:

    2 always pistol shotgun combo

    Didn't see that combo even once in weeks. Pistol + EoR is the go-to combo.

  • @revanjstone I am sorry three Lobby's I played in 4 hours of running I had only an hour to play rare where did the fun go? Saddens me mobs of PC goons and trolls it's lose lose

  • @r3d-skull-39 morning.
    This has been talked and talked and better talked about, even in a megathread. Rare are meant to be looking at feedback, but spamming the forums with constant x play threads is throttling the other discussions that are going on.
    You really do need to do a search of the forum to see if there are topics you want to comment on first!

  • @r3d-skull-39 said in So sick of PC players please separate the cross play !!:

    1 pc players faster then sonic response time

    Just wait untill X-Bone gets mouse support. You'll have the same options.

    2 always pistol shotgun combo

    I prefer EoR Sword combo thank you verry much so you're wrong here since I'm a PC player and me not using pistol blunderbuss makes it not always anymore.

    3 lags console players so bad to dashboard

    What? What are you talking about? I understand that console players aren't IT professionals but come on, you're not making your story creditable if you say things you don't know anything about.

    4 1pc vs 4 console players pc wins due to lag and bull c**p or hacks too

    Not really, one of my friends plays on X-bone and destroys 4 man crews on his own too. It's mostly a matter of skill. I'm not saying we don't have an advantage but it's not as big as people make it out to be. When someone wins a 1v4 you need to rethink your tactics as the 4 man team.

    5 they do a one hit jump sword attack mashing their space bars w*f console can’t do that !!

    No, indeed consoles don't have a spacebar (duh) however console players can bunnyhop and jump slash etc. The only limiting factor is turning speed.

    6 bullying

    One of the reasons I stopped playing online on my consoles was because of toxic people and bullying on x-box live. Don't blame PC players for that, blame people in general.

    7 just get ride of cross plat make it so

    A cross platform ride? Would that be a Rollercoaster?

    pc vs pc
    Console vs console
    So even fights !

    8 oh and please fix this PC CAN TALK AND HEAR WHILE IN AN XBOX PARTY or if they are in DISCORD total BS

    Wait, you're not able to use discord? Doesn't everyone have a smartphone nowadays?

    See you're making up most of your reasons for getting rid of Crossplay. I'll give you some reasons for crossplay that aren't made up:

    1. Bigger playerbase, you'll get a lot of diversity.
    2. Being able to play with friends dispite their platform of choice.
    3. It's not a competative game. There's no ranking or system where having an edge really matters in these kinds of situations.
    4. Most of the interactions are non personal PvP, ship battles/ social interactions/ PvE/ Exploration/ Co-Operation.
    5. The game will be able to live past its current generation console limitations. Eventually when the X-bone gets replaced with an X-two or whatever there's a good reason to upgrade in stead of staying on current platform thus making it a more living game.
    6. There will be eventual KB/M support for X-Bone.
    7. People already have advantages dispite being only on x-box, The X-Box oneX has quicker load times, an X-box with an SSD has Quicker load times as well, People can use a XIM for KB/M support and people can use a Pro controller for more accessable buttons and programmable combo's.
    8. Some PC players use controllers dispite having access to KB/M because they want to play on a couch in the living room.
  • @hynieth I play on the PC with my Xbox controller. I’m able to hold my own just fine. I switch back and forth between PC and Xbox One original. The only difference I’ve seen is load times, screen resolution, and FPS. The PC does feel zippier. If I were to upgrade to an Xbox One X then I think I’d get a similar sort of quick feel that I get on the PC. I’d only be missing the 60fps at 4K. Instead, I’d have 30fps at 4K.

  • @xxmikeokeo69xx i forgive you. sometimes people have bad play sessions. i have to say my bad play sessions went to less than 2 % when i stopped sailing solo. i dont know how you sail but once i had just another pair of hands and eyes i never got run up on. thats 90% of the battle there is situational knowledge. that basically dictates whether you even engage or not is up to you. theoretically you could just always run and never fight which is a very valid tactic. i typically choose to engage but on my terms that allow a path to escape if i am overwhelmed by the others skills pc or otherwise.

    unless the game comes out with some kinda dueling arena to gamble on, this is a non issue for me.

  • Stop asking this!
    It is one of the few games that has opened up to this possibility and has understood that it has great potential!
    Probably I would play alone and I would have already left the game if there were not my teammates on Xbox (I'm on Pc). Players who use misconduct can also be on xbox and among many others on PC use the Xbox controller. So what are we talking about?
    Take a step back just because some players do the whining? Please RARE not consider this in 2018!
    Think about having fun and do not blame who knows what if you get killed!

  • @fearthebearcat said in So sick of PC players please separate the cross play !!:

    May we hope this never comes to pass, for the game does not have enough PC players by itself to sustain itself.

    There are reasons why you wouldn't want optional crossplay, but sustaining the game for PC players I don't think is one.

    You only need 24 players to fill a server. So unless the active PC players are in the low hundreds that's a problem.

  • @riareth said in So sick of PC players please separate the cross play !!:

    @fearthebearcat said in So sick of PC players please separate the cross play !!:

    May we hope this never comes to pass, for the game does not have enough PC players by itself to sustain itself.

    There are reasons why you wouldn't want optional crossplay, but sustaining the game for PC players I don't think is one.

    You only need 24 players to fill a server. So unless the active PC players are in the low hundreds that's a problem.

    This is perfect.

    The people who are against OPTIONAL cross play( which caters to everyone) always fall back on the most ridiculous argument of “don’t split the player base, the world will end”. The servers are small, optional cross play is completely viable.

  • Add: 8. Better looking!

    On topic, many of the things you list are done by both console and pc players. Everyone can lag, bully and use 2 guns.

    Anyway, I only agree that pc players have a big advantage because of the mouse and keyboard. There are some really good console players that can beat pc players easily. From my experience however, console players are a lot easier to deal with, since they move so slowly.

    I don't like the idea of seperating the playerbase but I do agree that it's not really fair, at least when it comes to close combat.

  • @r3d-skull-39 said in So sick of PC players please separate the cross play !!:

    1 pc players faster then sonic response time

    2 always pistol shotgun combo

    3 lags console players so bad to dashboard

    4 1pc vs 4 console players pc wins due to lag and bull c**p or hacks too

    5 they do a one hit jump sword attack mashing their space bars w*f console can’t do that !!

    6 bullying

    7 oh and please fix this PC CAN TALK AND HEAR WHILE IN AN XBOX PARTY or if they are in DISCORD total BS

    1. wut? Do you mean the speed which we can turn at? You just need to ask the devs for a higher sensitivity setting.
    2. Nope.
    3. nope.
    4. Nope.
    5. How can they sword attack when they always use pistol shotgun combo? But console players with elite controllers can bind jump to the back and jump just as much as PC players.
    6. so console players don't bully each other? Let's not tell lies.
    7. You could do the same if you put used discord on your phone, but I do agree that console players should be able to use push to talk and hear both party and game, It's annoying trying to talk to a brick wall while they switch to game chat.
  • @Hynieth

    I'm sorry but your post, while holding some merit, is wide of the mark.

    Firstly, it's not just turning speed. It's macros, input delay and button mapping to name a few. Plus, bunny hopping is huge because you are accurate when you land/shoot.

    We might have a wider, more diverse playerbase, but one section (that also pays to play online) starts at a disadvantage.
    Would it be acceptable to have auto-aim on Xbox, but not on PC? Very doubtful.

    Secondly, no, for some, it is 100% a competitive game. Otherwise there wouldn't be people talking about becoming a Pirate Legend, AFKing, wanting PVP factions and getting frustrated when they get sunk after 2 hours of play.
    It's not COD but with COD you get redemption in less than 5 mins. If SOT, you don't and in many cases, cannot even after 10 hours.

    Also, football games never had leaderboards and most people don't even know they now do. But those games are easily as competitive as any FPS, and judging by micro-transactions for player packs, perhaps more so.

    Remember, Sony now has trophies, because they realised MS developed a competitive atmosphere with them. SOT has definitely made good use of achievements.

    MS knows about XIM, and so some developers have talked about blocking non-controller Xbox players. MS also lets developers choose how crossplay works, because they don't want to be the ones that gamers blame.
    It's no surprise that this non-steam game is forced crossplay. This seems a business, not a player decision.

    For now, MS continue to resist the KB+M for Xbox, a decade long discussion. There's a reason for that and a reason it's a terrible defence point to say it's coming. Especially when XIM and spending £100 on a controller still isn't as good as a £2 KB+M on the PC.
    Do you think MS will allow any KB+M to connect to their Xbox? No chance.

    Interesting that you mention IT professionals. It's much harder for us to play that role on the Xbox. We have fewer settings and closed hardware. We also spawn more slowly from the Ferry.
    Oh, not mentioned, the number of hackers on our platform is tiny.

    Finally, the Discord/mobile phone argument is rank at best. Though I'm pretty sure you knew how spurious that point was.

    Did they re-open the crossplay thread then?
    If not, I think @R3D-SKULL-39 is right to bring up this issue when Rare choose to ignore it. New players should know how the game plays out and more experienced ones are the right ones to highlight it.

    Crossplay is brilliant and we do want it. But to say, 'crossplay' always and to hell with our loyal customers isn't just crazy, it's delusional business practice.

  • @r3d-skull-39 said in So sick of PC players please separate the cross play !!:

    1 pc players faster then sonic response time

    2 always pistol shotgun combo

    3 lags console players so bad to dashboard

    4 1pc vs 4 console players pc wins due to lag and bull c**p or hacks too

    5 they do a one hit jump sword attack mashing their space bars w*f console can’t do that !!

    6 bullying

    7 just get ride of cross plat make it so
    pc vs pc
    Console vs console
    So even fights !

    8 oh and please fix this PC CAN TALK AND HEAR WHILE IN AN XBOX PARTY or if they are in DISCORD total BS

    Rolling on the deck laughing

  • Why does everybody complain about the jumping? What kind’ve thumbs do you guys have?

  • I have to admit I skimmed the last few posts so I might have missed something.

    But honestly, there is one truth in this whole thread. Mouse can rotate faster and keyboard in pair with the mouse allows easier in game mobility for PC players.

    No one other element is based on anything even resembling the truth in this thread. We can't crash players out, the pistol issue is something done on both platforms just as easily on the other, lag is a personal issue having zilch to do with what someone else is playing on, hakcs are a universal problem and very rare despite ignorant claims to the reverse though even I am starting to feel like I'm seeing more of them lately, any idiot can do the block/dash/thrust with or without the jump though admittedly on controller it requires some spiderman fingers... you can change it so that it's easier to pull off with your's the platform I was playing on when I learned it existed, Bullying is many ways console players behave worse thanks to the earned reputation of loudmouth idiots that plague Xboxlive but Ill be fair... it's universal... in fact this post highlights the console players arrogance much more than the PC players...

    I agree that console deserves a PTT function as well or at least dual party/in-game chat.

  • @vexed-anemone said in So sick of PC players please separate the cross play !!:


    I'm sorry but your post, while holding some merit, is wide of the mark.

    Firstly, it's not just turning speed. It's macros, input delay and button mapping to name a few. Plus, bunny hopping is huge because you are accurate when you land/shoot.

    We might have a wider, more diverse playerbase, but one section (that also pays to play online) starts at a disadvantage.
    Would it be acceptable to have auto-aim on Xbox, but not on PC? Very doubtful.

    Secondly, no, for some, it is 100% a competitive game. Otherwise there wouldn't be people talking about becoming a Pirate Legend, AFKing, wanting PVP factions and getting frustrated when they get sunk after 2 hours of play.
    It's not COD but with COD you get redemption in less than 5 mins. If SOT, you don't and in many cases, cannot even after 10 hours.

    Also, football games never had leaderboards and most people don't even know they now do. But those games are easily as competitive as any FPS, and judging by micro-transactions for player packs, perhaps more so.

    Remember, Sony now has trophies, because they realised MS developed a competitive atmosphere with them. SOT has definitely made good use of achievements.

    MS knows about XIM, and so some developers have talked about blocking non-controller Xbox players. MS also lets developers choose how crossplay works, because they don't want to be the ones that gamers blame.
    It's no surprise that this non-steam game is forced crossplay. This seems a business, not a player decision.

    For now, MS continue to resist the KB+M for Xbox, a decade long discussion. There's a reason for that and a reason it's a terrible defence point to say it's coming. Especially when XIM and spending £100 on a controller still isn't as good as a £2 KB+M on the PC.
    Do you think MS will allow any KB+M to connect to their Xbox? No chance.

    Interesting that you mention IT professionals. It's much harder for us to play that role on the Xbox. We have fewer settings and closed hardware. We also spawn more slowly from the Ferry.
    Oh, not mentioned, the number of hackers on our platform is tiny.

    Finally, the Discord/mobile phone argument is rank at best. Though I'm pretty sure you knew how spurious that point was.

    Did they re-open the crossplay thread then?
    If not, I think @R3D-SKULL-39 is right to bring up this issue when Rare choose to ignore it. New players should know how the game plays out and more experienced ones are the right ones to highlight it.

    Crossplay is brilliant and we do want it. But to say, 'crossplay' always and to hell with our loyal customers isn't just crazy, it's delusional business practice.

    Yea, forcing a one large player base who is at a disadvantage with another large player base that has an advantage is quite unfair of all of the companies/businesses involved in the discussion. I don't blame RARE - I blame MS (because cross play is a big 'selling' point for the XB1 that is losing financially to the PS4). They do not want to lose that edge, but they also do not have an answer for the technical issues between systems unfortunately.

  • @r3d-skull-39

    1. Nope, not every pc player can do this.
    2. Nope, I prefer cutlass and eye of reach.
    3. How ?
    4. Thank you for thinking we are all masterminds that know how to use hacks.
    5. The one you can do with a controller aswell also called sword dash ?
    6. Not really, heard more foul language and bullying from console gamers than pc gamers.
    7. It's not going to solve anything.
    8. Get discord on your phone ?
  • @jjblackhat
    Crossplay has been introduced in order to save the Xbox.
    Xbox alone isn't bringing in any profits.
    First we got the monthly subscription to play online etc.
    And now crossplay is added because the Xbox alone doesn't make enough money to keep it alive.

    Without crossplay, there wouldn't even be an Xbox anymore.
    Crossplay and play anywhere are the only reason Xbox didn't get sold in 2013

  • @aarghmaargho, MS has quite a lot of revenue on the Xbox division, although reading between the lines most of it seems to be from the services ( live and gamepass)

    Xbox made $2.25 billion for Microsoft last quarter

    Microsoft’s video game-related revenue continues to expand as it shifts its focus to services like Game Pass. The company’s Xbox division brought in $2.251 billion in the quarter that ended March 31. That’s up 18 percent year-over-year compared to $1.906 billion in Q3 2017.

  • @riareth
    As I said :

    Xbox alone isn't bringing in any profits.

    So extra services are being used to save current and next-gen Xbox.

    Crossplay is just another way.

  • @aarghmaargho in what way does that make a iota of sense? Why would you attempt to “save” a business that isn’t making money? If that were the case they would of marketed & sold this game exclusively on pc. If anything they made the game crossplay in order to give pc players other players to play with.

    Pc players don’t even wanna play with pc players. This is clearly evident with how the pc community gets outraged when crossplay is so much as mentioned. Xbox players actively want Xbox only servers. Can you direct me to one single thread where pc players can be seen campaigning for pc only servers? No?!?

    Mic drop 🎤

  • @admiral-greyjoy
    It makes sense because with the other products Microsoft still makes profit, hence why the Xbox still exist. Ever since the introduction of "Play anywhere" stocks have risen again.

    With the extra stuff; Xbox Live, game pass, "Play anywhere"etc. Microsoft can keep making money on a console that on it's own would have died in 2013.

    Why would PC players campaign for a PC only server? It would change nothing compared with what we have now.

    Most people get outraged because most people who want PvE/Crossplay disabled offer straat nonsense as arguments. See this post.

  • @aarghmaargho I don't disagree that the console itself probably doesn't bring any profit to MS, but that is normally the case on most consoles(Nintendo being the exception). It's on the games that they make their profit and now on the services.

    Not sure why you say that crossplay is saving the Xbox, if , as far as I know, PC players don't pay for Xbox Live and for now it makes little sense for them to even have gamepass because the playanywhere list is quite small.

    I wonder if MS will ever charge for PC players to play on Xbox Live.

  • Microsoft sold 3 million xboxes in 2013 that’s nearly a billion dollars of revenue in 2013 alone off of Xbox sales alone. Now factor in how many of those people pay for Xbox online. How is it that the Xbox is a struggling platform? The revenue pc gamers generate for Microsoft would be incredibly insignificant compared to Xbox gamers

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