Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2

  • @kaptenfisk said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    dont get it, is it coming today or tomorrow?

    its fine bro we dont get anything actually even we dont get the flag :/

  • Hoped it was today, I didn't need to sleep tonight. Oh well I shall set sail at 2

  • @scoobywrx555 @Kaptenfisk

    Ahoy mates, this is the page ye need to bookmark for reference -

  • Wonder what these other predators are

  • I think it would have been better to not have said anything about the rainbow flag rather than making it overtly political, imo. I think there will be a lot of troll haters in the beginning, but they will get bored of it after a while. I'm going to fly the flag so I can beat down some trolls in the spirit of equality.

    For me, rainbow flag equals troll hunter. That and unicorn f***s.

  • I'm really excited to see an exploration event! Hopefully after the event, the thrones will be randomly spawned on each server so that we can continue to explore and get Doubloons! Great idea to use the new Doubloons to purchase Rep and Gold!

    If I see a Large Throne, I'll just camp it till someone else comes along, so I get credit. Finding compatible players was extremely exhausting, during THD.

  • July be International Pickle Month.... pickle flag?

  • @braxkedren said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @khaleesibot as long as Creed allows those to request and get implemented flags that denominate them as well.

    As was mentioned in the large thread, a white flag with the fish symbol on it, a Muslim flag for those of that creed and so forth.

    This is a touchy subject and NOT including others can lead to a huge PR backlash if not handled correctly.

    Rare also needs to state how they will handle any abuse those flying this Rainbow flag receive. That was my biggest worry about this and I really don’t mind the flag, it’s the actions of others towards this that worries me.

    Rubbish. Celebrating diversity is not a religion. It’s just being a decent human being. There will be no “PR” backlash. As for players being abusive in the game...have you actually played the game? LOL. The kind of people who would act abusive towards other players over a flag don’t need a reason. Most people attack on sight anyway, so I don’t see the difference.

    I think this is a brilliant, bold, positive decision by Rare. They’ve earned even more of my respect and loyalty, and I believe you’ll find many others agree with me.

  • And people say this game is an empty shell.
    Things are coming thick and fast now. I'm super excited for it all!

    Too Addicted to this game..

    • Rainbow flag - A new flag has been added to all pirates' flag inventory! Article 1 of the Pirate Code states that, "Everyone is welcome on the Sea of Thieves regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality or creed."

    Really, so now we're bringing sexual preferences into the game? I honestly don't care which gender you sleep with or which gender you marry.
    To have simply included the rainbow flag would have been accepted a lot easier by most but to say we're doing this because of this reason, is a blatant political move.
    They knew it would open a can of worms and gain publicity. Do you really think that they give two hoots about the topic other than what this will do for their game?
    It's like a politician saying "Quick, somebody throw me a baby to kiss while the cameras are still rolling".
    If I were gay I think I'd be outraged that anyone could stoop to this level just to receive publicity.

    I'm amazed at how some think it more important than mental or physical health. What you're seeking has already been accepted by the majority of the world.
    Gay marriages are legal in the whole of Australia, many states of America and many other nations.

    The light at the end of your tunnel is already here and rapidly approaching world wide, but what of the rights of those who just want to live a healthy life?
    What of the parents who want their children to out live themselves or the people who still can't sleep after many years due to the vivid nightmares they still endure from their domestic or military service to saving your rights?
    Racial equality has been an ongoing concern for centuries.
    Is it fair that all of these have been superseded by sexual preferences?

    The debate or controversy is not a question about gay pride, it's about Rare's prioritizing this above everything else.
    Since launch how many flags were introduced for any life crippling or fatal illnesses? What of the right to live full term?
    So much for the "level playing field".

    Let's not give fallen or returned soldiers a mention. Let's forget about police, firemen and paramedics killed whilst trying save lives, sufferers of PTSD or a list of other disabilities.
    Cancer alone effects everyone, either themselves or someone they know.
    I could sit here for hours adding to the list. Autism, Epilepsy, Leukemia, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Dementia, Down Syndrome, ...
    Don't you think gay pride sounds kind of petty in comparison right now?

    Even in our sports we pay tribute to the recognition of racial equality, the men and women who fought in wars, cancer awareness and many other life crippling illnesses.
    Either one of these have effected (and still do effect) more people than the sexual preference campaign.

    The following are just some dates listed in Australia alone for awareness events, just imagine the dates world wide.

    Will we have flags in SoT for any of the following?

    [Mod Edited]

    Thank you to the Australian Network on Disability website for the information provided.

    Anyone wishing to drop the word "homophobic" just shows how self centered they are.
    You'll march in a gay rights parade but turn your back on those who have defended you and all of your nation's rights to live in a free world and you'll ignore those who just want the same right as everybody else, to simply live full term.

    If it's a valid stand in which Rare honestly stand for then great, but I sincerely think it's more about publicity.

  • @knightfire098 Aye... won two world wars... spineless.

  • @needsmokes The game is called an empty shell, because it is an empty shell. It needs a plethora of new content to fix that and it won't get that until probably the start of next year, or after forsaken shores. You'll see the true opinion of people once MT's are put in, because a lot of people don't even know about them yet.

  • @knightfire098 honestly.... no. Geography was always more of a strong subject for me. Howe'er... me history is not so bad that I don't know which side won WWI and WWII.

    I really don't want to get into this though matey. I've been sticking up for both sides, as a citizen of the UK living in the US I will defend both my country of birth and my chosen country of residency.

  • @kashaarafall said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @needsmokes The game is called an empty shell, because it is an empty shell. It needs a plethora of new content to fix that and it won't get that until probably the start of next year, or after forsaken shores. You'll see the true opinion of people once MT's are put in, because a lot of people don't even know about them yet.

    But if they'd like to read around the topic in the meantime, despite it being put on the back burner for now, while content is added - there is a good article here -

  • @genuine-heather you need to look up the definition of Creed. That is specifically about a religious belief, no matter the religion.

    And yes, if they don’t allow flags from other Creeds (as above) then you WILL have a PR nightmare in your hands. Because that states you value one thing over another and are intolerant towards it.

  • @katttruewalker Katt, purchasable anything in a 60 dollar game is bad business. Doesn't matter if it is cosmetic or not. If the game wants a shop option, it should be a free to play game. If this doubloon idea isn't to earn cash chop cash instead of buying it, then you're gonna see backlash, primarily because xbox live accounts are linked to credit cards and kids know it.

  • @knightfire098 fair enough. Let's leave it there then an' go for a grog

    • Merrick's Shanty - Merrick's shanty has been added to the list of playable shanties.

    alt text

  • @gloog oh waaah it's not for me so I have to complain like a little [mod edited]. Get over yourself, [mod edited]

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Patch Notes - 1.1.2

    • Bilge Rat Trading – If you’re feeling a thirst for a little extra gold in ye’ pocket or fancy some Reputation in any of the three Trading Companies, the Bilge Rats can also pull a few strings and allow you to trade your Doubloons towards a bit of progress. These latter progression items will be a permanent part of the Bilge Rat shop and aren’t time limited, so make your choice wisely!

    Finally I can put my time towards OoS and GH instead of feeding pigs my entire stock of bananas. WOOOO.

  • @reptartheory I be looking forward to this for different reasons. For me it be the OoS that is lagging. Too much solo play has ranked me GH and MA a good 10 higher than OoS.

    Be interested to see how much rep boost it be...

  • Baby Megalodons: ☑️

  • @the-estler Minilodons?

  • @awesomecoreusa It's just Lodons. :D

  • @awesomecoreusa That is what I am wondering as well. I posted a thread about it asking that same question.

    I hope it is a sliding scale instead of give us X amount each time for the same increase. If i could drop 35k one time and then 70k the next that would be ideal.

  • Regardless of what flag you fly, everyone who plays will all have the same task to solve... How to pair up with other ships to get to all 10 thrones!

  • Can you please stop forcing players to find people from another crew to complete these timed events? At least with the megalodon it made some sense because you were trying to take on a giant shark in a single known location, but being required to have 5 people sit in chairs hidden across the whole map is silly.

    In a game where there are a max of six ships spread across a giant open world, where your server is randomly selected for you, requiring players to find additional players in game (with no tools to do so) makes for a super frustrating experience. Yes, it is fun when you find non-party members to interact with, but being required to do so in order to complete a timed event is vexing.

    With the megalodon, players at least knew if they waited around the island where Merrick resided that other people could eventually show up, but with skeleton thrones being hidden across the whole map, where are players supposed to meet up in order to form a group?

    At the end of the day, for me personally, it's hard to be excited about a new update when I know that trying to complete it might be so frustrating that it will kill my drive to keep playing in the future.

    Either give players the tools needed to easily recruit non-party members in order to do these events, or stop forcing us to figure it out on our own by hoping that we are lucky enough to find a server with like minded players that aren't hanging around objectives solely to grief.

  • @awesomecoreusa said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @the-estler Minilodons?

    Much better; lol

  • @khaleesibot what about the megalodon ? Does it spawn randomly like the Kraken or is it deleted at this moment ?

  • @grievous32 Ahoy matey!

    Megan is taking a break at the moment and will be back in the next update.

  • @khaleesibot Please help, on xbox I never got an update for the game.

  • @balbasuar The update does not come out until tomorrow.

  • @balbasuar Ahoy matey!

    The patch isn't out yet... the game will be down for maintenance tomorrow 10am - 2pm BST at which point a patch will be issued.

  • This patch makes me all kinds of happy (for myself as a pirate in SoT and for the folks at Rare)!

    I think this is such an excellent follow-up to THD.

    I can't remember what I was going to say, immediately after reading the notes, because I foolishly decided to read all of the other replies before posting... but... Yayyyy (for the game and for Rare)!

  • Just checking in to see if the real problem in the game has been addressed (Crossplay) and the answer is NO! I guess thank for another couple hours of game play.

    This Flag thing is blown out of proportion IMO. Everyone is asking for more content, right? They have to raise money for it somewhere. If the only way they can sell more copies is to cater to special interest groups then I think we're going to see a lot more. Ye be warned! The SoT marketing is looking for its next sucker!

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