The Swift Seagulls Company

  • The more i read the SoT subreddit or this forum, the more i come to this conclusion : The game has a great and solid base, sailing is on point, there is an awesome atmosphere, but it needs more things to do in order to keep people hooked.

    So i keep thinking about new companies that could add more diverse things to do.

    What do you think about a boat race company ? The Swift Seagulls Company (yeah i'm not the best at finding names).

    You would have to talk to a NPC and register you and your crew. There would be a match making and if there is not enough people waiting, you can just continue what you were doing but when there is enough people, you've got a prompt and if you accept, there is a loading and after that, everybody is on the starting line of a 10 or 15 check points race across the map.
    No visual indications to help you navigate, just the list (and order maybe ? but maybe not even on order, not sure) of the islands you have to go by. So you have to find the islands on the map and plan the optimal route. Everytime you are close enough to one of the islands it checks out of the list (represented by a physical list on your inventory, same as X maps and bounty hunts)

    No weapons allowed ? Dunno. But if you sink, you're out.
    There would be a reputation and gold prize according to your result, same as other companies, reputation would unlock new customization items.

    Thoughts ?

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  • It would be fun to have ship races and maybe a ship racing league...

    I personally would want to be apart of the drunken racing league...

  • @aenima123 I like the idea of having a list of islands to go to but no specific order. 10 - 15 stops may be a bit too much though haha

  • It may also be fun to add some short of task on each island you must do for it to count.

  • @fatsunnyspence said in The Swift Seagulls Company:

    @aenima123 I like the idea of having a list of islands to go to but no specific order. 10 - 15 stops may be a bit too much though haha

    Yeah now i think about it, it might be a bit too long. But it depends a lot on how far the selected islands are from each other too so...

    @flintlock-flynn said in The Swift Seagulls Company:

    It may also be fun to add some short of task on each island you must do for it to count.

    Why not ! I'm sure Rare would come up with fun ideas to make it more than "just a race".

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