the great debate

  • i for one would like to have this debate solved and for people to read this as ive been sailing with other crews ive noticed people have argued about sails and ship speeds so ill tell you what ive heard and i would like to get your thoughts and truth on the matter

    1a. if you are sailing "directly" against the wind turning the sails have no affect on your speed unless you are getting the wind in the sails

    1b. if you are against wind turning your sails will make you go faster oppose to having your sails face forward (no wind speed when sails are turned)

    2a. smaller ships and galleons have the same speed

    2b. samller ships are faster that galleons even though they have 3 sails but are heavier

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  • @mr-leb0wski I'm confused, it seems as though 1a and 1b are the same question. can you clarify?

  • im sorry if you turn your sails facing the wind you go faster (no wind) and if have your sails facing the wind you go just as fast

  • @mr-leb0wski im not really sure how you have your sails facing the wind with no wind...

    unless you ment something else by the no wind part

  • About the sails - it has become more and more apparent to me that when sailing against the wind, having the sails perpendicular or on the side amounts to the same. I'll need to test this when I get the chance.

    About the overall speed: Galleon is faster and sloop is more maneuvrable. That is the end of it. No Sloops do not go faster. They turn tighter and quicker but they do not reach the same level of speed as a Galleon.

  • @drbullhammer exactly this. In a session when the sloop was new, i once tried to outrun a galleon with the wind, We were a crew of two only looking to sink galleons. They kept on catching us going into the wind every time. However in the last play session i was in a very good 4 man crew and we chased a sloop directly into the wind, we had our sails turned all the way to one side. the sloops sail was in the default center position against the wind, he out sailed us by a large amount till he disappeared from view.

  • @nanach exactly ive seen the same thing weve turned our sails and the sloops had theirs forward and they sailed away

  • Me trying to figure out Ship rigging...

    I just go with the flow, make sure I angle the sails so the wind is blowing into them and let’er fly 👍😆🍻

  • From what i understood :

    • With the find, the galleon is faster than the sloop
    • Against the wind, it's the other way around, the sloop is faster
    • When facing the wind, you gain a tad speed if you pull your sails up juuuust a little bit (needs confirmation, it would be a rumor from devs)
  • The galleon is faster than the sloop in a straight line when each ship has at least a bit of wind. If both ships are sailing directly into the wind, the sloop is faster.

    @Aenima123 Pulling your sails up is less speed, always. The sails are literally a throttle that are disguised as sailing mechanics through the illusions of game design.

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