"Adventure" that led to getting Spawncamped by toxic players (3v1)

  • Hi, returning player since many years ago... at first glance the Pirates Life mode really got me back into the SoT feeling, its a fresh, exciting and joyful adventure for a solo player like myself. After a few days I decided to go on the normal Adventure mode, had a nice time just solo-exploring, enjoying my little ship and collecting a few harmless treasures.

    Then I came across other players, 2 ships that had been fighting it seemed, I tried using VOIP with and without the megaphone, and I did not engage at all just went past them. Being SoT players they immediately started blasting they canons against me. I tried to get away but one of the ships were chasing me, at first I felt decent, like this was an invasion of enemy pirates on open sea. I did feel a bit run over when I noticed they were 3 against me (3v1). They were obviously used to pvping and so I got rekt instantly.
    I admit defeat and just wanted to get back to solo adventuring, but to my surprise they had not sunk my ship (yet)... instead I became victim to multiple deaths by spawncamping, no matter what I tried to do they always had the upper-hand. I am not totally new to the aspect of pvping but this was just plain absurdity, my screen is dark in loading before entering an unavoidable death by spawncamp followed by laughter-spam in pirate chat and such. (Not to mention that when you actually hit someone in close range with blunderbuss they dont even get "1-shot" like I did so many times before)

    In the heat of the moment I read something from the ferryman about scuttling my ship.. but I mean is that really what I have to do in a situation like this? But after I tried to change the outcome after multiple deaths there was nothing left to do than sink the ship. What happens next is that of course the players were roaming the sea and close to the Fortress I wanted to visit next, so my next alternative is to remake a game? Will I come across these players again or is the answer "take a break"... horrifying.

    To my surprise I saw a post from 5 years ago mentioning the issue with spawncamping... I mean new seasons are great, but the gameplay is horrible against other players. I have given this game a few more days but as always players are only interested in being toxic and ruining the experience for others. Make private servers a choice? optional pvp with pvp-zones? or just let me report people in game... if not, if you truly think this is the way to play the game, then go ahead. I won't be a part of it though /salute.

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  • By choosing to play solo you chose to play at pretty big disadvantage. If you're getting spawncamped it means you already lost the fight so at that point yes, you should probably just scuttle your ship. There is an option to scuttle and migrate to a new server if you want to avoid meeting that crew again.

  • @dejimo You spotted them, sailed by them, and lost the encounter. Next time you will be more wary. And yes, in that situation you should scuttle. You lost. I like how you mention your surprise when THEY did not sink you, but doing it yourself is somehow an issue. Think about it like a game of chess (or similar games). A good sport resigns when the outcome is clear. A poor sport will keep going despite the inevitable.

    my little ship and collecting a few harmless treasures.

    Right. We get it. You were just sailing along bringing peace and love to the zone, butterflies dancing around your ship, and singing a song of joy. You had just saved a dolphin’s life when you were pounced on by bloodthirsty creatures with glowing eyes and hate in their veins. You are painting this in very extreme ways. You loaded up a game designed around the concept of thievery covered in layers of piracy and beautiful visuals. Based on your description so far I cannot see that they did anything wrong.

  • I feel like a detail that most people seem to leave behind on what they believe is a "toxic encounter" where the enemy spawncamps them and spams messages in chat, is that the enemy was most likely provoked because the situation didn't go the way the person wanted. Those people want a conversation where they're right and the enemy reflects on their poor judgement. When you are dying over and over again in a battle, not a damn word should be spouting from your microphone, and the only thing you should reasonably be saying back in a spawncamp (which really shouldn't be anything at all), is "*Rolls on deck laughing*", and "Well Played!"

    Stow your feelings in a PvP encounter, fair and unfair, because when you show emotion, any player ambivalent to sinking/getting spawncamped in this game will laugh everything off because it isn't that serious.

    Chances are you were getting camped by players that are pretty good at PvP, and laugh at people that take things seriously, especially since you were trying to communicate to them initially in what appeared to be no avail. Just scuttle your boat, and more importantly, scuttle your boat to "change seas", which will put you on a new server away from the players that gave you a hard time, which is what matters more than whatever pieces of loot you decided to pick up and then endanger losing from your vessel the moment you got near boats involved in PvP.

  • Unless they were throwing out obscenities or forcibly keeping your ship from sinking I don't see anything toxic about this encounter.

    In these situations you just gotta admit defeat, scuttle and move on. The only reason to stay is if you're cool and calm with trying to practice breaking a camp situation. There is a new scuttle feature with Season 9 that puts you on a different server so it's even more convenient now than ever to switch servers. Plus you get to keep everything that was in your pockets so you don't even have to lose your best curse balls or pineapples/trophy fish if you had some.

  • but as always players are only interested in being toxic and ruining the experience for others.

    They attacked you, killed you as you returned, lost any loot might of had and resources. (Yes sunk player ships drop barrels now with all resources)
    And…you call that toxic behavior? They just playing a pirate game in an open world adventure.

    Like going to a race car track and trying to jog but get run over by a race car…

  • @dejimo So you lost a fight and now you are here being a sore loser.

  • Did they have a reaper flag?

    If they had a reaper flag, each time they killed you, they would add emissary value towards level 5. So if they just won the battle in HG and reached level 3, doing this to you is actually...smart...on your expense however.

    If it's just a random ship then yeah toxic behavior.

    P.S. Regardless of your intentions, if you approach a ship - you initiate combat, period. And you sailing away could be read as ''oh dang this ship seems to be crewed by more than I can chew'' or something between those lines.
    Now of course, just, because you approach the ship, does not mean you and the other party must fight, but it's what it is.

    I've noticed something recently, not sure if a coincidence or it's a perfect example of what I wrote.

    I see sloop coming my way, they get close enough to see that the ship has legendary guardian title, they get even closer to see I have the ghost curse..they sail away without a word....this never happened before, maybe just a coincidence.

  • I mean..toxicity is in the eye of the beholder...these guys have camped the fort of the damned all night. they wait for crews to sail by with the new skull, kill them and take the skull to do the fort themself. its smart, but it is in somewhat bad taste.(my opinion, but this IS a game about thieves and pirates) that skull WAS intended for solo players to have a chance to even attempt the fort of the damned. i myself am yet to ever complete one and thought now might be a good time...guess i'll wait another season.
    alt text

  • @burnbacon said in "Adventure" that led to getting Spawncamped by toxic players (3v1):

    but as always players are only interested in being toxic and ruining the experience for others.

    They attacked you, killed you as you returned, lost any loot might of had and resources. (Yes sunk player ships drop barrels now with all resources)
    And…you call that toxic behavior? They just playing a pirate game in an open world adventure.

    Like going to a race car track and trying to jog but get run over by a race car…

    You didn't read the post. They repeatedly killed the person without trying to sink them or take their loot. That's toxic behavior according to Rare. With barrels now dropping on a sink, there's no reason to spawncamp other than to prevent repairing so the ship will sink. Players should expect PvP, but spawncamping just for the sake of repeatedly killing a player is unacceptable.

    @Dejimo in this situation, the best thing to do is record them spawncamping you, scuttle, upload your clips to youtube or some other hosting site, then report the players and include links to the clips.

    Rare have been clear that intentionally ruining the experience of others is not acceptable. Ignore the people here telling you it's just a pirate game, get over it.

  • @ghostpaw said in "Adventure" that led to getting Spawncamped by toxic players (3v1):

    A good sport resigns when the outcome is clear. A poor sport will keep going despite the inevitable.

    Sometimes. Roughly a month ago I was spawn camped 3-1, I probably wasn't going to win this fight.

    But it was fun trying to get out of it. They had one decent player but the other two weren't very good, not terrible though. I was getting one or two kills but I couldn't wipe all 3. I turned off their comms because they were being snotty, and was tdm'ing them for at least 15 or 20 minutes. it's some of the best practice you can find (RIP arena), so I took advantage of it!

  • @unleet1 said in "Adventure" that led to getting Spawncamped by toxic players (3v1):

    @ghostpaw said in "Adventure" that led to getting Spawncamped by toxic players (3v1):

    A good sport resigns when the outcome is clear. A poor sport will keep going despite the inevitable.

    Sometimes. Roughly a month ago I was spawn camped 3-1, I probably wasn't going to win this fight.

    But it was fun trying to get out of it. They had one decent player but the other two weren't very good, not terrible though. I was getting one or two kills but I couldn't wipe all 3. I turned off their comms because they were being snotty, and was tdm'ing them for at least 15 or 20 minutes. it's some of the best practice you can find (RIP arena), so I took advantage of it!

    Sounds like the outcome wasn’t clear in that situation. Either way, if you enjoyed it then more power to you. If you had been getting more frustrated with each spawn, then venting and claiming toxicity on the forums, then scuttle would have been the right call.

    @drbullhammer said in "Adventure" that led to getting Spawncamped by toxic players (3v1):

    You didn't read the post. They repeatedly killed the person without trying to sink them or take their loot. That's toxic behavior according to Rare.

    Can you share a link showing where Rare said that? If they did state that then they have done a very poor job communicating the change in position. I’ve seen similar situations posted, and some mods have simply stated that if someone thinks a crew was being toxic that the person should report the crew. Someone could read too much into that. I am curious to see where they said what you claim.

  • @ghostpaw it’s pinned in discord

  • @drbullhammer said in "Adventure" that led to getting Spawncamped by toxic players (3v1):

    @ghostpaw it’s pinned in discord

    Thank you for sharing. I am at work so I don’t currently have access to Discord. I will just take your word for it that someone from Rare specifically said that spawn camping in itself is a bannable offense. Seems weird that they would not use their own official forums, website, and/or podcasts to make that crystal clear.

  • @ghostpaw in Podcast #5 they talk about how spawn camping to sink a ship is acceptable, though it may not be a good experience. Most of the discussion is around that specific situation, though Christina mentions how some people do it just to make your life difficult. That’s when it becomes a problem and the discord post mentions that that situation is considered harassment.

  • Hey there fellow pirate! Don’t give up hope!! This game is really hard as a solo player but if you enjoy the game you shall prevail! I do a lot solo, PvP, world events and what not, there are lots of guides out there to help you get better, I’d check out blurbs PvP tips on YouTube.

    I try to learn from each encounter, how did they catch you, how soon did you spot them, if solo and not that good best option is to sail away.

    Solo slooping is more like smuggling than anything else until ya get comfortable

  • @dejimo said in "Adventure" that led to getting Spawncamped by toxic players (3v1):
    (Not to mention that when you actually hit someone in close range with blunderbuss they dont even get "1-shot" like I did so many times before)

    I feel you. Hitreg has always done that to me. I never use Blunderbus anymore for this reason alone.

  • You should take it as a learning experience, treat them as a PvE boss encounter. Toxic players are the most fun to mess with🤣 because they are usually uptight and overly competitive as much as they try to play it "cool".

    And you can easily toy with their mind by using their own words/methods against them.

    I will not give you any tips or hand outs, because once you find out the secret to dealing with toxic players, you'll be so damn happy 🤣 better yet, it drives them up the wall even more that you are actually enjoying the game.

    The powerful thing about it is you don't even have to win the in-game fights. There are so many ways to win in this game, even by losing lololol.

    Figure that out for yourself 🤣.

    Can't stop laughing at my past memories with toxic players🤣 can't wait to meet more to be honest.

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