Matchmaking and Season 8

  • I love pvp, but season 8 is not great. Matchmaking queue is too long for athena. We just waited 20 minutes and peered with a crew that has 2000 hour with LSD title. Skill based matchmaking is a joke. I don't know how can you guys could fix that but that has to be fixed. Another huge problem is a supply problem, this game is absolutely not addictive. When i sunk i just want to alt f4 and do not want to come back to game. I personally like this game this why i mostly come back but my friends which does not have playtime above 300 just deleted the game. Not just because of the season 8 PVP. Generally the game becomes more and more boring.

  • 5
  • @swesque Not all games are for all people. The people that find the game to be fun/exciting/interesting are the ones that will stay. The ones that don't will leave. Rare is constantly adding more content, more story, more voyage types, more goals. If your friends don't like what is there currently, then Sea of Thieves is just not for them, and nothing short of remaking the game into something that it is not will entice them to stay.

    The game is what it is. People will enjoy it or not. And that's ok.

  • I'd call it a no harm season which is better than some of the content that I believe did cause harm to the environment.

    Nothing is really worse imo and that's a good thing

    Some things are better, some fights are fun, some random fights popping up on a server are fun to watch/engage in, it is a bit safer for pvers outside of the content. There is promise for what it may become

    Season 7 was really a dire time in the game and season 8 imo brought back some life to it, not what people hyped but definitely wasn't any kind of a fail imo

    It's one of the better seasons imo, it's the first one in a LONG time that truly took a look at risk/reward to some degree, it didn't repair what was already done but it does set up a path forward.

  • @swesque "Matchmaking queue is too long for athena. We just waited 20 minutes..."
    So play as a reaper. This is how you can fix that. If there is more people playing athena its normal that wait time for them is longer.

  • My experience with matchmaking the last two days:

    Thursday: we had a “crew” of 6-7 players swapping out playing on a gally from around 11:00 am to 2:00 am. During that time, the only activity was either stocking up, or waiting for a match underwater. We alternated between pc and Xbox servers. Total fights: 10. In 14 hours. Unacceptable.

    Friday: We decided to stack and defend on a gally. We did 3 veil quests, raised and lowered the emissary flag to get the grade 5 quests 4 times. We also fought every ship we saw, and left the hourglass on Athena the entire time. We weren’t invaded once in the 5-6 hour session.

    In the days previous to that, the match making varied between every minute or so, to 10-15 minutes between fights, with no correlation to the estimated time on the map.

    The matchmaking is broken.

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