did i just meet a cheater?

  • trying to report this guy but every time I try to open a support request I get sent to the Microsoft login and it logs me out?

    this fight was super sus just strange stuff happening I have a hour long clip but this is just some of the stuff that baffled me

    ok this first vid this guy could be laging bad but the way he dodged my shot never seen that before
    [Mod edit]

    ok 2 vid wth just happened to my pocket my stuff just disappears but not all of it just like 4 chains and food all my cannons and most my curse like wth
    [Mod edit]

    last 1 is just this guy destroying my ship with one of those stubby fort cannons this guy had god like aim this game and didn't even shot 1 chain shot....
    [Mod edit]

    I would like to report him proper but cant even open the request

  • 26
  • Did you just meet a cheater?

    No. I think you just met somebody who is better than you at the game. Sorry.

  • @pumpa-cat said in did i just meet a cheater?:

    Did you just meet a cheater?

    No. I think you just met somebody who is better than you at the game. Sorry.
    lol ? im not asking if he is better did he even win in the end? go away pls

  • I do apologise. I was under the mistaken assumption that when you came on to a public forum and asked a question, you were asking us to proffer an answer/opinion. I did not realise you simply came here to have your dented ego stroked by having people tell you what you wanted to hear.

  • @pumpa-cat said in did i just meet a cheater?:

    I do apologise. I was under the mistaken assumption that when you came on to a public forum and asked a question, you were asking us to proffer an answer/opinion. I did not realise you simply came here to have your dented ego stroked by having people tell you what you wanted to hear.

    my ego was not dented i didn't even lose I'm just saying this guy is sus I show you a video my my pocket disappearing and you saying he is just better I'm going to assume you are a troll?

  • Did you encounter one? from what you've shown, most likely not.

    Clip #1 To me it seems like you got hit regged in that clip. He did a dodgy maneuver, though, him surviving had more to do with server performance, than his movement.

    Clip #2 To my knowledge, player inventory is rather immune to enemy players. Most common cheats seem to be aimbot and other entity related ones as they're the easiest ones to make.
    As for what happened? I'd like to blame the servers ones again, though, not too certain with this one. The veil loot seems to be puffing ones again, though, it most likely has to do with the voyage itself.
    I had something similar happen yesterday with a piece of meat, though, I suspect something went wrong when I almost ate the first half of it, only for it to disappear from my inventory shorty after the first actual bite.
    TL:DR unsure but I suspect either a visual bug or servers acting up?

    clip #3 and I',,m now unable to see what I type due to forums acting up :) so pardon any typos.

    He was at a sea fort with stationary cannon(s) and you passed him rather close by. If anything I'm surprised he missed any shots he shot.

    TL:DR he most likely wasn't

    Clip#1 was just bad server performance, #2 was sus but more than likely had nothing to do with him, where as #3 is nothing unordinary

  • @limend said in did i just meet a cheater?:

    clip #3 and I',,m now unable to see what I type due to forums acting up :) so pardon any typos.

    Are you typing on tablet or phone? I just had an issue where I was typing here on my iPad, and I couldn’t scroll the text box up, and therefore was unable to see what I was typing after a certain period.

  • @limend said in did i just meet a cheater?:

    Did you encounter one? from what you've shown, most likely not.

    Clip #1 To me it seems like you got hit regged in that clip. He did a dodgy maneuver, though, him surviving had more to do with server performance, than his movement.

    Clip #2 To my knowledge, player inventory is rather immune to enemy players. Most common cheats seem to be aimbot and other entity related ones as they're the easiest ones to make.
    As for what happened? I'd like to blame the servers ones again, though, not too certain with this one. The veil loot seems to be puffing ones again, though, it most likely has to do with the voyage itself.
    I had something similar happen yesterday with a piece of meat, though, I suspect something went wrong when I almost ate the first half of it, only for it to disappear from my inventory shorty after the first actual bite.
    TL:DR unsure but I suspect either a visual bug or servers acting up?

    clip #3 and I',,m now unable to see what I type due to forums acting up :) so pardon any typos.

    He was at a sea fort with stationary cannon(s) and you passed him rather close by. If anything I'm surprised he missed any shots he shot.

    TL:DR he most likely wasn't

    Clip#1 was just bad server performance, #2 was sus but more than likely had nothing to do with him, where as #3 is nothing anordinary

    can disagree with this. it's just crazy this guy fought like some who was new to pvp never tried to board not using chains but his cannons were crazy good as for clip 2 not a visual bug my stuff was just straight up gone

  • @pumpa-cat said in did i just meet a cheater?:

    @limend said in did i just meet a cheater?:

    clip #3 and I',,m now unable to see what I type due to forums acting up :) so pardon any typos.

    Are you typing on tablet or phone? I just had an issue where I was typing here on my iPad, and I couldn’t scroll the text box up, and therefore was unable to see what I was typing after a certain period.

    Writing on a PC, though, I suspect it's the same issue on all devices?

  • @alteredcone1506 said in did i just meet a cheater?:

    can disagree with this. it's just crazy this guy fought like some who was new to pvp never tried to board not using chains but his cannons were crazy good

    Then I guess we'll have to disagree. Though, I'd like to remind that not doing plenty of PvP doesn't meant one can't be good in a specific area of it.
    Back in the arena days me and my then crew encountered a four-men galleon, great with maneuvering, shooting, and keeping the ship afloat, but as soon as someone got on their boat, let's just say it was the end of the story for them. Assuming that's what you meant?

    If you made your interpretation from him not trying to boar, it may come down to play style and strengths. I now days prefer not to board when playing on sloop, as I've found to be more efficient protecting my own ship and rain their ship over trying to constantly board them.
    Though, it comes more down to the situation it self.

  • @alteredcone1506 Ahoy matey!

    I have removed the videos from your post as they will only cause one of two things, either, a witch hunt (and the user is not here to defend themselves) or if they are cheating it only goes to glorify it and promote it.

    Hope you understand!

    Happy Sailing!

  • @musicmee super helpful ty don't look into it or anything A+ work if you don't see it it never happened :D love these forums

  • @alteredcone1506 said in did i just meet a cheater?:

    @musicmee super helpful ty don't look into it or anything A+ work if you don't see it it never happened :D love these forums

    I could be wrong but I believe musicmee is a forum moderator, not a Rare employee. Therefore they cannot look into it.

  • @pumpa-cat said in did i just meet a cheater?:

    @alteredcone1506 said in did i just meet a cheater?:

    @musicmee super helpful ty don't look into it or anything A+ work if you don't see it it never happened :D love these forums

    I could be wrong but I believe musicmee is a forum moderator, not a Rare employee. Therefore they cannot look into it.

    ty pumpa very helpful now I know. I'm just gonna run out and get a vasectomy now

  • @alteredcone1506 said in did i just meet a cheater?:

    [ ... ] last 1 is just this guy destroying my ship with one of those stubby fort cannons this guy had god like aim this game and didn't even shot 1 chain shot.... [ ... ]

    Are you basing your accusation in that he didn't fire chainshots ? He could have gone to the seafort for supplies and empty his pockets - there are no chainshots on seaforts to be found IIRC.

  • @lem0n-curry the discussion is based on the video's they are gone so I'm gonna assume this debate? is over :|

  • @alteredcone1506 As above matey... I am only empowered to moderate based on our Forum Rules, Community Code of Conduct and Pirate Code.

    The ticket system would have been the best place to put that but I know you don't have access - This could be due to; the account you're using being a "child" account or one that has previously been blocked by our support team due to previous interactions.

    Feel free to submit them using another account or maybe a friend/family member could submit them on your behalf?

  • @musicmee well ty for the reply. I'm not a child not sure if my account is set up as one but I'm gonna assume that's a parent safety feature and I do not have it on as for the support team blocking accounts just wow hope not never sent a report before so idk

  • lag issues are very common

    pocket issues don't have anything to do with another player

    plenty of people have good cannon aim, I regularly demast people with cannonballs instead of chainshots because I can stay better dialed in that way and I can rely on cannonballs more than I can chainshots, everyone has their way of staying consistent

    I've fired over 54,000 cannon shots since season 7 as someone that pve's and pvp's only when attacked

    People that only pvp have practiced a lot of shots, plenty of good shooting in the community because of a lot of experience and practice.

    This new content is showing examples every day of how deadly some players are with their accuracy on cannons, especially in many of the skilled solo fights

  • @wolfmanbush idk still find it strange when the only thing you are good at is cannons super sus to me most of the best pvp player are very well rounded practice and all that jaz

  • @musicmee PS ty for unblocking my ip from the website was kinda sad there for a bit

  • @alteredcone1506

    I'm not a good shot so I don't bother with chains. I want every impact to be a big hole lol. If I get on a hot streak with a cannon I look kinda sus too. Not everyone is a cheater.

    I would submit the clip of your pockets emptying. Never heard of that happening before - leaning more towards uhoh new glitch than cheater.

  • @pithyrumble fair enough I just want the matter looked in to and could not for the life of me open a ticket everyone here has a fair point being good at cannons dose not = cheater I just found the fight kinda sus as for the pocket disappearing yeah that gota be fixed

  • @alteredcone1506 said in did i just meet a cheater?:

    @wolfmanbush idk still find it strange when the only thing you are good at is cannons super sus to me most of the best pvp player are very well rounded practice and all that jaz

    it's not really strange at all these days

    my tdm is nowhere near my naval/cannons

    I've sank a lot of people that would beat me in a tdm literally 100% of the time.

    and I can't close the deal with tdm consistently on high skilled players so I have to rely on naval pressure until a sink. I don't get to do the pressure and board as a solo I gotta do constant naval pressure to make up for my combat weakness with my combat strength.

    well rounded high skill is more a thing of the past, they still exist but tdm got so sweaty in this game while naval got so rare that there is much more of a gap than ever before.

    The only reason it didn't show as much before season 8 is that many people were sailing around with 3-4 skilled players and sinking ships that largely weren't in a position to compete so it gave the appearance that everyone was well rounded at higher skill performance but it was mainly combining skill for a crew against opponents that were less experienced and less interested in combat.

  • @alteredcone1506 no cheater…just really good! there are really good cannoners and really good pvp’ers!

    I think they are some bugs to get worked out with the new update…last night we did a veil voyage and had a 50 cannonball crate at every cannon on our brig and they all despawned while we were fighting the forts as well as some treasure we had aboard

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