Rowboat Destroys Loot When it Sinks?

  • Just finished a FOF, loaded all the loot from the island onto a rowboat (2 chests of Rage included), and my crewmate decided to load the kegs onto the rowboat as well lol...

    Hooked the rowboat up to the sloop (had maybe 5 ft of water under it), and the rage chests set off the kegs (2 Black powder and 1 stronghold), killed us both, and when we reapawned the rowboat and all the FOF loot on the rowboat was gone. I looked around the island, in the water around the island, and didn't find anything.

    Aside from the obvious fact that our stupidity sank the rowboat, is there a glitch that causes rowboat loot to despawn when blown up? Any help would be appreciated lol

    Extra information: Reaper's 5, slightly damaged harpoon rowboat, approximately 30 pieces of loot, loot in the captains quarters was untouched

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  • Well, the loot must've sunk. It's the only plausible explanation. That, or someone took it.

  • @animeowl0807 No he's right. I have done a test yesterday. I took a rowboat with some loot and rowed to an island. There i took some loot and put it on land and in water and some i kept on the rowboat. I mermaided back to my ship and sailed to the island (because rowboats despawn when you use the mermaid). I was back within 5 minutes, so before the loot sinks. Result: the loot in the water and on the land was still there. The loot that was in the rowboat was gone.

    I did that test because last week i had a situation where i did a treasury and was loading the loot into a rowboat i found on that island. I got blackscreened (got stuck) and when i was back at my ship (wich was close to the rowboat) the rowboat had despawned and all the loot i already loaded in the rowboat was gone.

  • @super87ghost
    Thanks for testing, but could it be that the loot in the rowboat wasn't interacted with for a long(er) time ?

    Loot sinks after a while, the loot you put on the beach has been interacted with the moment you took it out of the rowboat and I think the 'despawn timer' resets then.
    Loot left in the rowboat hasn't been interacted with and when the rowboat disappears it may sink (almost) immediately because the despawn timer has been reached.

  • @lem0n-curry I also touched the loot on the rowboat in that test. In fact, i touched it after i put the other loot in position (on land/water) ;-)

  • This is a confirmed bug by the community. I have had loot on a harpoon rowboat that got blown up by a keg that we harpooned. It killed both me and my crewmate. 15 seconds later, we respawned back in but the loot was gone, even though we could still see the rowboat sinking beneath the shallow waves.

    Do NOT put loot onto a rowboat unless you're willing to risk losing it. Of course, if you use it to make a getaway and the other crew shoots at you, and they succeed, they'll be forfeiting the loot too.

    It's a bug that absolutely needs to get fixed.

  • I've seen it as well, my crew got into a 3 way fight where the first ship that sank went down with most of its loot in a rowboat.
    Watched the rowboat sink with all of the treasure magnetized to it.

  • Thank you for the answers, y'all! That makes more sense now since we had just loaded the loot onto the rowboat, and no one could have takn it (nor could it have despawned. Lesson learned I guess lol, definitely not going to do that in the future

  • I do believe they tweaked the despawning of loot to combat the vail exploit just like most things they break more than fix.

  • @super87ghost sagte in Rowboat Destroys Loot When it Sinks?:

    @animeowl0807 No he's right. I have done a test yesterday. I took a rowboat with some loot and rowed to an island. There i took some loot and put it on land and in water and some i kept on the rowboat. I mermaided back to my ship and sailed to the island (because rowboats despawn when you use the mermaid). I was back within 5 minutes, so before the loot sinks. Result: the loot in the water and on the land was still there. The loot that was in the rowboat was gone.

    I did that test because last week i had a situation where i did a treasury and was loading the loot into a rowboat i found on that island. I got blackscreened (got stuck) and when i was back at my ship (wich was close to the rowboat) the rowboat had despawned and all the loot i already loaded in the rowboat was gone.

    @super87ghost im sorry, i didnt know that: Does a Rowboat despawn if u take a mermaid? How does this work exatly: Does the player who last interacted with the rowboat make it dissapear? Or does it dissapear when noone is around anymore? Like, does it dissapear when i am still standing on it but my mate who did the rowing takes the mermaid? sorry and thanks in advance, im rly curious, as in 1k hours i never knew that.

  • @parrotlord6426 I mostly play solo and haven't fooled around with rowboats when playing with someone else. My best guess is if nobody is around the rowboat anymore.

  • @super87ghost alright. There seems to be more to it though, as u sometimes encounter random rowboats. maybe they have a despawn timer when they are just dropped from the ship or something.

  • @parrotlord6426
    Pretty sure they stick around until the server shuts down.

    I've had instances where I've found 2 rowboats at reapers before, and finding them at outposts isn't exceptionally rare.

  • @parrotlord6426 said in Rowboat Destroys Loot When it Sinks?:

    @super87ghost alright. There seems to be more to it though, as u sometimes encounter random rowboats. maybe they have a despawn timer when they are just dropped from the ship or something.

    Well, my rowboat was still a part of my ship - at least up until it exploded. 😅

4 out of 14