Reduce new fish milestones

  • With the new captaincy update come these new fishing milestones that reward players with trophies for reaching certain amounts. I believe that the current milestones are ludicrous especially for some of the rarer fish types. As it currently stands it takes 1000 fish of a specific type to reach class 100, which gives the highest trophy. For harder to get fish like storm fish and wreckers this is simply to high. I believe that rare categories like storm and wrecker fish should have a class 100 cap of 500 or even as low as 200 fish. The existing class system could stay the only difference would have to be to change fish required per class from 10 to 5 or 2 respectively. This would still be challenging but would take way less time to achieve. In the current state, the class 100 trophies for fish and even some other actions could take upwards of 100 hours (looking at you sleeping) which is a crazy grind, especially for older players which may have already completed these feats. Even for common fish like splashtails, 1000 catches would still take a very long time, and thats for a fish that DOESN'T require bait. All in all, I think the amount of fish needed for the trophies needs to be rebalanced to make it a feasible goal to work towards that won't require countless hours staring at the ocean or digging up bait.

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  • @fatcat1232171 you don’t NEED to do these milestones

  • They have already been reduced.

    Would you prefer they just have you the trinket for doing nothing?

  • I fished 100 wreckers in 2 sessions of fishing. It really was very simple tbh

  • @pabio-escobar said in Reduce new fish milestones:

    They have already been reduced.

    Would you prefer they just have you the trinket for doing nothing?

    i want fishing to become like the stardew valley fishing minigame
    because fishing in SoT is too 😈HaRdCoRE😈

  • Rare, please, DO NOT touch the fish. Hunters call has always been about the grind, DO NOT LET THE NEW PLAYERS GET THSOE REWARDS EASILY. And if you ever add an emmisary to Hunters, please add it only by reaching lvl50. Let the grind remain

  • I disagree. The original requirement of 2500 fish was a bit extreme but since it has been revised it is much better. It should stay as it is.

  • @lafrules said in Reduce new fish milestones:

    I disagree. The original requirement of 2500 fish was a bit extreme but since it has been revised it is much better. It should stay as it is.

    This, it's manageable now, if still a bit grindy but gives us fishermen something to work towards

  • It's a good point the fish milestones has been reduced.
    But I was hoping they would change the milestones from "getting fish" to "sell fish"... Make it works as the Hunter's Call commendations.
    Then we could progress a bit faster by visiting shipwrecks and barrels in the water.

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