Newcomers' guide to SoT Arena

  • I've noticed a lot of noobs in Arena with a lot of questions. Without wasting too much time lets get into it.

    First when you join queue for arena make sure not to sit at "searching the seas" for longer than 1 min. If it doesn't load by then, exit the game and relaunch. 9x out of 10 you'll sit there for 30 min or more before getting told match making failed or worse, you'll sit there forever.

    Second, Once you're in an Arena lobby make sure to leave and rejoin a new session if you see it doesn't start in the first 1 min. 9x out of 10 if it doesn't start in 1 min it probably never will.

    Third, Lets say you join a lobby with 4 or 5 teams! Well, make sure each one has 4 players in each crew and all other crews are closed or you'll probably sit there forever. Just leave if it doesn't start in a min or two.

    Fourth, When you get into a lobby and you're waiting for it to start make sure to join in, in spamming your mic or text to speech until the match starts. Use your mic to use profanity that would normally get censored in text chat as loudly as you can. (Pro tip put your mic close to your mouth) This is a great way to show everyone else you're apart of the community and you get the culture.

    Fifth, As soon as you actually get into a game (if you ever do) Make sure to quickly get into a cannon and shoot your self off the ship. This way you can spend most of the game stuck in the water or instantly board a new players ship and camp them to get the hundreds of kills you need for the pointless arena achievements they've added into the game they consider "good pvp game play".

    Sixth, When picking a weapon just know when you get a kill with any of them the community will think you're a spammer or a noob. If you die with them you'll also be a spammer or a noob.

    Seventh, Never pay any attention to your own boat, that's for your other crew members to worry about. You need to get off as quick as possible in every situation possible and rack up those player kills!

    Eight, When your lobby asks to do "TDM" this means they're actually talking to rare to include new game modes and they're not really talking to you. What you should do in this situation is park your boat next to them at an angle where they can't shoot you with their cannons and start shooting their upper decks. This will stop them from sinking and you will get endless points and win the game.

    And last but not least, what about hackers? What can you do about hackers? The short answer is nothing. You're suppose to pretend they don't exist and rare will continue to combat them by not combating them. Instead they prefer to remove gameplay elements like wall bangs in order to hide how many there are now.

    I'm sure I missed a lot but this is just what I could think of off the top of my head. Happy sailing pirates! See you on the battlefield!

    (This post is obviously a sarcastic joke. Please fix this rare.. or just lock this thread and ban me because you can't control your game and wont allow anyone to speak out on it.)

  • 7
  • I get where you're coming from with this post, but as someone who has barely started playing in the Arena and gotten a little salty over a recent experience of getting spawn killed... this post actually helped me.

    The team spawnkilling us had already had their own ship sunk. They had zero points. They were not setting our ship on fire or trying to run it aground or any of the other things you do in Adventure mode when you're trying to kill a ship & crew. They were just... spawn camping.

    Until you mentioned that there are rewards for actual kills in the Arena - not just for placement - I couldn't understand why players with "Legendary Sea Dog" titles would bother to spawn kill like that. But now that I understand they were trying to eke out some achievements, it makes sense.

    It was still very much a negative play experience, and I didn't enjoy it, but I no longer blame the players who did it. They weren't the source of the grief.

  • Seems like Rare should revamp the arena mode as it seems pointless and people only play for achievements, not for fun or some other progress oriented goal. Like Battlefield, you progressed with new weapons and upgrades and it was fun, not to unlock an xbox trophy or a random commendation for a new weapon skin or clothing.

    The whole mode seems pointless and boring.

  • #4 had me rolling my friend. Amazing. Also agreed on the revamp of arena as a whole it was cool for 1 day then I realized unless you have a full team of friends good luck...

  • Wait what? Noobs (landlubbers) got questions for you? In 80% cases for me they dont even use any chat or mic. I'm tired of open lobby where people join without even knowing how to sail, dont communicate and drop anchor just to get easy cannon shot. One funny guy even ringed the bell like a madman whenever i started raising it back up.

  • @adyshaman101 lol are you telling me you haven't run into hot-micer's?

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