Battletoads Ship Set Not Received

  • I used to play SoT on Game Pass, but switched to Steam when it came there. I also purchased Battletoads on Steam

    I purchased Battletoads on 8/20 and completed ACT I through to ACT II Stage 2 just to be sure - No Ship Set

    I completed ACT I again, making sure all accounts were linked and logged in - Still No Ship Set

    I submitted a support ticket on the SoT website - Was told to complete ACT I again, make sure all things logged in etc. So I went ahead and did it again - No Ship Set

    I opened another ticket at SoT support and was told the same, to complete ACT I. I explained everything I just said above, was told they cannot help me because xbox handles the cosmetics distribution since SoT cant tell if all requirements were met.

    I went to xbox customer support and they told me I had to go to SoT to have issue resolved because it is an issue with in-game content not showing up, and also because the game was not purchased through Microsoft store or Game Pass

    I went to Steam and was directed back to SoT support for the issue

    I have submitted a third ticket with SoT and they are now quoting me the same article about how to get the ship with completing ACT I of battletoads etc.

    I am at a complete loss for words, I spent $20 on a game I'd otherwise not buy, and spent about 5 hours playing the same content over and over again.

    Xbox and Steam says its an issue SoT has to resolve ,but SoT is regurgitating FAQ stuff repeatedly, and otherwise saying its not their issue to fix

    Has anyone else had this issue and/or been able to find a resolution?

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  • Ahoy, I got the same issue too completed 4 times now the act 1 and still nothing

  • Finished on xbox once, and nothing. Hoping they resolve as I don't want to try to do it again. Once you unlock the achievement attacked, you think SOT support could see that its done.

  • @omnipotence13 Yeah I have 13 achievements completed and a handful of them partially completed. You'd think that was an obvious indicator... Even More - One of the completed ones (something about a frenemy... frenemies reunited? idr) is for having completed the boss that's at the end of ACT I.. so like... yeah. Sorry you're dealing with the same thing I am :(

  • @nimblefatfox Boooo :( I'm sorry.... Hopefully some kind of fix is somewhere, its getting awfully frustrating though, being run around in a circle.

  • I'm having this issue as well, bought the game through steam. I wasn't planning on playing the same content multiple times in order to receive this set. I believe the achievement has something to to do with pants for completing act 1. Providing a screenshot or them looking at our achievements should be more than helpful at providing the necessary information that we have completed the requirements. At this point I've paid more money than I would in the premium store, plus have wasted multiple hours of my time in a game I didn't have a desire to play to get a set that isn't even showing up. The customer support team idea of helping us to send me to a faq which I stated in my ticket that I read and fulfilled the requirements multiple times. I am thoroughly disappointed with Rare and SoT with how they are handling this issue

  • Bumping this to hopefully hear from Rare. I figured I would pass on that so far any approach with the Support team has resulted in the FAQ link despite me writing in my ticket that I read the FAQ about battle toads set and not to close the ticket by sending me to the FAQ about battle toads.

  • @zutter82 take a picture that includes your gamertag/account info as well as proof of the completed act and include that in your support ticket

  • @l-zempel-l @Zutter82
    I had this problem as well. I went back and replayed just the last stage of Act 1 again. (It's the stage where you fight the monster with the big eyeballs.) The next time I logged into Sea of Thieves, the ship set was unlocked. I don't know if this will help you but it worked for me.

  • @zutter82 weird question, but instead of opening new tickets everytime have you tried reopening one that they already answered ? When they answer and close a ticket you can still respond and then the ticket will reopen, this will show the tickets history to the person handling your response.

    What i Would do is reopen The first ticket you made, say you tried everything
    And link all the subsequent tickets you made and stating the you kinda feel you are being given the runaround

  • @callmebackdraft I did reply several times to the first 2 tickets and they kept replying in a manner that was obvious they weren't even reading what I was saying. I kept telling them all the things I did and they were only replying with links to the article on how to get the set etc. After I'd spoken to Xbox and looked into Steam I wanted to submit a new ticket in hopes that I got a new customer service rep that might respond to me differently

  • @captain-fob4141 I did that with the first 2 tickets and the customer service reps were not acknowledging all the screenshots I took and was attaching to my responses etc.

  • @little-squash Unfortunately, I completed ACT I and played in to ACT II Stage II just to be sure - three separate times and the ship set never showed up (I made sure I was logged in to my xbox account and that everything was linked up etc)

  • Any update to this? I’ve played it 3-4 times and haven’t gotten the ship set yet...wondered if you’d ever ended up getting it? I’ll be doing it again tonight...

  • Hello, I have the same issue. played Battletoads ACT 1 two times. did not helped me.

  • i own sot on microsoft store for win 10, played act 1 in battle toad from the xbox game pass..

    didnt receive the skin.. rare needs to fix this!! it's a really nice skin and i wish they clarified things or made a public statement on this..

  • I'm having the same issues, I play both SOT and Battletoads on the XBOX using the game pass. i've completed act 1, 2 times now and no luck. I've read on other posts to wait 72 hours so that's my next step than a support ticket. It's a shame because I just discovered this set and got really excited, put several hours into playing (higher difficulty) and no set....

  • Strange...had no problems at all, finshed act 1 and had the set in my inventory (don't remember if it was instantly or if it took up to 72 hours)

    Anyway if you raise a support ticket and they close that ticket with instruction how to unlock it, don't open a new one when it doesn't work, just write back with the same ticket and keep persistant, send a screenshot of the achievement maybe...they will be able to help, even if it sometimes takes a bit of writing to them

  • I’m having the same problem

  • Same issue...why?

  • I just finished the 1st act and I didn't get the ship. I was playing battletoads on PC and play SOT on both PC and XBOX.

  • Having the same problem here. I can see on my Xbox Companion app that I completed act 1 and got the achievement. No Ship set in SoT waiting for me.

  • I have both games on my microsoft account on pc downloaded from the xbox app,and never received the skin either. so,its clearly an issue on their end.

  • I have completed the first act and still nothing :(

  • Im still waiting too :(
    Completed the Act 1 beating the boss. Waited 72 hrs and no Frog skins.
    Went back in beat the boss again and then tried SoT without luck.
    Went back into Battletoads yesterday and Started the entire thing again all the way through into Act 2 and still nothing :(

  • Same thing here, I have SoT on Microsoft store, Battletoads on Steam, I linked to the same account and played through act 1, waited 72 hours and haven't gotten anything. I've tried replaying just the act 1 boss fight a few times just to make sure, but no luck yet. Is there anything else we can try before putting in support tickets?

  • Im having the same problem too, if rare can get twitch drops to work fine why not this? I complete act I twice, i really didnt enjoy this game and dont have the desire to finish act I any more times. Hoping rare fixes this soon so i dont have to waste more of my time playing a game i dont enjoy.

  • Also having this issue. Has anyone found a resolution?

  • Possible solution:

    FYI, I had same issue, but I was able to get the set.
    I finished the first Act on Tadpole difficulty
    level, did not receive anything, I even completed a few stages in Act 2. no ship set for days. Then I went back and retried stage 6 & 7. Still no ship set for days, tried relogging; nothing. Today, I started the game over on regular or Toad diffculty. I beat the first few stages (made it past the ones with the bikes where you drive). Logged into SOT and I got the ship set, long story short if you have already beaten it on tadpole diffulty; try it on toad difficulty.

  • @wusker Just tried this...still nothing.

  • I'm having the same issue. Its been a couple weeks since I completed the first act, and I just logged in to check and see If I had received the set and nothing. I've gotten the achievement for completing Act 1 as well.

  • Same problem for me, didn't received Battletoads ship set, but completed further in Act 2 on 2-3 stages more. Stage complete achievements are exist in my Steam and XBOX accounts.

    I enjoyed new Battletoads game, but not so much, to play same levels again and again. Will wait 72 hours, 24 hours already passed.

    update: Completed Act 1 on easy & normal difficulty, no ship set for me. Will wait 72 hours, but I think trigger is broken.

  • Not sure if any of this will help, I put in a ticket and I got a response that told me to do the following:

    • Delete your Battletoads saves, use a new save slot and do the chapter again.
    • Pass Stage 7; kill the boss and exit the game.
    • Start Chapter 2 after completing the previous one in order to trigger registering of progress.
    • Use borderless window mode while repeating the steps above.
  • @chilly0123 wth is this? what kinda of joke is this loooool none of us should have to do anything but what was supposed to be "Complete Act 1" "Earn Achievement" "Get ship skin." Has anyone had any luck getting it that was having trouble b4?

  • @zutter82 Bump! I also have this issue.

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