Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned

  • I like the update. I can't understand people who are complaining about something that is free. I mean... go out with your friends to the cinema. That's fun for 2-4 hours if you have a beer afterwards. For the same money you get this game and have hundreds of hours of fun and adventure and it changed every month for free.
    For the high Ping and missing instruments etc. - I don't have this problem. But I would say: "Never play on patch day" ;)

    I can't wait for the weekend when I have more time to enjoy it. Thanks Rare.

  • Not here to be a downer, but what’s next on the agenda?

  • @lordplinde Of course it’s good to like the update and I’m actually glad you do but just because somethings free doesn’t mean it’s immune to criticism. It’s good the updates are free because if they weren’t SOT would have died officially a few months after launch. Gaming is moving to a more free content update service and although it is much better, it doesn’t mean that you can’t discuss the many issues which come with that.

  • @mustardpie14 That's right. But sometimes it feels like complaining not discussion. Maybe a language barrier.

  • @xtinamcgrath
    Am I the only one for whom Xbox optimization has actually made the game worse to the point where parts of it are almost unplayable?

    More than half the time textures don't load in, which makes it impossible to aim with the eye of reach. Plus it makes all the cosmetic skins look super blurry and ugly, which kind of defeats the purpose of a game where the only thing you can get are cosmetics.

    Most of the time barrel inventory images don't load, which makes it impossible to know what I am grabbing. So looking for fish that I need in barrels and shipwrecks is basically impossible.

    Shop inventory doesn't load either. I can't buy it if I can't see it.

    And I don't see any improvement to gameplay anywhere. So I have no idea what was actually optimized.

    This is bad.

    I hope Rare gets this straightened out.

  • Issues from today:

    1. After being sunk by a rival crew, all of my crew's clothing and vanity items were removed upon respawn.
    2. Pet chest showed only a thumbnail of a skeleton cat, which I had not even purchased yet at that time, regardless of whatever pet I had highlighted.
    3. Server merger resulted in a free mysterious note voyage.
    4. While our brigantine was beached upon Umbra and Duke's island, our harpoons failed to latch onto the island to help us get free. Thank goodness for our harpoon rowboat, gunpowder barrels, and another good samaritan crew's cannon-fired blunderbombs! 😅
    5. While attempting to place my monkey on the back railing of our brigantine, he would instead appear on the attached
    6. When lighting the 6 beacons spread across the Wilds and the Shores of Plenty, we only lit 5, but still got credit for 6 (we visited, but did not light, the beacon on Cannon Cove).
  • @violetcandy333 dijo en Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned:

    @guilleont I can skip the arena intro by pressing B on an Xbox controller, and when I use my keyboard, I press Esc. to skip. Which button were you pressing?
    I meant the auto-skip option of the intro should disable Arena intro as well...

    So here we go:

    • Graymarrow damages you before drawing the weapons.
    • When players are fired from cannons, or jump doing the sword lunge, they are seen at 5fps.
    • The ping is double it was before.
    • There's an audio bug when someone dies near you that can persists endlessly (like a wind blowing). Just experimented once, but was annoying enough.
    • Figurehead thumbnails: Kraken's is too big, Wailing Barnacle's is not updated, Emissary GH figurehead shows the Lion of Courage figurehead, and minor issue (some other ones like Viva Piñata figurehead are cover in the big thumbnail by the description).
  • @sebasl9 said in Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned:

    Only issue I found and that’s annoying me is the that in the active challenge of turning all beacons on in the Wilds and Shores of Plenty is not counting properly, I hope am not the only one with this issue.

    Are you using a green or purple lantern to light them? It counted fine for me, and I did all 6 in one session without merging/server hopping.

  • @guilleont I agree with the ping issue. I haven't had a ping less than 100 since the update. I was in a server with people from New Zealand today. I'm in Wisconsin, USA. Is the game putting people in servers just so they can play if U.S. servers are full? I'd rather wait for a U.S. server to open up if this is the case....

  • @d3adst1ck sagte in Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned:

    @pixlisreal said in Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned:

    And here it is... the single worst update we've had since the beginning of the game.

    You think it's worse than the Skeleton Thrones? The one where you had to sit in chairs?

    It's not the flashiest update in terms of gameplay, but it's not as bad as Skeleton Thrones.

    Ehmm....I liked them 😅

  • @little-squash said in Release Notes - 2.0.19 - Fate of the Damned:

    Am I the only one for whom Xbox optimization has actually made the game worse to the point where parts of it are almost unplayable?

    More than half the time textures don't load in, which makes it impossible to aim with the eye of reach. Plus it makes all the cosmetic skins look super blurry and ugly, which kind of defeats the purpose of a game where the only thing you can get are cosmetics.

    Most of the time barrel inventory images don't load, which makes it impossible to know what I am grabbing. So looking for fish that I need in barrels and shipwrecks is basically impossible.

    Shop inventory doesn't load either. I can't buy it if I can't see it.

    And I don't see any improvement to gameplay anywhere. So I have no idea what was actually optimized.

    This is bad.

    I hope Rare gets this straightened out.


  • @SuperSnipper60
    In the event patch notes it says “ All Soulflame cosmetics will be shipped to the Pirate Legend Hideout when the Fate of the Damned update ends – collect them now before they’re sealed behind the waterfall!” so at the very least the weapons will always be available in the pirate legend hideout. I’m not sure about the outfit set though. I hope it’s available after the event, but that wouldn’t make much sense to lock the outfit behind the challenges just to make it a available once the event is over.

  • Hello !

    Nice update you did there ! I'll just point out a little annoying problem for me and my crew. The little animation when you pirate is waking up at the beginning of each session is really annoying as we can't skip it.

    That would be great if we can disable it as well as the intro animation (auto skip).

    Thank you :)

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