Latest insider changes

  • [mod edit]

  • 7
    communitystory & loregeneral
  • ☠️Should insider changes really be posted on this forum☠️

  • @countryboy0916

    There is an Insider forum for Insider feedback. This forum is not the place for it.

  • @Deckhands i think this post needs to be moved

  • @countryboy0916

    Delete your post. You signed an NDA meaning you can't discuss insiders unless it's in insiders forum.

  • @countryboy0916 DUDE DELETE THIS POST!!!!

    You are leaking all the info outside of the insider forums!!! You signed an NDA

    @Deckhands pleaee act on this

    This is why allowing anyone and everyone is a bad idea

  • Ahoy @Countryboy0916,

    Your Post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and directly goes against the NDA

    a. Do not take photos, videos, or audio recordings of the Game
    b. Do not post photos, videos, or audio recordings of the Game on any venue.
    c. Do not describe any part of the Game on any venue unless we’ve instructed you to
    d. Do not allow others to watch you play the Game
    e. Do not leave the Game running unattended.

    Please note that if an Insider violates their non-disclosure agreement on the Sea of Thieves Forums, action will be taken against that user as follows:

    a. One violation will result in a warning from staff
    b. A second violation will result in a 48 hour ban from our Forums
    c. A third violation will result in a permanent ban from both our Forums and the Insider Programme as a whole.


communitystory & loregeneral
6 out of 7