Private Server

  • @caixaderemedio your suggestion is based in fear and fear should not be comforted.

  • @badassfro Many people did not understand what I meant by this post. I do not mind being on a mission and being attacked because I've been defeated by Kraken a few times. The problem is the toxicity in the behavior of some players who do this not for the gold they can steal but for the simple pleasure of disrupting their journey.
    I think a server with no gold gain would be great, because if you want to do missions like Tall Tales, I would not be worried at all times to have my ship sunk while reading the book of missions.
    I and many casual gamers do not have time due to work and responsibilities to stay all day and the playing days to get a Pro Player level. We simply want to have fun on the weekends fishing on our boat, chasing Megalodon and kraken, even if it does not bring me any progress in the game.
    I remember that Minecraft already has this service (a private server paid)

  • @caixaderemedio But what I'm trying to say is that would become very boring, very quickly. Without the constant threat of others.

    The trouble is there needs to be more to stop the KOS. People need to play the game more RP and just play for the experience.

    On a side note I think the KOS is a sign of fear, I would love to see more conversing in SoT, I think that would help, but everybody running away to private servers is not the answer.

  • @caixaderemedio Private servers can be great!
    Doing fun things like races and teaming up against mosters just to create our own creative ideas but i will have to stop it here unless you are willing to accept that you wont be able to transfer your main account into it, basicly you will use another pirate like in the insider program you get a fresh new pirate and everything you do there stay there.
    Private servers will be a massive opening for disgusting grinders and that will ruin the value of all the items and the hardship for getting so far, and who likes to lose? no one but thats part of the charm and it teaches us to get better and makes the game to feel natural and unexpected.
    So i can see the good sides of private servers but only without main character progression.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Private Server:

    @caixaderemedio Private servers can be great!
    Doing fun things like races and teaming up against mosters just to create our own creative ideas but i will have to stop it here unless you are willing to accept that you wont be able to transfer your main account into it, basicly you will use another pirate like in the insider program you get a fresh new pirate and everything you do there stay there.
    Private servers will be a massive opening for disgusting grinders and that will ruin the value of all the items and the hardship for getting so far, and who likes to lose? no one but thats part of the charm and it teaches us to get better and makes the game to feel natural and unexpected.
    So i can see the good sides of private servers but only without main character progression.

    Doing things like races, and teaming up to fight monsters, both of which I have been able to do in adventure. The race was a good one as we announced a race to a nearest Skull fort with the first one on the island getting the loot once it was over.
    I have even had a duel with a crew of a gally for a captains chest.

    The fact of the matter is everything you want to do in private server can and would be far more fun in adventure, granted it takes longer to do, but I'm sorry....not sold.

    Everything about private server is all about ease, you're no proving otherwise

  • @badassfro hahah ok you want proof with pleasure, what about all of those servers that are being closed only to grinders, everyone in a big alliance farming athenas and forts. but its not forbiden because they are not hacking or cheating they are just saving spots for others but its not easy to do so most people dont do that.
    And i do prove it to you why is it bad bunch of players will grind the living **** out of it and will make Pirate Legends and athena 10 to look like a joke and even flash phone do their best to create a logical economy so i dont see how RARE are just going to let it slide it will ruin the value of the items unless you get another fresh character and on this one go ahead have fun sail with friends and do whatever you want but im against transfering characters from the main game to this.
    And im confused from what you said please explain me from which side are you? against it or with it?

  • @badassfro
    So? Some things need private servers, like events, to be run without a ton of effort. Rare could monetize them to pay for the server cost, similar to realms in minecraft. I do agree that there shouldn't be progression, because that would make adventure have less of a mix of players, and devalue gold.

  • @faceyourdemon Very much against private servers, very much against the current "farming" servers.

    Nothing anybody can explain the need for private servers apart from to make it "easier".

    "Easier" to setup races
    "Easier" to setup a pirate miniseries
    "Easier" to enjoy TT's

    What I am and have been saying is none of the above (or any of the other reasons people have so far come up with) cannot be done in Adventure. Where I argue all of those things are better.

    Lets take a Pirate Mini Series, the only reason I can kinda get behind for private servers, but even then I think it would be better in Adventure as mentioned earlier in this thread:

    Filming a Pirate mini series: I would say this would be infinity better in adventure where anything can and does happen, it just means you need to run your stories more like a D&D DM, ooo (side note: I would love to watch that, a group of friends, one is a DM, all doing quests in SoT.....but with the added randomness of adventure. The DM weaves the story from the actions of the players and the revolving carousel of characters that make up adventure.)

  • @badassfro Bruh read my comment then dude read before you tag someone i am the opposing side because of the grinders.
    In genral it can be fun all the things we can do but im against it because it will devalue reputation and worth of items.
    So we are on the same side, i think private servers can be fun but only if we wont be able to use our main character there.

  • @faceyourdemon Bruh, I have and considering you mentioned on the bottom of your post "And im confused from what you said please explain me from which side are you? against it or with it?"

    And what I'm saying is even with no progression I don't see the point.

  • @badassfro Ok, as much as i agree with you that its fun to roleplay against all the odds it makes it 100 more unique it dosent always work and if i want to play with nore then 4 friends then its nice.
    Ive never suggested that but due to people who wants PVE/ private servers there needs to be some kind of answer, i personally think its sad to want PVE server but they are players too and private server with no character progression is fair for both sides.

  • @faceyourdemon I see you're best intentions are to cater for everybody. I think people do not realize what their are asking for is not a solution, more like giving up.

    Private servers do not solve anything, and just because a large amount of people are asking for it doesn't mean it is in their or our best interests.

    It's like a child constantly asking for ice cream for dinner. Just because every child wants ice cream for dinner doesn't mean they should

  • @faceyourdemon said in Private Server:

    @badassfro Bruh read my comment then dude read before you tag someone i am the opposing side because of the grinders.
    In genral it can be fun all the things we can do but im against it because it will devalue reputation and worth of items.
    So we are on the same side, i think private servers can be fun but only if we wont be able to use our main character there.

    The problem with this logic is that the items dont really have value, nor does the rep. They cant lose value they dont have. What you're actually worried about is your time spent getting them being devalued.

    I'm not. I don't care how fast someone else unlocks things that have no effect on me, and I play because I enjoy playing, I collect things too, but they aren't why I play.

  • @natiredgals Even dumb flash phone games have a minimal economy logic and they wont create such an opening for grinding, so whenever you care or not it dosent bother me i want RARE to care its kinda their job.
    They took in mind PVE&PVP into their core economy so you cant just ruin that with "easy mode".
    And if items and loot are so unimportant for you then why wont you give them up for greater cause?
    My answer is that all you care about is loot and you want to grind it so please instead of suger talking us into "oh it can be great to sail with friends" blah blah blah state your real reason.

  • @badassfro Cant agree more with you people asks for things they dont understand but if RARE are going to surrender to that small angry mob then that should be the solution.
    They have already made a huge mistake with optional crossplay, i trust them but i think it was a bad idea to do that, the only solution should have been is fixing double gunning and mouse& keyboard for xbox.
    But they gave up for that so we are here today and i prefer private server with no character progression as an answer then PVE server with your main character.

  • @faceyourdemon Good morning Demon, please don't even get me started on the Cross Play mistake decision, but thats for another thread.

    What I find interesting is nobody who's been advocating for PvE servers is in here trying to convince us it will add anything extra. This thread has been a calm discussion explaining how everything people want to do on a PvE server can be done in Adventure, granted it takes a little more effort, but isn't that what life on the sea's is all about.

    I think we all agree the Dev's have put in huge effort to get to where we are. I would hate for them to have to "waste" effort on designing a PvE server for people who want it easy. Just look at Elite Dangerous (this has been used time and time again as a prime example) the moment solo servers were introduced nobody played open. The same will happen here. Even with no progression.

  • @badassfro

    If you re-read your own thread you’ll see that you make a strong case for a separate PvE server although that wasn’t your intention.

    This really shouldn’t be such a divisive topic and the devs have already made an attempt to solve the issue although many don’t appear to realise it.

    The goal of the game was to provide an open world encompassing combat and adventure. Unfortunately (but predictably) combat dominates to the point that it spoils adventure for those trying to play it. This doesn’t mean these same players don’t enjoy combat, only that it’s a monumental grind and very little fun trying to adventure and defend/fight at the same time.

    Rare created a whole new arena for combat and enhanced adventure with a new series of quests. An attempt to put a little distance between the full time fighters and those wishing to partake in PvE. It hasn’t worked. The game needs better balancing. Just read the original marketing blurb - that’s what we want, not separate servers.

  • morning and I fail to see how any of posts have given you that impression.

    Arena wasn't designed for combat, please try it and you will realise there doesn't need to be a cannon fired, or cutlass raised in anger in order to win. It is designed as a more condensed version.

    If all everyone is asking for is for a balanced adventure, we wouldn't be having this discussion. The fact is Separate Servers is exactly what everyone is asking for.

    I disagree with it not being fun to have to defend/fight while being on an adventure. I would argue that's what makes it an adventure. You are treating the game as a Grind instead of an adventure, hense why it hurts so much when you do have to defend/fight.

    So again please prove to me that Private servers will bring something to the game.

  • @dadiodude Even in Tales from Sea of Thieves book they got ambushed while doing an adventure its part of the game.
    And when you defeat your foes and fisish your desired mission/quest you dont remember that as a bad thing its when you lost to a better crew and thats part of life, we lose sometimes we win sometimes.

  • While i fully agree @Xultanis-Dragon
    The game can also die because the community becomes too oneyed regarding PvP and a few bad Apples within the PvP players (i dont say they are all bad, it's like allways, most are nice players, maybe different aproach because they like PvP, but overall nice players and not mindlessly killing or wanting the other to quit.
    But the bad ones have or can make a big impact on the whole community and spoil it for many if not all in the end.
    1 bad experience destroys 10 good ones you had before.

    I think it's not that bad, but we need to be cautious.

    I dont know why we accept people writing they are here to break someones will, make them leave server or quit session or make them cry, because that is so funny to them, when the carebears cry.
    That's in no way a social experience.

    I was against it, then i supported this, atm i am divided about this.
    One part of me says: give it to them if the pop is healthy etc...
    But i see your points and fully agree.
    The other part says no, it's not that bad, it haopens, but not that often and we can deal with it
    All system implemented would judt cut down the freedom we have and anyway wont work, because everything i saw about this in other games can be exploited or becomes vice versa an incentive to trolling, because of the "proud to be the hardest PK ever".

    What can be a solution is to keep it balanced for yourself.
    For every ship i sink i try to do something good to another crew and keep it balanced.
    It's important to show others there are not all crews allways hostile.
    Else we have what we fear to get, when we have pve Servers.
    No uncertainty anymore but KOS, because you know everybody is hostile.

    What we donnert to forget is to ask this.
    How many crews and sails you came across that get out of your way, were passive and keep distance until you made a bad PvP experience.

    And we all need to keep in mind that PvP, even if you loose, can also be fun and easy to overcome.
    This should be the main experience in all situations if you ask me.
    All players are asked to make their contributions to have an overall fun and social experience.
    Gamemechanics can support that and things like spawnkilling for ressources are hard to balance.
    On the one side it should be possible to steal supplies, but if people spawnkill someone or want them to scuttle then this is a bad solution to the one loosing, because it's barely fun.

  • @bugaboo-bill In these past weeks i see a change of heart in you :)
    We need to educate players to play the right and respecfully way, but without rules i know its difficult but i believe that most of us wants the same and the rest will get bored and move on to another game.

  • @faceyourdemon sagte in Private Server:

    @bugaboo-bill In these past weeks i see a change of heart in you :)
    We need to educate players to play the right and respecfully way, but without rules i know its difficult but i believe that most of us wants the same and the rest will get bored and move on to another game.

    It's not a big change or 180° turn, but i tend to say all is ok, but fragile on both ends.
    I was always pro PvP and have the threat.
    The 2 times I played on an Alliance server were boring, but i'm always vocal for the weaker.
    Sone sort of Robin Hood PvPer :-)

    I believe and hope the same.
    The trolls will move on, the overall community will balance out to the social PvPvE experience Rare, we or most of us like and want to have.

    Keep it real, keep it social, keep pvp'ing and pve'ing and find a middlgroind for everything.

    That's what we want and need to do.

  • @bugaboo-bill Though if ill ever see you out there in the sea ill probably test your mettle, spawnkill you until you will uninstall the game :)
    Joke ill see you one day

  • @faceyourdemon sagte in Private Server:

    @bugaboo-bill Though if ill ever see you out there in the sea ill probably test your mettle, spawnkill you until you will uninstall the game :)
    Joke ill see you one day

    Although i argue a lot i have relatively thick skin, i'd judt switch server if i cant beat you.
    It's the least fun experience i made.
    If it comes with git gud noob and you dont earn to be PL A10 i maybe laugh and make one finished comment, but most of the time i would just let it be.
    Happened 2 times for me tbh since start, so all fine :-)
    I'm mostly anyway with a skilled crew and we loose very less and most fights we lost were to lazy aproach at the end of a session or still a good experience we learned from.
    But i think we can always improve the experience to everybody.

  • @badassfro

    To quote you

    “Just look at Elite Dangerous (this has been used time and time again as a prime example) the moment solo servers were introduced nobody played open.”

    The preference therefore is obviously, irrefutably for private servers.

    If you took the time to read my posts you’d see that I don’t advocate or support separate servers.

    Arena isn’t for combat - Oh! OK

    Ask why people are wanting separate servers. It’s an easy solution to what many see as an insurmountable problem. You have to accept that people play games (all games) differently. That’s OK, it’s not a matter for argument.

    Now, you can bury your head in the sand and pretend there isn’t a problem and the community isn’t split, or you can try to understand what the problem is, even if it doesn’t affect you personally.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Private Server:

    @dadiodude Even in Tales from Sea of Thieves book they got ambushed while doing an adventure its part of the game.
    And when you defeat your foes and fisish your desired mission/quest you dont remember that as a bad thing its when you lost to a better crew and thats part of life, we lose sometimes we win sometimes.

    Again, this isn’t really the issue as I see it. Being attacked to have loot/treasure stolen is absolutely part of the game, as is attacking others for their loot.

    The issue for players wanting to experience the PvE quests and challenges are the endless attacks particularly when the ship is unattended and/or has zero cargo. The camping and spawn killing, the double crossing in alliances and so on. None of these have anything to do with piracy.

    I play mainly solo or on a 2 man sloop. A small crew can’t watch the ship constantly. You have to go onto the island. Ship, although empty, gets attacked and sunk. Rinse Repeat, Rinse Repeat ad nausea. It’s just so boring.

    There are other reasons but in essence PvP dominates the game to the point where for many the PvE becomes rather pointless. This can be addressed so that everyone is happy and we still all play on the same server. It just requires a few tweaks and a little imagination from Rare.

  • @bugaboo-bill Of course again i was kidding hope to see you one day and i truly believe this game to standout.

  • @dadiodude oh how wrong can you be, Elite Dangerous broke because of it.

    I know what the problem is actually and have been discussing on another thread.

    There we have acknowledged that the current game is harder than it was for us when we first started, and that is where the cries for Private servers have come from.

    I still fail to see how Private servers solve anything, balancing the issues which are Kill on Sight and sloop vs galley. I would say I have sunk plenty gallys in my solo sloop in fact that is all I sail.
    All the challenges you have faced, I have faced too. Its just for what ever reason, you feel a safe place is needed. I feel balancing to enable everyone to be together is better.

  • Private servers defeat the whole purpose of the game, I mute everyone ingame if i hear people shout or hotmic i turn on the mute. And be the pirate i am, you shoot we sink you.

    People should report toxic people and they should be put on servers with their own kind untill they learn how to behave :)

    To private servers i say no...

  • @badassfro said in Private Server:

    @dadiodude oh how wrong can you be, Elite Dangerous broke because of it.

    I know what the problem is actually and have been discussing on another thread.

    There we have acknowledged that the current game is harder than it was for us when we first started, and that is where the cries for Private servers have come from.

    I still fail to see how Private servers solve anything, balancing the issues which are Kill on Sight and sloop vs galley. I would say I have sunk plenty gallys in my solo sloop in fact that is all I sail.
    All the challenges you have faced, I have faced too. Its just for what ever reason, you feel a safe place is needed. I feel balancing to enable everyone to be together is better.

    OK, now this is getting weird. Again, I don’t want, have never wanted separate servers. I really don’t know why you think I do. I do understand however, why many are asking for them but like you think a little tweak here and there to address the worst problems will be enough.

    As to your first comment. The fact that the introduction of solo servers led to the death of open servers proves that the majority of the player base wanted solo (otherwise they would have ignored them). Ergo they were preferred. It’s irrelevant if this ultimately helped or hurt the game.

    So, the lesson to be learnt surely is fix the game so that it appeals to as many players as possible. This will stop people asking for separate servers and may well ensure the future of the title. As a game ages the demographic playing it changes. In this case a great many players have moved on and the majority left have already done the adventuring to death. The only kick that a lot appear to get is in attacking others for no apparent reason. I’m relatively new to the game and want to do adventures and level up. Sadly as a newish player I’d only give it a 5/10 in its current state. Work is needed.

  • @dadiodude I use the same analogy as I have before, just because a lot of people are asking for something doesn't mean that it is right. Your argument that just because all players in Elite Dangerous opted for Solo proved it was the preferred play style is a mistaken assumption. They did it because why risk open, and that will be the same mentality here.

    Private servers cannot exist in any form.

    All children ask for ice cream for dinner, does that mean that it is right to give it to them?

  • @badassfro said in Private Server:

    @dadiodude I use the same analogy as I have before, just because a lot of people are asking for something doesn't mean that it is right. Your argument that just because all players in Elite Dangerous opted for Solo proved it was the preferred play style is a mistaken assumption. They did it because why risk open, and that will be the same mentality here.

    Private servers cannot exist in any form.

    All children ask for ice cream for dinner, does that mean that it is right to give it to them?

    You’ve now gotten yourself into a circular argument. If a majority opt for something it is by virtue of this very fact, the preferred choice. It may, however, prove to be the wrong choice which I think is what you’re suggesting.

    Please stop arguing against separate/private servers with me. We actually agree on this.

  • @dadiodude You have admitted that you have only just started the game. I have acknowledged you face a lot of threats we didn't, and not just that but for us those threats were drip fed in allowing us to master them in time for the next changes.

    You have admitted your self most people are just asking for private servers instead of asking for the game to be balanced. and I'm saying this is the problem. If people were only asking for the game to be balanced for new players we wouldn't be having this conversation, but instead like you have said all everyone is asking for is private servers.

    Again just cause a lot of people are asking for something doesn't mean it is right.

  • @dadiodude Never said anything about the majority.

  • @dadiodude Not arguing, and what we seem to be discussing is more the example of Elite Dangerous and whether or not just cause a lot of people request something it is the "preferred" option

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