There needs to be a better way to select the food you want

  • I think you should be able to press up on the radial to select food, then open a new radial with all your food types to select. The way it is now feels clunky as heck, and how often do you accidentally eat a trophy fish or something you didn't mean to. In the heat of battle, grabbing a banana was quick and easy, now I'm accidentally shoving raw pig and whatever in my mouth. I know you can go to the menu and all your stuff is there, but still the pressing up mechanic in the radial that was there from the start needs to be worked on to better know what you're about to select.

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  • @tedakin I put a shortcut to fruit, every time I press "A" the fruit changes, no need to open the wheel to select or change food.

  • Oh gawd, idk man, it'd be scared if Rare changed something here, just look at Barrels 2.0 vs 1.0, they were so much smoother and quicker before and they made that change over Cursed Cannon Balls and then for 7 months that's it until the food items. I'd say be careful what you wish for.

  • Map the button as said above. I have it on my right joystick and can swap through easily enough, other than that if you expect combat (which you should be aware of before having the wrong food becomes an issue) store uncooked or fish you want to sell and grab fruit.

  • @tedakin Yea.. or even allow us more granularity with the food shortcut. Allow me the setting to have it get all foods, all non-raw foods, meat only, or fruit only. That way I could use one shortcut to cycle through everything and one shortcut as my OH GOD EAT THE FOOD OH GOD button.

  • Mapping the button works out but a radial menu would be cool once you press it down.

  • @contentzilla It's horrible now though. You just randomly pull out a food item, not knowing what it is even going to be. And if it's something you don't want to eat like a prized fish, you have to basically pause the game bringing up the menu and select it. It just doesn't feel smooth at all. And I don't know how many times my friends and I have accidentally eaten raw kraken meat or something we meant to sell by accident.

  • @bloodybil If you play on Xbox all this button mapping is a bit harder to do. There are no free buttons.

  • @tedakin said in There needs to be a better way to select the food you want:

    @bloodybil If you play on Xbox all this button mapping is a bit harder to do. There are no free buttons.

    Yes, another advantage PC players have but if you ask them they supposedly don't have any advantages LOLz.

  • @tedakin said in There needs to be a better way to select the food you want:

    @bloodybil If you play on Xbox all this button mapping is a bit harder to do. There are no free buttons.

    No free buttons? You've got both d-pad left and right and the right joystick (click) button input. That's 3, not none.

  • If you bind your food key to a button when you hit the button again it cycles the food

  • @tedakin
    It could be like when you hover over food, you can press y to pen a food radial. This would be similar to the bait, which works well imo

  • @tedakin
    If you have 1 banana, 2 coconuts, 1 pineapple, and 1 raw kraken, that is the order they will cycle through when you press the hotkey. There is enough time before combat to collect fruit and drop raw fish.

    I would accept a change where raw fish is removed from this hotkey cycle. The only ways to hold raw fish would be:
    Collect from rod
    Collect from another pirate
    Collect from barrel
    Collect from pan
    Select from inventory
    Press hotkey when no fruit/cooked food is in your pocket.

  • @contentzilla said in There needs to be a better way to select the food you want:

    @tedakin said in There needs to be a better way to select the food you want:

    @bloodybil If you play on Xbox all this button mapping is a bit harder to do. There are no free buttons.

    Yes, another advantage PC players have but if you ask them they supposedly don't have any advantages LOLz.

    Good thing M+K support is here LOLz :)

  • @bloodybil
    Correct...kbm support that is poorly implemented and hinders performance and fps...

  • @pomalotacusmk3 Cool, control and console bickering nonsense aside, what do you guys suggest to be done for cycling food with controlers?

    What I simply stated was that a sub-radial menu would be cool, and could also work with hotkeys. It's a shame some people can't help themselves to bring "advantages" into everything.

  • @bloodybil
    I just responded to your kbm post....
    Anyway, go back 2 posts, my suggestion it that its not currently broken if you manage your inventory well. I also listed a possible change to how the hotkey could work. What do you think?

  • @pomalotacusmk3 Yeah that's a good way to prevent eating raw fish and trophies. Personally I am not crazy about cycling through items, food or canonballs, I wish we could choose food the same way we can choose cursed canonballs once aiming down the canon. Still, any way to prevent eating raw food would be a step in the right direction.

    I wonder how it could work for controllers though since you apparently can't assign a direct food button? Or can you just access food via the item menu or the global ressource menu?

  • @bloodybil
    I have food set to a hotkey, and pressing it multiple times cycles through each type. The order is the same as it appears in your inventory/same as the order you collect it.

    I feel there is enough time to deposit raw fish and collect fruit in the order you want, before any type of combat. I dont think any changes are needed because you should never be running around with raw fish during a fight.

    Removing raw fish from the food hotkey, and only making it hold-able in the ways i listed in my first post, stops players from eating raw food, and encourages good inventory/barrel management.

    I dont want to make this about crossplay, but i would be against additional hotkeys, as controller is already limited to 3, unless i remove chat or emote :(

    I guess a radial similar to CC's could work, but if im going into battle with 3 coconuts and 2 mangos, pressing 'fruit' twice is faster than a radial. I guess you could describe it as nerfing the organised pirate, or buffing the disorganized pirate?

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in There needs to be a better way to select the food you want:

    I have food set to a hotkey, and pressing it multiple times cycles through each type. The order is the same as it appears in your inventory/same as the order you collect it.

    I feel there is enough time to deposit raw fish and collect fruit in the order you want, before any type of combat. I dont think any changes are needed because you should never be running around with raw fish during a fight.

    Removing raw fish from the food hotkey, and only making it hold-able in the ways i listed in my first post, stops players from eating raw food, and encourages good inventory/barrel management.

    I dont want to make this about crossplay, but i would be against additional hotkeys, as controller is already limited to 3, unless i remove chat or emote :(

    I guess a radial similar to CC's could work, but if im going into battle with 3 coconuts and 2 mangos, pressing 'fruit' twice is faster than a radial. I guess you could describe it as nerfing the organised pirate, or buffing the disorganized pirate?

    Oh so it is mappable as hotkey. Someone above brought it up like it was a super PC only advantage, hence my comment. Believe me, I'd rather not make it a console argument either.

    I agree that cycling is faster than a radial, I was thinking it would be cool if by keeping the same button down, would prompt the radial. It would be halfway between pressing tab (or whatever you press to see all your ressources) and cycling by pressing the same button over and over. While in combat I try not to eat just anything in panic, I'd rather have a quick way to choose exactly the amount of HP I want.

  • @bloodybil
    I think they were suggesting that adding more food hotkeys will work for kbm, while a controller user would have to decide which item to sacrifice.
    Tedakin was taking the tactful way, Contentzilla was taking the stabby way,
    I guess i just understood what they were hinting at as i use a controller.

  • @tedakin as @Lleorb'm on XBox and three buttons on the controller are not used: left and right D-Pad and the right stick button, I use it there...just press this one again and you cycle through the food...

    And another tip for you: when you accidently eat something wrong, quickly press "B" (XBox) or equip the weapon...when you do it right after it, you don't take a bite...the eating animation must be completed, so break it up before...

  • Bind your fruit to a button and u can cicle tru your food by repressing the button.

    Your welcome

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