Forming Alliances

  • Just a suggestion, I think it would be great if Sea Of Thieves would all allow for friends to spawn into the same server on two different ships. That way they could form a small alliance right from the start. Also, it would be great if we could purchase additional cannon balls using our gold at designated Outpost in addition to finding extra supplies In various barrels.

  • 7
  • Me too but someone will just find a way to exploit it.

  • Wouldn't mind a way of checking if a friend is in the same server as you, outside of "is there an active fort in your server? Which one?" etc

  • @righteousreign8 this has been brought up alot lately no buying cannoballs would ruin the balance of a game and count as a pay to win mechanic i have 5 million gold the amount of cannonballs i could buy with that money then you have new people with no gold at all and people would find a way to exploit the the other option and joining a server to find 8 people all friends on two different galleons from the start going around hunting people would not be fun oh that coupled with the ability to buy cannonballs you get where im going with this

  • 1000 times, yes

  • I think it would be great if Sea Of Thieves would all allow for friends to spawn into the same server on two different ships

    Might sound cool but the amount of abuse would be insane, just think about it; 6 people makes one solo sloop each and then all of them queue together to end up "owning" the server. If it was a cap on 2 ships maybe but even that is to much IMO.

    it would be great if we could purchase additional cannon balls using our gold at designated Outpost in addition to finding extra supplies In various barrels.

    Why? it's already easy enough to find cannonballs all over the place, barrels of plenty is everywhere and cannonball crates on islands is pretty common aswell so i really don't see a reason at this point.

  • @wildbloodoz

    That would be a great option also.

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