Hello all!

  • Im a returning player, played a bit at launch but struggled to get a regular group to sail with. i ended up leaving the game for a while. Ive recently come back to the game via an impromtu voyage with some friends and i am amazed at the amount of content here such as the tall tales and new currency. Decided to keep playing as i missed the fun on the waves and hopefully will get through some of the tall tales soon.

    Im still around level 15-20 with the core 3 OOS, merchants and gold hoarders. can play on PC and Xbox versions thanks to a digital copy but have strange times to play due to working evenings,(timezone GMT) if anyone wants to add my GT send me a message let me know where you added me from. (theres alot of bots/Con artists around on XBL). Prefer 18+ gamers due to emotional maturity.

    I hope to see you out there on the waves!

  • 3
  • @warhead-thirty Welcome back to the seas : )

  • Ahoy there Warhead thirty! Happy Sailing!

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