Okay or not?

  • I was sailing in the Devils Roar, doing the legend mercenary voyage,
    just as a safety messeure, I had started tall tale 9, so I could have the shroud breaker on me ship.

    then the reaper chest came, an I sailed straight over there, It was in the "corner" up Marauders arc, an there was another sloop, I got first to the shipwreck, an had 1 min before they would be there to.

    Found the reaper chest in 35 sec. an just sail as soon I came on board on my ship.

    Here is where I feel kinda bad an good at the same time, because I could just sail out to the Red sea, an they tried follow, but was force back, they followed to the corner an was going to chase me in the devils roar, but again, I just turn in to the red sea, where they had no change to get me.

    I dont know if it Grind 2 win, It a little troll like a least.
    What do you think ?

  • 7
  • Perfectly okay, and in keeping with Rare’s “Tools, not Rules” philosophy.

    I once experimented with using the Shroudbreaker to sail due East of Morrows Peak into the Shroud beyond column Z of the map. That did not work. I suspect it only works within the 26x26 map grid.

  • Perfectly fine. I’ve used the shroudbreaker to avoid a pursuing galleon before - chased us quite far towards Tribute Peak before they eventually sunk!

  • It was a great move. Good work!

  • "Tools not Rules"... fits the ethos perfectly.
    Use it all the time, it is always a good idea to be prepared for all eventualities.
    You are just better prepared.. it's to be applauded.
    Tribute Peak is lovely as well, worth a little visit to occasionally. :)

  • It's a good trick. Perfect for Environmental events like Reaper's Chests!

  • Totally fine!

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