50 in all companies?

  • Just wondering a few things.

    First, does anyone know if Rare has said anything about what will happen to people that hit 50 in all five companies? Or if they’ve mentioned any future plans for “full” Pirate Legends?

    Also, has anyone managed it yet? I know there’s gotta be some hardcore players out there that have hit 50 in all five.

    I’m sitting at PL A5 right now. Working through Hunters Call before I hit the Arena. Loving it all of course, but hoping by the time I get there they have some big rewards for us players that go for it all.

    Thanks everyone! Happy sailing!

  • 19
  • 50/50/50/50/50 maybe a new title with new objectives Pirate King or Pirate Emperor or something would be cool

  • Eh they'll probably nerf the commendations without notice or advance warning or they will allow you to buy levels from the dude in the tavern so I wouldn't worry about grinding them out. Plus the SOT community really hates the grinders and favors the casuals. So one day you'll log in and the commendations will pop like candy. At first you'll think it's a glitch but then you'll come to the forums to find out this part of the new update. And even though there will be many complaint threads Rare will stick to their guns and kick the grinders to the curb even though they were the ones who put in insane hours and populated the servers on a regular basis. Instead, they'll favor the casuals who casually play the game here and there. Rant over.

  • @oroku said in 50 in all companies?:

    Just wondering a few things.

    First, does anyone know if Rare has said anything about what will happen to people that hit 50 in all five companies? Or if they’ve mentioned any future plans for “full” Pirate Legends?

    Also, has anyone managed it yet? I know there’s gotta be some hardcore players out there that have hit 50 in all five.

    I’m sitting at PL A5 right now. Working through Hunters Call before I hit the Arena. Loving it all of course, but hoping by the time I get there they have some big rewards for us players that go for it all.

    Thanks everyone! Happy sailing!

    Not sure about the full pirate legend thing as many of us did the grind to a10 when it was a grind, to have something like a full pirate legend would be a slap in the face to us and especially the founders

  • @capndeath said in 50 in all companies?:

    @oroku said in 50 in all companies?:

    Just wondering a few things.

    First, does anyone know if Rare has said anything about what will happen to people that hit 50 in all five companies? Or if they’ve mentioned any future plans for “full” Pirate Legends?

    Also, has anyone managed it yet? I know there’s gotta be some hardcore players out there that have hit 50 in all five.

    I’m sitting at PL A5 right now. Working through Hunters Call before I hit the Arena. Loving it all of course, but hoping by the time I get there they have some big rewards for us players that go for it all.

    Thanks everyone! Happy sailing!

    Not sure about the full pirate legend thing as many of us did the grind to a10 when it was a grind, to have something like a full pirate legend would be a slap in the face to us and especially the founders

    They won't care ie look at how they NERFED ALL THE COMMENDATIONS THAT WERE IN PLACE SINCE LAUNCH FOR OVER 6 MONTHS. That was such a huge slap in the face to those who grinded those to the point where a lot of those players left permanently.

  • Let u know when i get there 😂

    33 HC. 50 all other and athena 10.
    Git the Legend sea dog commendation for 240 wins before i made lvl 49 on sea dog. Today i finished up sea dog lvl 50 aswell.

    Could buy the HC but i want to play for it.

  • @oroku said in 50 in all companies?:

    Just wondering a few things.

    First, does anyone know if Rare has said anything about what will happen to people that hit 50 in all five companies? Or if they’ve mentioned any future plans for “full” Pirate Legends?

    Also, has anyone managed it yet? I know there’s gotta be some hardcore players out there that have hit 50 in all five.

    I’m sitting at PL A5 right now. Working through Hunters Call before I hit the Arena. Loving it all of course, but hoping by the time I get there they have some big rewards for us players that go for it all.

    Thanks everyone! Happy sailing!

    probably not yet mate i don't think so because no one could or would sit through that

  • To clarify a couple things.

    First when I said “full” pirate legend, my meaning was someone that’s gone 50 in everything and 10 in Athena. I know back in the day there was talk here or there about “Pirate Legend Captains.” That’s more what I meant.

    Second, I was asking if anyone knew if Rare has said anything about in general and/or has anyone got there yet?

    However, and not to add to the discord, I just don’t understand the constant complaints from everyone on both sides. I’ve played since the beta and have done my fair share of grinding, but Rare making it easier for people hasn’t taken away anything I’ve done.

    We “veterans” that have played since day one or the alpha or beta are always the first to tell all the new players “get good” or “play something else.” Or my favorite “it’s not a grind if you just have fun.” Or “the game is meant to be a sand box” and so on and so on.

    Rare never made us grind out gold chickens or server hop for skull forts. They never made us collect those thousand banana crates or sail those millions of miles. We did it all by choice, and hopefully, for some of us, the fun of it.

    But if Rare eases the grind down to make the game more fun or excisable for more people we all raise hell and act like Rare forced us to do these things we it was we our selves that said “it’s a make your own fun kinda game.”

    If I hit 50 in everything and don’t have anything “special” to show for it, so what? Who cares, I did it for the fun of the game. And if I do get there, and then Rare makes it easier somehow for everyone else, that doesn’t change the fun I had playing the game.

    To new players and day one players. It’s a make your own fun adventure game where literally none of the titles or cosmetics matter not one bit. Your achievement score will never matter to anyone but you. SO HAVE FUN! AND GOOD SAILING!

  • @Oroku I hope to be at level 50 in all 5 within the next few weeks, Currently 42 Hunters and 45 Arena and I hope that as a reward I receive a new Drum that summons a Ghost Meg.

  • @madmark1961 Ha! We could all probably hit PL five times over before seeing a ghost. I hope I get it one day my self, but do love that little twinge of excitement every time the Meg music first hits like “this is it, this is the one...we have zero plants.” Lol

  • @oroku said in 50 in all companies?:

    To new players and day one players. It’s a make your own fun adventure game where literally none of the titles or cosmetics matter not one bit. Your achievement score will never matter to anyone but you. SO HAVE FUN! AND GOOD SAILING!

  • Sry to tell ya mate but Im lv 50 in all 5 and I didnt receive anything special.

  • @l3ustedpsycho Well that’s all good anyway. Maybe they’ll add something down the road like letting us name our ships.

    That’s awesome work though. Good on you for sure!

  • @l3ustedpsycho said in 50 in all companies?:

    Sry to tell ya mate but Im lv 50 in all 5 and I didnt receive anything special.

    Gonna need some proof

  • @gnashnteeth Are you saying never trust a pirate? =)

  • @oroku

    i said i would let u know when i hit 50 in all factions.
    I was PL10 before update so now stats are:

    All factions 50
    Even have 240 wins in sea dog so Legendary sea dog and weapons are in.

    I can tell u this. There is no special title for completing all on lvl 50.

  • @weakdexx Gotta say I was surprised to hop on the forums this morning and see this.

    Good on you though! That’s awesome!

    I’m not far behind. Finished up Hunters Call and working through the Arena. It’s been a hell of a lot of fun but I’m not much for or PvP so I don’t know if I’ll see those 240 wins. Lol

    Again great job and good sailing. Hopefully they’ll have something for us one day.

  • honestly i bought 17 level for hunters call and 19 for the seadogs :D....and 240 wins i dont do it maybe i will when arena get some changes...its sad the legendary weapons just unlockable through arena i mean we became piratelenged in the adventure mode....please rare make the piratelegend weapons earnable in adventure mode

  • I wish, hopefully in the future :P

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