Sloop solo on galleon hunt

  • Yesterday I challenged my luck again. Solo on sloop. I had hoped a girlfriend (edit: female friend, not lover) would join me, but she had better plans - to play a farm simulation! An unbelievable decision, but be it as it is. I had equipped my little boat and had sailed off. Not far from my outpost I saw the silhouette of a galleon with a subotpimal sail position. Having recently taken part in a debate on success as a solo sloop against galleons, this would be another opportunity to re-evaluate my own advice.

    The galleon had anchored. With full sails, bow in the direction of Lone Cove, at the southern tip of the island on the east coast, but so far towards the centre of the island that one would first have had to haul in sails, weigh anchor and turn the ship in order to take up a good battle position. In addition, the wind blew in a northerly direction and thus sideways to the galleon. The galleon could have turned or escaped with the wind only towards the north and thus along the island. If their crew had chosen the short way around the headland, they would have had to sail south and against the wind. In their place I would have decided for a defensive position and for the latter direction of rotation. With the number of cannons and full crew it could have taken this way confidently and calmly and the low speed would have increased their marksmanship.

    I had to choose my attack in such a way that the galleon would not be able to do so. If I lead along the island in an arc of a circle, I could shoot at the sides and tail of the galleon. Before I reached the range of their cannons, I would have to turn away - but the further arc would be covered by a large cliff east of Lone Cove. I would have time to repair my boat and get some ammunition. The disadvantage of this route would be that I would have to sail most of the way north or south. So in one direction against the wind, in the other direction with the wind, while I would sail either behind the cliff or behind the galleon. Since the galleon is such a big destination, I decided to sail the way past the galleon with a tailwind, the way back against the wind. One risk would be that the course would be so predictable that I had to reckon with attempts at boarding. But the way the galleon stood, a player would have had to swim all the way - I had planned my route with sufficient distance. The time I would need for the way back would also have been needed for the galleon to repair, turn, get into battle position. In order to gain an advantage, I had to hit the galleon as hard as possible with ten bull's-eyes on each passage and to decimate the crew as much as possible, as well as cause sufficient damage. By the time the crew came back, I was almost back in position to shoot again. The way the galleon stood, I didn't have to count on a very experienced crew - or a very careless one.

    Meanwhile I had taken an unsuspicious route to the east to make my first attempt coming from the east under cover of the cliffs. This feint would not have surprised a good crew on the galleon, but it was worth a try.

    In the first lap, on the way to the galleon, I encountered enemy fire from several cannons simultaneously. I didn't score full ten goals, but some on deck, some on hull, some on steering wheel. It seemed to have been a sufficient amount, because on the way of the bow away from the galleon not a single shot was left by them. I myself received three hits, had damage to the mast and steering wheel.

    On the next lap only one cannon returned the fire, again I mainly hit deck and waterline.

    On the next two laps the galleon didn't shoot any more. Since I couldn't see that it was deep in the water, I had to assume that the existing crew was busy keeping the ship afloat. I now preferred to shoot at the hull.

    In the final round, I hit the hull again, but interrupted my course and turned an arc past the southern promontory of the island. Instead of the large clockwise curve, I turned a small counter-clockwise turn. Since nobody shot any more, I shortened the time between my last and the comming salvos. After the last volley the Galleone sank.

    The sinking galleon drifted away from the island. At the water surface appeared some chests, four or five golden skulls, a few boxes of unknown contents, as well as a mermaid and a lifeboat. So I had to reckon with at least one opponent in the water or on the island. I didn't want to succumb to the risk of being boarded by more than one opponent while greedily taking the treasures. I quickly got two skulls and two chests. When I noticed the first player, I took some distance - when you notice one, there could be three more on their way to board you. But I could only see one player. He tried to escape with the lifeboat and a treasure, maybe a tall tale item, I could not see it. I didn't see any other players, so I took the most of the treasures and followed the lifeboat.

    A cat and mouse game followed. The lifeboat tried to escape, I tried to sink it or kill the player. I couldn't, in a medium swell it's not easy to do solo. Often the rowing boat got out of sight. I went around it in circles, shot with cannon, sniper, the boat went back and forth and managed to keep distance. Sometimes, I just cut off the lifeboat's route and played music.

    After about ten minutes of cat and mouse, finally the opponent tried to board me, but he couldn't make it. I shouted to him that he did well with the boat, thanked him for the adventure and sailed away to deliver my harvest.

    Later I had a bad feeling, what if it had been a single player? But the course of the battle did not speak for it, for instance an initial enemy fire from several cannons? Sigh. Those doubts.

    Duration of the action: approx. 1 hour

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  • @goedecke-michel "...hoped a girlfriend joins..." many do you have? ;p

  • @schwammlgott lol, she is not my lover

  • @goedecke-michel that would be just "friend" or "female friend"...girlfriend is "lover"

  • @schwammlgott Thank you for pointing that out. I can live with my misunderstanding. :P
    Must tell deepl about it.

  • @goedecke-michel finally I finished reading that long story (I'm at work)
    Nice's been a long long time I sunk a galleon solo, but parking this way is an offer no one could resist ;)

  • @goedecke-michel This just makes me want to practice my solo skills, I've never tried to take on a galleon solo and always do all I can to avoid pvp when I'm alone (I'm always doing something else, therefore always have something to lose!).

    This is a great write up. I may just head out tonight and try my luck!

  • My last tries ended abrupt. They knew what they were doing :-)
    But i was in several ships unseen and took some booty, not all.
    One day i even docked with my rowboat, got some treasure and row my boat away while the crew was busy on the island.
    The one in the crows Nest didnt get it :D
    When i was a little bit away i shouted thanks for the chest, a skull and some fish.
    I thought they may want to come for me.
    My sloop parked behind some rocks unseen.
    But they didnt, maybe they didnt hear me :-)
    Was fun and not that worse for them. I think i could have taken more, but it was about the thing itself, not the gold or to kill them ;)
    I like beeing a fat guy thieving others, eating some banana's get some cannonballs and if possible take some booty, not all.

    It's these self provided tasks and the freedom to do this what makes this game so great.

  • Taking on a galleon solo is always a worthy challenge and great practice of one's skills at that.

    I wanted to do a fort before going to bed but there was a galleon already.
    I decided to load my rowboat with 2 gpbs and try to sneak upon them, as I haven't done that before, but when I parked behind a rock and dropped the rowboat I couldn't take oars it was almost KO.
    So I charged in with the sloop instead as the cloud disappeared and the fight broke out. For the next 15 minutes we danced around, exchanging punches and trying to keep our ships alive.
    The galleon was 4 men crew and they did a great job defending, I used over 100 balls on them and couldn't get them to sink (I have lots of practice from Arena where I sank galleons with less than 10 shots below waterline - so I know how easily they can go down hence why I was surprised this one isn't going down at all).
    After about 15 minutes they started sailing away, I figured probably running out of resources, I set to pursue them.
    In the next encounter shortly after I chose to fire anchor ball, hop off with gpb, boarded their ship as they were raising the anchor and set it off at lower deck then defended the holes until they sank while killing 2 of them in the process.

    Then I went back to my sloop and turned it around to pick up their loot. A mermaid was there and I was expecting 2 of them to be still around but I was out looking for pvp so any challenge was welcomed. Needless to say, nobody challenged me so I took the loot and waited...

    ... waited for them to come back. I hoped they would and they did. I was of course pleased to have sunk them but also impressed they made it so hard for me.
    When they arrived I told them I'd give them the loot back but they must follow me to Crook's Hollow (from around Golden Sands Outpost).
    When we arrived at Crook's I dug up and gave them Athena's chest as a sorry for sinking them (I only wanted to practice my skills in ship combat, not the loot - as I'm PL10 with these achievements unlocked and have more gold than I need already).

    As I was about to log off I also let them take some hundreds of supplies and the gpbs before I'd go. So I sat on the beach to give them safe space and waited for them to transfer it all.

    It was a lovely experience!

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