Hidden Lore from the Anniversary Update — Merfolks, Fountain of Youth, The Grand Maritime Union, Giant winged creature, Skeleton ‘Rune’ Language and more

  • Ahoy me hearties,

    With The Anniversary Update, Rare have introduced a wide range of new tools and features into the game while enriching the lore at the same time. There are a few very interesting hidden gems that you may have already discovered, where some of them refer to elements of the expanded universe and others could potentially tease the content to come in the future.

    My little monkey and I set sail to investigate and discover all the little things Rare hid and bring them to you.

    🔴 Be careful, there are spoilers for some Tall Tales!!


    You might think that Merrick’s family is full of joy and love. Well, actually, it’s a lot more complicated than that. Serik, Merrick’s wife, spent a lot of time alone when Merrick hunted The Hungering One. Mad at him and lonely, one day she decided to swam off with a Merman.

    Ah… Merfolks.

    It is rumoured that they have since departed, most likely spooked by the Devil’s Shroud. Some even doubt they were really there but this shows once again that these tall tales and legends might be true.

    However, this does not confirm that Grace (Captain Morrow) married their prince 👑

    If anyone knows them well, it would be Mercia but no one knows where she is now. However, in one of her Journals, Briggsy said that she borrowed from the girl with the merfolk earrings, a map with a lot of new places beyond the Shroud. Tall tales say that the girl with the merfolk earrings is none other than Mercia, giving her the ability to understand the Merfolks language.

    Perhaps Mercia is with the merpeople now, who knows?

    Fountain of Youth

    That being said, Serik also mentioned something very interesting about a magical Fountain of Youth beyond the Devil’s Shroud. The Shores of Gold are just a tiny bit of what the Shroud is hiding.

    Let’s hope I find the map Briggsy borrowed and use the Shroudbreaker to uncover this fountain. I’ll bring back a barrelful of the Fountain of Youth to Serik.

    Well, okay, I’d certainly be tempted to use it too…

    The Fountain of Youth may either refer to Ponnce de León’s legend or a way for players to change their character’s appearance as stated by Rare studio director Craig Duncan for Eurogamer in 2018:

    For example — and this isn’t a feature yet — we could have a fountain of youth in the game, where you could go to it and by interacting with it, it would make your character younger.

    Rare’s Infinite Pirate Generator gives the flexibility to affect the way players character looks later in the game and in a Sea of Thieves way. The Fountain of Youth, Curses and Magic Potions are most likely the tools for that.

    Skeleton Lord in disguise

    Zharick and Emerick

    Merrick and Serik are not the only complicated couple, in fact Zharick can’t stand her ex-husband Emerick anymore and believes that she has wasted the best years of her life with him. Emerick is obsessed with Jonah, a trader at a Sea Post, and he is convinced that he’s a Skeleton Lord in disguise. Apparently, Jonah would like to take over the Sea of Thieves with his undead army and poison our souls with his skeletal magic.

    I don’t know if the sulfur smelling air of The Wilds intoxicated Emerick or if he is right, but we need to keep an eye on Jonah.

    Giant winged creature

    But I have to warn you about something else. Emerick told me there is also this giant winged creature living in the sea, capable to set fire to a fleet of ships!

    Some kind of Dragon? Karen, Megan and those skellies would be the least of our worries if that turns out to be true…

    The Grand Maritime Union

    The Mysterious Stranger told me something very interesting when I asked him if he trusts the trading companies. He told me that he trusts them as long as they stick to the rules. Any new company is welcomed to the Sea of Thieves as long as nobody ever goes the way of the Grand Maritime Union.

    Rumours say that Merchant Alliance traders from the Sea of Thieves are former employees of this Grand Maritime Union.

    Actually, Senior Trader Mollie had a very exciting story to tell (in the comic Sea of Thieves Origins #2: The Bonds of Union).

    When she was a young girl, Mollie was working for the Grand Maritime Union. She managed with great perseverance to be respected and to get the best contracts signed. After several promotions, she was offered a contract to issue goods in Sea of Thieves, an unknown area for the Grand Maritime Union.

    With a great fleet of big ships of two decks of cannons — where some could qualified them as Man’O’War — they adventured through the Devil’s Shroud. They soon discovered that this fog was extremely dangerous for large and high-speed vessels. Thanks to Mollie, her ship was the only one to arrive in The Shores of Plenty. After tasting the Sea of Thieves pirate’s life, she decided to launch her own trading company where she will not be run by men.

    That being said, The Grand Maritime Union is still out there, as Mollie worries:

    “Though, frankly, I am far more worried about the Grand Maritime Union. Some day they will find this place and they have more money and more men to throw at a problem than the whole of Sea of Thieves combined.” — Senior Trader Mollie.

    At the moment, it looks like Mollie just got a partnership with Lesedi and the Sea Dogs but no one knows what they are up to.

    Skeleton ‘Rune’ Language

    Aye, Skeletons have their own runes and you can find in The Revenge of the Morningstar Tall Tale a little glossary to translate them!

    In the tale, you need to crack the code of the riddles to find a skull and a chalice and place them on an altar to resurrect Graymarrow.

    A couple of runes cover the two supports on the altar and if you translate them you get the following words:

    • Skull & Chalice: most likely to indicate where the items should be placed to perform the ritual.
    • Skeleton Lord,
    • Flame Beach.

    But what’s even more interesting is the fact that those same runes are covering a mysterious box you may have already found and brought back to Grace.

    Yes, the Box of Wondrous Secrets!

    This box is fully covered with the following runes: Flame, Heart, Beach, Skeleton, Lord.

    I think at this point it’s quite obvious that this box belonged to Flameheart or contains something from this Skeleton Lord.

    But why did the Gold Hoarder want this box so badly? The similarity between these runes on the box and the altar makes me fear the worst…

    Could the content of the Box of Wondrous Secrets allow the Gold Hoarder to resurrect Flameheart? Could it contains Flameheart’s skull and the chalice from which he drank and was cursed?

    Me monkey says he doesn’t like that!

    Tribute Peak

    As you may know, Briggsy wasn’t the first pirate to explore Tribute Peak. The Pirate Lord and someone called Larinna have already been to this place before.

    In fact, when you go down the stairs to access to the underground tunnels, there is this large ravine with a broken bridge and spikes at the bottom. This bridge was originally built by the Pirate Lord but has been destroyed by Larinna when she came here.

    Eventually the passage widened out, and they found themselves staring across the width of a deep fissure that had created an underground ravine. The splashing of distant waterfalls echoed around them as they contemplated their next obstacle — an old wooden rope bridge that spanned the chasm. It was ancient, it was rickety, and it appeared to be the only way across.

    […] it was Larinna’s turn. She was almost halfway across, easing her foot onto the next plank, when it suddenly surrendered to gravity and fell away into the chasm. She teetered, caught in the act of shifting her weight onto thin air, and was forced to throw herself forward across the gap, clinging onto the rest of the planks for grim death while her legs flailed over empty space and the others shouted her name in alarm

    This passage led directly to the drawbridge, but as this little wooden bridge is now broken you have to face several traps in the underground tunnels to arrive on the other side of the ravine.

    The Pirate Lord

    A figure that dominates many tall tales if he’s not the most renowned, The Pirate Lord has always been seen in the Athena’s Fortune Hideout so far. Well, at least as an emerald phantom.

    Ramsey died a long time ago, even before the Ferry of the Damned was there. He remains as a ghost in the Sea of Thieves thanks to his magical Reaper’s Mark that hung around his neck.

    After you defeat the Gold Hoarder, The Pirate Lord decides to leave his hideout and congratulates you. During his emotional speech, if you go behind him, you will notice that his body still has the three daggers that caused his death.

    Nevertheless, these are not just any daggers. They each belong to a member of his crew.

    Mercia, Rathbone and Shan represented Ramsey’s crew. It is not very surprising that Rathbone, who now answers to the name of the Gold Hoarder, wanted to see Ramsey dead. But what is most shocking is knowing that Mercia wanted it too.

    However, Ramsey is claiming the following…

    It all came to an end when some of me hearties turned into those foul Skeletons, but I’m trying to forget about that…

    Did Mercia and Shan turn into Skeleton Lords too? The reasons for his death still remain a great mystery tho.

    I guess there are either way more untold stories to uncover or The Pirate Lord may have done something terrible to deserve that mutiny.

    The Sea Dogs’ Secrets

    Well, me hearties, there is also this glorious new place in the Sea of Thieves, the Sea Dogs Tavern. DeMarco and Lesedi Singh, The Pirate Lord’s children, have finally decided to work together and create this new trading company. They built this amazing tavern to start their activities.

    “Welcome to the arena!” they told me.

    Well, I was more interested in uncovering the mysteries that could be hidden here than glory. So, I started my research around the tavern and the dog on the tavern name above the door intrigued me.

    Surprisingly, this is not the symbol used to represent the Glorious Sea Dogs and I did not find this dog on any banner. As I continued my investigations, I came across Sybil, the shipwright, and she had this dog symbol on her hammer… She told me it was Leopoldo, DeMarco’s dog. Sybil cried for days when he disappeared.

    I tried to make my way to DeMarco, shoving all the crowd around him. When I managed to get through and asked him what happened, he told me that Leo was chasing a chicken on Sailor’s Bounty and disappeared down a hole. DeMarco will offer a reward to whoever brings Leopoldo back.

    Maybe Leo went in this path someone blocked, but I’m unsure what I would find on the other side…

    As I continued my research around the tavern, I noticed that there was a deck for each team with their own banner.

    The Lucky Rover and The Azure Scout are on the northern deck. Then, The Regal Hound and The Golden Chaser on the center deck. And finally, The Flaming Jackal is on the southern deck.

    That being said, there is another lonely deck southeast of the tavern. Surprisingly, there are white banners with the dog symbol and at the very end there are a dog bowl, most likely belonging to Leo, and a painting of a ship with a white livery and the dog symbol on her sails.

    “Of course” I told myself, “this is the deck where DeMarco docks his ship!”

    If you climb to the top of the tavern, besides the beautiful view and the daggers in DeMarco and Lesedi’s paintings, there is a hidden skeleton. The pirate who hid it there probably didn’t want it to be found because it is in the hole in the ship’s hull below the horns.

    I wonder who he might be and why he was killed and left abandoned here.

    I guess there’s still a lot of secrets to uncover but me and my monkey are still on the lookout!

    Don’t hesitate to share whatever you find and what you think about the potential upcoming content 😊

    Cheers! 🍻

  • 44
  • @Skulliah I'm surprised. Amazing topic, and good research work matey!

  • @eggamer13 said in Hidden Lore from the Anniversary Update — Merfolks, Fountain of Youth, The Grand Maritime Union, Giant winged creature, Skeleton ‘Rune’ Language and more:

    @Skulliah I'm surprised. Amazing topic, and good research work matey!

    Thank you! It was a long investigation (and there are still a lot of little things I didn't mention) but I enjoyed doing that! 😊

  • Amazing @Skulliah !! Thank you very much for sharing this!

    Did you notice the portraits of Lesedi and DeMarco that are stabbed in the office on top of the Seadog tavern, under the horns?

    Cheers matey! 🍻

  • @jetorchidee97

    Thank you 😀

    Yes! I wonder if some pirates just wanted to play dart or it's a way to say they want them dead (kinda like their father). To be honest, I won't be surprised if it's not the former haha

  • @skulliah a dit dans Hidden Lore from the Anniversary Update — Merfolks, Fountain of Youth, The Grand Maritime Union, Giant winged creature, Skeleton ‘Rune’ Language and more :

    Yes! I wonder if some pirates just wanted to play dart or it's a way to say they want them dead (kinda like their father). To be honest, I won't be surprised if it's not the former haha

    I wondered if it could be Amaranta, she seems to have a certain grudge against the Singh's.

  • @jetorchidee97

    I agree, she's actually the first person I could think of! 😂

  • @skulliah did you try holding raw or cooked chicken at that spot in the cave by any chance? I immediately thought of that spot when i read that, before i saw you had too lol.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo said in Hidden Lore from the Anniversary Update — Merfolks, Fountain of Youth, The Grand Maritime Union, Giant winged creature, Skeleton ‘Rune’ Language and more:

    @skulliah did you try holding raw or cooked chicken at that spot in the cave by any chance? I immediately thought of that spot when i read that, before i saw you had too lol.

    Haha I haven't thought about trying this, but eh, who knows? maybe this is the way to find Leo and get the nice reward from DeMarco?

  • Thirst.... for lore..... growing......

  • I'm dying for a Cursed Sails-style update where you have to defend all the outposts in the server from a Grand Maritime armada, complete with AI toffs wearing fancy wigs and decked out in Admiral gear.

  • Excellent post @Skulliah!
    Quite the entertaining read!
    Well done!

    However I think you get Flameheart's magical Chalice in revenge of the morningstar.
    GreyMarrow's goons say it belonged to a long dead Captain who owned a ship with "magical cannons".
    And what ship in the Sea of Thieves's history had magical cannons?
    The Burning Blade, Flameheart's ship.
    So I think the chalice of resurrection is Flameheart's chalice.

  • @skulliah Thank you for your great posts as always. Fantastic summary 😊.

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    Oh interesting, thank you for correcting me! I guess I'll have to redo that part 😅

    I hope we will soon find out what's inside this box tho

  • @skulliah you and me both mate, though I'm still yet to discover the box.

  • @skulliah a most fantastic read mate! Very well done!

  • OMG! Thanks for this post! this was totally awesome, and you compiled everything for us! Thanks mate! I defnetly gonna be paying more attention in the seas to enjoy all this lore!

  • @nukdar

    Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it 😊

    There are a lot more lore out there, Forsaken Shores was probably the other great update with a lot of teases for upcoming content! Try to find Grace's journals ;)

  • @Skulliah

    Best thread ever!
    All my respect and admiration for this.
    Amazing work by an epic Pirate!!!

    I still wait for german translation of the "Lore Books", but i maybe will read it in english now.

    I already knew some stuff, but this was for sure a big addition.
    Appreciate that very, very, very much!!!

    Thank you Skulliah!!!

  • Post of the year right here. Great stuff!

  • Thank you @bugaboo-bill!! 😊

    Being French, I didn't find the lore books too difficult to read in English. There are always unfamiliar words, but it makes you learn things! :)

  • @skulliah said in Hidden Lore from the Anniversary Update — Merfolks, Fountain of Youth, The Grand Maritime Union, Giant winged creature, Skeleton ‘Rune’ Language and more:

    Ahoy me hearties,

    With The Anniversary Update, Rare have introduced a wide range of new tools and features into the game while enriching the lore at the same time. There are a few very interesting hidden gems that you may have already discovered, where some of them refer to elements of the expanded universe and others could potentially tease the content to come in the future.

    My little monkey and I set sail to investigate and discover all the little things Rare hid and bring them to you.

    🔴 Be careful, there are spoilers for some Tall Tales!!


    You might think that Merrick’s family is full of joy and love. Well, actually, it’s a lot more complicated than that. Serik, Merrick’s wife, spent a lot of time alone when Merrick hunted The Hungering One. Mad at him and lonely, one day she decided to swam off with a Merman.

    Ah… Merfolks.

    It is rumoured that they have since departed, most likely spooked by the Devil’s Shroud. Some even doubt they were really there but this shows once again that these tall tales and legends might be true.

    However, this does not confirm that Grace (Captain Morrow) married their prince 👑

    If anyone knows them well, it would be Mercia but no one knows where she is now. However, in one of her Journals, Briggsy said that she borrowed from the girl with the merfolk earrings, a map with a lot of new places beyond the Shroud. Tall tales say that the girl with the merfolk earrings is none other than Mercia, giving her the ability to understand the Merfolks language.

    Perhaps Mercia is with the merpeople now, who knows?

    Fountain of Youth

    That being said, Serik also mentioned something very interesting about a magical Fountain of Youth beyond the Devil’s Shroud. The Shores of Gold are just a tiny bit of what the Shroud is hiding.

    Let’s hope I find the map Briggsy borrowed and use the Shroudbreaker to uncover this fountain. I’ll bring back a barrelful of the Fountain of Youth to Serik.

    Well, okay, I’d certainly be tempted to use it too…

    The Fountain of Youth may either refer to Ponnce de León’s legend or a way for players to change their character’s appearance as stated by Rare studio director Craig Duncan for Eurogamer in 2018:

    For example — and this isn’t a feature yet — we could have a fountain of youth in the game, where you could go to it and by interacting with it, it would make your character younger.

    Rare’s Infinite Pirate Generator gives the flexibility to affect the way players character looks later in the game and in a Sea of Thieves way. The Fountain of Youth, Curses and Magic Potions are most likely the tools for that.

    Skeleton Lord in disguise

    Zharick and Emerick

    Merrick and Serik are not the only complicated couple, in fact Zharick can’t stand her ex-husband Emerick anymore and believes that she has wasted the best years of her life with him. Emerick is obsessed with Jonah, a trader at a Sea Post, and he is convinced that he’s a Skeleton Lord in disguise. Apparently, Jonah would like to take over the Sea of Thieves with his undead army and poison our souls with his skeletal magic.

    I don’t know if the sulfur smelling air of The Wilds intoxicated Emerick or if he is right, but we need to keep an eye on Jonah.

    Giant winged creature

    But I have to warn you about something else. Emerick told me there is also this giant winged creature living in the sea, capable to set fire to a fleet of ships!

    Some kind of Dragon? Karen, Megan and those skellies would be the least of our worries if that turns out to be true…

    The Grand Maritime Union

    The Mysterious Stranger told me something very interesting when I asked him if he trusts the trading companies. He told me that he trusts them as long as they stick to the rules. Any new company is welcomed to the Sea of Thieves as long as nobody ever goes the way of the Grand Maritime Union.

    Rumours say that Merchant Alliance traders from the Sea of Thieves are former employees of this Grand Maritime Union.

    Actually, Senior Trader Mollie had a very exciting story to tell (in the comic Sea of Thieves Origins #2: The Bonds of Union).

    When she was a young girl, Mollie was working for the Grand Maritime Union. She managed with great perseverance to be respected and to get the best contracts signed. After several promotions, she was offered a contract to issue goods in Sea of Thieves, an unknown area for the Grand Maritime Union.

    With a great fleet of big ships of two decks of cannons — where some could qualified them as Man’O’War — they adventured through the Devil’s Shroud. They soon discovered that this fog was extremely dangerous for large and high-speed vessels. Thanks to Mollie, her ship was the only one to arrive in The Shores of Plenty. After tasting the Sea of Thieves pirate’s life, she decided to launch her own trading company where she will not be run by men.

    That being said, The Grand Maritime Union is still out there, as Mollie worries:

    “Though, frankly, I am far more worried about the Grand Maritime Union. Some day they will find this place and they have more money and more men to throw at a problem than the whole of Sea of Thieves combined.” — Senior Trader Mollie.

    At the moment, it looks like Mollie just got a partnership with Lesedi and the Sea Dogs but no one knows what they are up to.

    Skeleton ‘Rune’ Language

    Aye, Skeletons have their own runes and you can find in The Revenge of the Morningstar Tall Tale a little glossary to translate them!

    In the tale, you need to crack the code of the riddles to find a skull and a chalice and place them on an altar to resurrect Graymarrow.

    A couple of runes cover the two supports on the altar and if you translate them you get the following words:

    • Skull & Chalice: most likely to indicate where the items should be placed to perform the ritual.
    • Skeleton Lord,
    • Flame Beach.

    But what’s even more interesting is the fact that those same runes are covering a mysterious box you may have already found and brought back to Grace.

    Yes, the Box of Wondrous Secrets!

    This box is fully covered with the following runes: Flame, Heart, Beach, Skeleton, Lord.

    I think at this point it’s quite obvious that this box belonged to Flameheart or contains something from this Skeleton Lord.

    But why did the Gold Hoarder want this box so badly? The similarity between these runes on the box and the altar makes me fear the worst…

    Could the content of the Box of Wondrous Secrets allow the Gold Hoarder to resurrect Flameheart? Could it contains Flameheart’s skull and the chalice from which he drank and was cursed?

    Me monkey says he doesn’t like that!

    Tribute Peak

    As you may know, Briggsy wasn’t the first pirate to explore Tribute Peak. The Pirate Lord and someone called Larinna have already been to this place before.

    In fact, when you go down the stairs to access to the underground tunnels, there is this large ravine with a broken bridge and spikes at the bottom. This bridge was originally built by the Pirate Lord but has been destroyed by Larinna when she came here.

    Eventually the passage widened out, and they found themselves staring across the width of a deep fissure that had created an underground ravine. The splashing of distant waterfalls echoed around them as they contemplated their next obstacle — an old wooden rope bridge that spanned the chasm. It was ancient, it was rickety, and it appeared to be the only way across.

    […] it was Larinna’s turn. She was almost halfway across, easing her foot onto the next plank, when it suddenly surrendered to gravity and fell away into the chasm. She teetered, caught in the act of shifting her weight onto thin air, and was forced to throw herself forward across the gap, clinging onto the rest of the planks for grim death while her legs flailed over empty space and the others shouted her name in alarm

    This passage led directly to the drawbridge, but as this little wooden bridge is now broken you have to face several traps in the underground tunnels to arrive on the other side of the ravine.

    The Pirate Lord

    A figure that dominates many tall tales if he’s not the most renowned, The Pirate Lord has always been seen in the Athena’s Fortune Hideout so far. Well, at least as an emerald phantom.

    Ramsey died a long time ago, even before the Ferry of the Damned was there. He remains as a ghost in the Sea of Thieves thanks to his magical Reaper’s Mark that hung around his neck.

    After you defeat the Gold Hoarder, The Pirate Lord decides to leave his hideout and congratulates you. During his emotional speech, if you go behind him, you will notice that his body still has the three daggers that caused his death.

    Nevertheless, these are not just any daggers. They each belong to a member of his crew.

    Mercia, Rathbone and Shan represented Ramsey’s crew. It is not very surprising that Rathbone, who now answers to the name of the Gold Hoarder, wanted to see Ramsey dead. But what is most shocking is knowing that Mercia wanted it too.

    However, Ramsey is claiming the following…

    It all came to an end when some of me hearties turned into those foul Skeletons, but I’m trying to forget about that…

    Did Mercia and Shan turn into Skeleton Lords too? The reasons for his death still remain a great mystery tho.

    I guess there are either way more untold stories to uncover or The Pirate Lord may have done something terrible to deserve that mutiny.

    The Sea Dogs’ Secrets

    Well, me hearties, there is also this glorious new place in the Sea of Thieves, the Sea Dogs Tavern. DeMarco and Lesedi Singh, The Pirate Lord’s children, have finally decided to work together and create this new trading company. They built this amazing tavern to start their activities.

    “Welcome to the arena!” they told me.

    Well, I was more interested in uncovering the mysteries that could be hidden here than glory. So, I started my research around the tavern and the dog on the tavern name above the door intrigued me.

    Surprisingly, this is not the symbol used to represent the Glorious Sea Dogs and I did not find this dog on any banner. As I continued my investigations, I came across Sybil, the shipwright, and she had this dog symbol on her hammer… She told me it was Leopoldo, DeMarco’s dog. Sybil cried for days when he disappeared.

    I tried to make my way to DeMarco, shoving all the crowd around him. When I managed to get through and asked him what happened, he told me that Leo was chasing a chicken on Sailor’s Bounty and disappeared down a hole. DeMarco will offer a reward to whoever brings Leopoldo back.

    Maybe Leo went in this path someone blocked, but I’m unsure what I would find on the other side…

    As I continued my research around the tavern, I noticed that there was a deck for each team with their own banner.

    The Lucky Rover and The Azure Scout are on the northern deck. Then, The Regal Hound and The Golden Chaser on the center deck. And finally, The Flaming Jackal is on the southern deck.

    That being said, there is another lonely deck southeast of the tavern. Surprisingly, there are white banners with the dog symbol and at the very end there are a dog bowl, most likely belonging to Leo, and a painting of a ship with a white livery and the dog symbol on her sails.

    “Of course” I told myself, “this is the deck where DeMarco docks his ship!”

    If you climb to the top of the tavern, besides the beautiful view and the daggers in DeMarco and Lesedi’s paintings, there is a hidden skeleton. The pirate who hid it there probably didn’t want it to be found because it is in the hole in the ship’s hull below the horns.

    I wonder who he might be and why he was killed and left abandoned here.

    I guess there’s still a lot of secrets to uncover but me and my monkey are still on the lookout!

    Don’t hesitate to share whatever you find and what you think about the potential upcoming content 😊

    Cheers! 🍻

    aye new and interesting things coming our way

  • @Skulliah ☠️ Awesome Post☠️

  • @skulliah
    Amazing post me lad. Having just read "Tales from the Sea of Thieves", it makes it interesting to know what bits of lore we haven't discovered yet. I do wonder what has happened to Mercia, Shan and Larinna as no one has heard of them since. Maybe we'll get to see them at some point in the future?

    And FlameHeart is becoming more interesting, I wonder if the next volume of TallTales will focus on him?

  • A winged creature addition would be really cool
    And ive just seen a post about a mission against AI dressed in admiral clothing. A pirate vs navy style mission would be nice.

  • @skulliah said in Hidden Lore from the Anniversary Update — Merfolks, Fountain of Youth, The Grand Maritime Union, Giant winged creature, Skeleton ‘Rune’ Language and more:

    You might think that Merrick’s family is full of joy and love. Well, actually, it’s a lot more complicated than that. Serik, Merrick’s wife, spent a lot of time alone when Merrick hunted The Hungering One. Mad at him and lonely, one day she decided to swam off with a Merman.

    Ah… Merfolks.

    Can't blame that woman whose husband cared more for sharks than her for leaving him! She exercised some self-respect at last and pursued her dreams. lolol

    Lesson learned - never compromise your dreams because of anyone.

  • Thank you @foxywiththemoxy!

    I can't wait for Mercia to be introduced in the game, hopefully with the merfolks! And if Mercia and Shan did kill Ramsey, we'll probably find out more in the near future. I'd love to see Larinna, Mele, Rin and all the others characters from the expanded universe as well 😀

    Although I can't wait to learn more about Flameheart, I'd prefer the next Tall Tales to be on the merfolks... 🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️

    That being said, Rare is most likely already working on his Tall Tale...


    There are the runes on it saying: Flameheart Skeleton Lord 😉

  • I live for these sort of posts. Reading about lore and any findings pirates might stumble upon is my favorite part of Sea of Thieves. Thank you for an awesome read as always @Skulliah. Merci beaucoup!

  • @theassassinoath said in Hidden Lore from the Anniversary Update — Merfolks, Fountain of Youth, The Grand Maritime Union, Giant winged creature, Skeleton ‘Rune’ Language and more:

    I live for these sort of posts. Reading about lore and any findings pirates might stumble upon is my favorite part of Sea of Thieves. Thank you for an awesome read as always @Skulliah. Merci beaucoup!

    And uncovering all the secrets is my favourite thing to do! Merci à toi! 😊

  • Ahoy @skulliah!
    Check this out:

    Apparently some time in the future we're gonna find out who previously sat on the Gold Hoarder's Throne.
    I wonder who?
    A Lord of the merfolk?
    The emperor of the Acients?

  • @skulliah
    How did i miss this post?
    Really good job here.

    The part about flying beasts has me excited. I really hope to see them in the game someday

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    That's awesooooome!! It's most likely someone from the ancients people, I've always wondered who they were and if we'll learn more about them.

    If someone sat here before, I think it could be Great Warrior! :D

    Can't wait to learn more!

  • @nwo-azcrack Thank you 😊 Me too, I'd love to see a dragon or a phoenix with a new gameplay to defeat it!

  • @skulliah said in Hidden Lore from the Anniversary Update — Merfolks, Fountain of Youth, The Grand Maritime Union, Giant winged creature, Skeleton ‘Rune’ Language and more:


    That's awesooooome!! It's most likely someone from the ancients people, I've always wondered who they were and if we'll learn more about them.

    If someone sat here before, I think it could be Great Warrior! :D

    Can't wait to learn more!

    Aye, not a bad theory for sure!

    We also need to do an investigation into tribute peak as well!
    What was that place?
    The capital of the Acient empire?
    A meeting place of the Acients with the merfolk?
    Or some kinda shrine to their deities?

  • @Skulliah excellent post that I can't believe that I missed! It's nice to see it all in once place with the connections to the extended universe.

    I would love to see more about the Great Warrior, one of my favorite lore features in the AU.

    @Sgt-Palooggoo nice tweet! Looking forward to going through the journey as more lore gets uncovered!

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