A Surprisingly Profitable Day

  • Hey all, just had myself a great little play session that kinda came outta the blue and just felt like sharing.

    Now for context, way back when I bought myself a gilded merchant voyage and saved it for later since people were out hunting gilded loot during the event.

    Thing is, I never really looked into just what these gilded voyages where like. So for all this time I assumed it was like Devil's Roar loot. It was just worth more.

    So I finally loaded it up today (i.e. finally remembered I had it) and imagine my surprise when I get a cargo run with 50 crates.

    At first I was like, "nah, I'm not doing all that. I'll load up what I feel like and forget the rest." But the more I loaded, the more I wanted to load. Finally I said to myself, "screw it. I've only got a couple hours to play. I'm going all or nothing on this thing".

    And so it was that over the course of two ingame days I loaded my sloop with crate upon crate. Plants below; throw in a couple buckets of water to keep 'em wet. Silks in map room in case of rain. Bottles on top to lessen carrying time.

    And I frickin' DID it. All loaded and delivered to Mermaid's Hideaway in pristine condition. And as I unloaded them all, what was sitting on the beach to greet me but a Chest of Sorrows.

    So as I loaded the chest aboard and turned toward an outpost, my day was already pretty much aces. I sailed back with a light heart, bailing chest tears whenever needed.

    And then, just within reach of the outpost, who should pop up but Karen. I didn't have much hope. I hadn't stocked wood and cannonballs too well before setting out and the Chest of Sorrows was periodically filling my ship.

    Still, I decided to give it my best and lo and behold, I won. Karen retreated and left behind two chunks of Kraken meat, a villainous skull, AND a captain's skull.

    I cashed in at the outpost and then threw my Kraken steaks on the grill as I headed to a seapost. I ended the session about 50,000 gold richer and feeling freaking invincible.


    Overall it just reminded me that, while there are problems and things to be worked on.... while we DO argue with each other and disagree... none of that matters as much as just how much I LOVE this game.

  • 7
  • nice mate

  • Aye. Job well done.

  • It warms this old sea dogs cockles to hear such a tale.. May the fair winds always be in yer sails me hearty

  • Could have just done a couple forts and it would have been just as profitable.

    Unless merchant rep is needed. Luls...

  • I don’t do cargo runs but dang, 50 crates on one voyage? That actually sounds like fun, and would take a big chunk out of commendations.

  • @mouse-n-keybord

    Nah, just what I felt like doing that day. I don't really go for forts too often.

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