Make old events into Tall Tales and add more curses.

  • I think it would be great if we could got to go through fighting the Megalodon, Captain Warsmith and discovering the Devils Roar as Tall Tales. It would also be great if we could get different rewards from these Tall Tales such as a Forsaken Shore curse or even a Skeleton curse.

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  • I think it would be great if Rare made a SoT pirate time traveling machine, so you could appreciate the history and evolution of The Sea of Thieves.

    Make it a microtransaction like a re-roll on the IPG.

    Because these events are not replayable given the current state of the game.

    Not sorry, but we can always look forward to new Tall Tales.

  • @ob9s That's a decent suggestion! :D

  • @barnabas-seadog Could you please elaborate on "Because these events are not replayable given the current state of the game."

  • @ob9s I thnk he means like the megalodon and ghost ship events wouldn't really make sense being just thrown into the game in its current state.

  • @geobiwan said in Make old events into Tall Tales and add more curses.:

    @ob9s I thnk he means like the megalodon and ghost ship events wouldn't really make sense being just thrown into the game in its current state.

    Yeah it wouldn't at all.

    Merrick is working the Hunter's Call now, Megalodons are infinite and abundant.

    Skeleton Ship cloud events are in regular rotation, hell they even had to disable forts for Cursed Sails and skeleton ship fleets still can't exist alongside a fort.

    Skeleton Thrones and Gunpowder skeleton comms have been obtainable ever since they've been in the game. How can you just repeat stuff that people have already completed outside of the timeline of the event?

    To re-work all of that to fit the game's current state seems like a lot of time and effort they could use on developing new content.

  • @chronodusk on a side note, perhaps they could use the old events as inspiration for new ones. It would be cool to have a tall tale about hunting a specific shark, or one about stopping a fleet of ghost ships heading to attack an outpost.

  • @chronodusk said in Make old events into Tall Tales and add more curses.:

    @geobiwan said in Make old events into Tall Tales and add more curses.:

    @ob9s I thnk he means like the megalodon and ghost ship events wouldn't really make sense being just thrown into the game in its current state.

    Yeah it wouldn't at all.

    Merrick is working the Hunter's Call now, Megalodons are infinite and abundant.

    Skeleton Ship cloud events are in regular rotation, hell they even had to disable forts for Cursed Sails and skeleton ship fleets still can't exist alongside a fort.

    Skeleton Thrones and Gunpowder skeleton comms have been obtainable ever since they've been in the game. How can you just repeat stuff that people have already completed outside of the timeline of the event?

    To re-work all of that to fit the game's current state seems like a lot of time and effort they could use on developing new content.

    Tall tales are lore...

    Origin story for how these things appeared in the first place = Lore.

    I've already done all tall tales several times over, for an extra reward, gold curse... The active story was behind me the first time i completed them... They can be replayed... They are permanent additions to the game, in the future, the current tall tales will be considered "Past events" too, but they will still be doable and repeatable.

    So how does it not make sense to make the origins of the appearance of megalodons and skeleton ships available for anyone to experience at any moment? With some bonus reward for completing them multiple times?

    It's literally adding permanent content... This is just a good thing in general. o_.

    They don't need to rework anything, they already have the tech... The journals for tall tales only appear if you have the specific tale in question ACTIVE... So if you go on the "Merrick's Revenge" tall tale, the old Merrick will appear wherever he was during that event, only for people who have that tale active of course... I mean the event was actually structured like a tall tale, tall tales just werent made official yet... it would take very little effort for them to actually make it into a tall tale. :P

  • @sweltering-nick

    I'm not saying that it wouldn't be good per se. My point is that those origin stories have already been told, and they way they were brought into the game then wouldn't really work in the game now. It would just be repetitive to things you can already do on a regular basis. It would also be quite a bit more dull for everyone than they were when they were first introduced, since it is nothing to see a meg or skeleton ship these days where in that time it was all new to the game and everyone was impressed by this cool new addition at the time.

    If they did something like that, they would need to rework the events to make them fit in with the present day game better. Forced cooperation was also kind of an issue with those events too.

    I think it would be cool to see them again, updated somehow, but in a more realistic and speculative sense I just don't see them prioritizing putting time and energy into that when there's plenty more brand new content to be introduced, especially with the game being in such a good spot for a proper Pirate Legend content addition.

  • @chronodusk "My point is that those origin stories have already been told"

    So have the tall tales... And when Rare opens up the shores of gold, when they remove the shroud around that island (i believe they said that during a developer update or something)... The old tall tales will have been OFFICIALLY told too.

    There's no reason why the old events can't be converted into tall tale format. All Tall Tales will eventually "not fit with the current state of the game" eventually, it's a moot point, really.

    "It would just be repetitive to things you can already do on a regular basis."

    Well... i have the gold curse, i don't need a speech on repetition. :P

    These tales would be implemented for those who started playing SoT after the events and didn't get to experience those events for themselves... And those who also want the bonus rewards for doing them X amount of times... Like with the Gold Curse... Aka repetition for reward, or reward for cooperating with/helping the newbies with the tall tale in question.

    As for updating them? Meeh, sure i guess? That will actually take a while to do, though. : /

  • @ob9s said in Make old events into Tall Tales and add more curses.:

    @barnabas-seadog Could you please elaborate on "Because these events are not replayable given the current state of the game."

    I could explain it to you, but you wouldn't understand.

    This is because you weren't there.

    Not sorry.

  • @ob9s no, these are two different things...keep it that way...
    Hope, beginning with E3, the bilge rat adventures and stuff like curseld sails, hungering deep come back and in fall or so the next tall tale comes

  • Ahoy !

    For those who played on the beta, there is specific reward which is not available now.
    You can see the event like Cursed Sails as specific reward for the first year's players.

    But your idea is good @Geobiwan , maybe RARE can do Tall Tales like to search and hunt a Meg, or protect an outpost form a skull's ship attack.

  • @OB9S

    It dont makes sense to me, not for lore and also not as a business plan.

  • @chronodusk sagte in Make old events into Tall Tales and add more curses.:

    To re-work all of that to fit the game's current state seems like a lot of time and effort they could use on developing new content.

    ... and fixing bugs.

  • @barnabas-seadog I was there, so elaborate.

  • @ob9s

    Last years updates were designed as time limited experiences that introduced new gameplay mechanics.
    They are a reflection of the state of the game at that time.

    Again, time limited, designed to introduce new gameplay mechanics.
    Not something designed for replayability.
    You were there, you remember this, right?

    So, after Rare gains some experience from these early updates, they release Tall Tales as new gameplay that introduces the lore of SoT.
    As such they are a permanent addition to the SoT experience, and intentionally designed for replayability.

    Unlike Forsaken Shores, The Hungering Deep, and Cursed Sails.

    I hear where your coming from, those were one-of-a-kind experiences that generated great stories and memories.
    But you can't capture time in a bottle.

    We can only hope Rare can continue making new time limited events.

  • @ob9s i think a skeletal curse would be wonderful so long as we dont get another thing like the gold curse were people cry about it but bringing back the events would be ok so long as they dont bring back the time limited cosmetics

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