Solo Vs Skeleton Cannon

  • A few minutes ago I was playing SoT when a skeleton cannon hit me as I was leaving it’s island 4 or 5 times (hit all of its shots from so far I couldn’t see the cannon.) I repair the ship as my boat is going towards he next island and the second I finish the repairs I am greeted with another Skelton cannon on this island. Before I was close enough to even think about dropping the anchor a skeleton shoots a cannon and hits me an kills me. I respawn and my boat is half underwater and half on land. I repairthe whole boat but the skeleton cannon had unlimited cannon and I can’t repair even turn the boat around as I have to constantly repair the ship. I eventually run out of wood (which I had stockpile a ton of) and my boat sinks along with about 5-6 chests. There was absolutely nothing I could have done, do I just have to memorize where these cannons are if I want to be able to play solo because I can avoid another play but these can hit u from so far u can’t see them and once hit once you have to completely run away if you want to live.

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  • @im-so-chrisb1 You could have changed direction when the cannon fired. They aren't guided missiles. They may have good aim, but it takes time for cannons to land. The second they fire, shift direction... in other words, dodge them.

    Yes, you will eventually learn exactly where every cannon emplacement is on every island. You will also eventually learn the holes in their firing arcs. This all takes experience... it's the nature of the game.

  • @im-so-chrisb1 said in Solo Vs Skeleton Cannon:
    do I just have to memorize where these cannons are if I want to be able to play solo

    Yep, you do......

    ...but don't worry, you will.....

  • Thanks for the help but I’m done with this game anyway. Today I got on for the first time since this post with another friend (Not good enough to play solo I guess) and after completing a skeleton fort we take all the loot into the boat except a stronghold gun power chest. When I jump in the water with it i glitch under the boat and can’t move. I figure I’m gonna down if I don’t do anything so I drop the barrel... only to then find out that gunpowder barrels blow up underwater and right out being set off...... I mean the devs need some common sense man I lost my loot about 5 times while playing and have never even fought another played. All just to glitches. (Also don’t try harpooning a stronghold barrel that’s what happened the first time I did a skeleton fort and lost everything again)

  • Barrels blow up when they make contact with a ship if they are not being held by a player

  • @Im-So-ChrisB1 This is SoT and you need to learn the ropes an also what island has cannons and where and how to aproach it.
    Good you made it to park your ship at an active Fort. That's improvement you are looking for.

  • Sounds like a good time! I'm glad that islands cannons are a little more intimidating now.

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