Potions and Immunity Possibilites

  • Above the Order of Souls faction, in every outpost of the game, you will find an unused potion shop, that has been there since alpha days. Colored vials have been hanging around the seas, on outposts, and on a few Islands, their presence has been slowly emerging into the Sea of Thieves world, right before your eye.

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  • Anything that upsets the balance such as player buffs is a no for me, but I would be okay with a couple of possibilities.

    Ailments: Drink X potion, get Y negative effect. You did this to yourself, and doesn't directly affect other players.
    Anti-Venom: Only works on an actual snake-bite, not CCB.

    There are plenty of other opportunities out there, just need to avoid garbage like "Instant-Heal", "Double Damage", "God Mode", etc...

  • @phuzzybond
    As long as they aren't easier for people who have played longer to get in any way. If they were for money, it should be only cosmetic. This post would probably get more attention in feedback and suggestions.

  • @blazedrake100 Thank you, and yes as I mentioned in the video, I believe they will be crafted in the potion shop by harvesting plants and bones that we hand-in there to the NPC in return of the potion. :) But the reason why I put this here because I am almost certain potions are coming, I can smell it in the gameplay that is needed :D if not, then I must look down in shame with this speculation.

  • Cant help, but i think they will add boosts in the shop to get 10% more rep and/ or gold and such.

  • I love zombie games and I love "camouflage" mechanics where you can blend into a group of zombies and go undetected.

    Can you imagine a potion that lets you walk among skeletons for a limited time and they'll ignore you? I think that would make for some pretty interesting situations.

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