Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5

  • @callmebackdraft Mine appeared for me last night. And, yeah, but bright. Feels a bit like someone vomited sunshine all over the boat. The original Legend gear was simply ostentatious; this is Austin Powers.

  • Just one question guys: if my friend will become PL within today/tomorrow (21-22 of march) will he able to get the PL rewards or it only works for players which become PL within 20 of March?


  • @rockondevil i'm in the same boat as you! nothing yet! WHERE is my CAPTAIN BONES CUTLASS????? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  • @ziobasi Nope. The deadline was 10am GMT on March 20th. The delay is in delivering the rewards, not an extension of the deadline.

  • @biostructr Also, they may not all appear at once. I've got all the ship cosmetics except the cannons. I'm sure they'll dribble out to folks soon.

  • @phelim-mcnab said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    @biostructr Also, they may not all appear at once. I've got all the ship cosmetics except the cannons. I'm sure they'll dribble out to folks soon.

    I know, but I still got nothing.

  • @phelim-mcnab no cannons were given out for free. The golden sailor cannons are available for 320 gold at the shipwright.

  • @nugentwo Derp. :)

  • Anyone know what the eligibility requirements were to get the Captain Bones Cutlass? I'm a Beta (open and closed), Pre-order Pirate that made both Pirate Legend and Athena 10 last year and I don't have that cutlass in my armory. Tanks ye scurvy dogs, see ye on the seas...

  • Those golden ship cannons look AMAZING! Classy, yet simple! Very elegant yet powerful! Great work on them devs! A+ :)

    I kinda wish there was a ship's wheel that matched them tho... =C

  • @n0j0n82 Seems nobody have the cutlass, for my part i'm PL since september and i've still nothing ¯_(ツ)_/¯ it should be solved by monday normally

  • These comestics were suppose to be for PL which became before the 20th of March, but I'm not understanding why lot of my friends are also getting the sword even if theya re not PL.... (they are around lvl 20 which each rep). Are we sure these are PL gift?! oO

  • @ziobasi The sword is for everyone the ship cosmetics are for PL

  • @buttbelcher69 ok. instruments, cup and blunderbuss also only for PL or my friends will get them too? Thanks

  • @igotderpy said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    @marsmayflower said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    @igotderpy said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    I been PL for 11 months and I gotta wait the same amount of time to get the rewards as someone that just got it because of the Gold and Glory event... They need to give something extra to the people that didn't get the rewards right away. If you're not gonna be able to release something on time don't do it or say you will.

    whether you hit PL on day 1 or yesterday doesn't mean squat.

    obviously you have no idea what youre talking about because day 1 PLs should have got the rewards already and march '19 PLs shouldnt get it til the 25th. dont talk about stuff you have no clue on.

    Good sir, I'm talking about your attitude, and not about when you get a reward. You think you're quite special, don't you?

  • Love it, just one problem, the keyboard and mouse support kind of sucks. It stutters a lot when looking around and is slightly delayed. Didn’t have this problem in other games with support. Also tried with the controller turned off and the stuttering stopped. Please fix and looking forward to the future.

  • I remember either the Feb or March 5th Patch originally said something about having a particles slider in video settings for Windows 10. I just tried to find it but it's gone, I would love for more options to improve stability/performance such as a particles slider.

  • @ziobasi said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    @buttbelcher69 ok. instruments, cup and blunderbuss also only for PL or my friends will get them too? Thanks

    The Hurdy-Gurdy, tankard and blunderbuss are for 1st year Pirate Legends.

  • @ziobasi those are PL correct: the sword is the only thing they’ll get and the birthday cannons

  • Question:
    For anyone that's a Pirate Legend or about to be one (like myself) I'm wondering if this new Hunter's Call Trading Company will require level 50 in order to keep or achieve Pirate Legend Status. Does anyone know the answer to this?

  • @imnegan315 ahoy matey! everyone that is pirate legends keep their title as pirate legend, and everyone that are not pirate legend yet does not simply have to grind more.
    its just a new trading company that you can use for pirate legend.
    instead for example the merchants so you can be pirate legend with zero in merchats but fifty in three others.
    i hope this helped!

  • Why are the previously exclusive mercenary items available in game now?

    People paid real money for a limited time exclusive DLC and now they're not exclusive. That's dirty, Rare.

    Market it as Exclusive (for a year) DLC next time.

  • @hilbobo said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    Why are the previously exclusive mercenary items available in game now?

    People paid real money for a limited time exclusive DLC and now they're not exclusive. That's dirty, Rare.

    Market it as Exclusive (for a year) DLC next time.

    It was never marketed as "exclusive" to my knowledge.

  • @betsill hmm maybe you're right. The patch notes say they were exclusive though.

  • @hilbobo Idk, but Rare is very hyperbolic sometimes. Sometimes they say stuff that isn't true in order oversell what they're talking about.

  • @unknowdabruhman makes sense to me for the most part. So as long as you have 50, 50, 50 you can still be legend. I’ll prolly hit it before the new update starts but it’s good to know! Looking forward to playing as PL!

  • @igotderpy sagte in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    I've been a pirate legend since a month after release and I didn't get any of the PL rewards.

    me to =(

  • @berinda1986 same, everybody around me got them even those PL for less than a week...

  • @amarsin Same, Hit PLedge around a week before hungering deep, No rewards though, I'm sure they'll figure it out

  • @berinda1986 ahoy matey!
    dont worry you will get your pirate legend rewards if you got pirate legend BEFORE march 20th!
    just be patient!
    as the same with all other pirates!

  • @unknowdabruhman

  • sooooooooooo it's monday night, any statement about PL who still don't get their cosmetics?

    edit: just got it :p

  • @amarsin I haven't gotten my pirate legend cosmetics yet

  • #Metoo

  • Me 3. Legend since 03May, feels like they rolled it out backwards or something.

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