Whats up with Xbox Frames?

  • If Sea of Thieves can run at 4k 30fps, why is it locked to 30 on 1080p too? If you guys are announcing keyboard and mouse support at least make it playable!

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  • If you want more than 30 FPS, you should play on a PC.
    Xbox is capped at 30 FPS and in some games 60 FPS if you have a Xbox One.

  • @guldlasse If SoT can run at 30 fps at 4k resolution on xbox without hiccups, they should raise the FPS cap to 60 for lower resolutions. Its obvious that the xbox can handle 1080p 60fps and not all of us have the money for PC's

  • This is not a Rare issue. As was previously stated, the Xbox is locked at 30 FPS for most games, your big tele doesn't impact what your Xbox is capable of. Consider upgrading to a PC if you would like to play at 60 FPS on a regular basis.

  • @tyronius-89 Xbox runs apex legends and battlefield 5 at 60fps, Apex legends will hiccup a bit, battlefield never does. This is a rare issue because it also runs SoT at 4k 30fps, if they can't open up an option for 1080p displays to have a 60fps lock, I dont know what they are doin.

  • @melonaid1 BTW the game is locked at 30fps across all resolutions. I think it should stay locked at 30fps for 4k displays, but not all displays should be stuck under the 30fps boat, it doesn't even need to be perfect, Apex Legends dips below 50 alot on xbox, but the limit is still above 30 because they know how difficult it is pvp at 30. (Im mainly talking about the Xbox One X)

  • There is no excuse for a UE4 game running on xbox one, xbox one x or xbox one s to be running at less than 60 fps at 1080p. I'm still waiting for this upgrade for xbox players.

  • @guldlasse are you saying that running at 60fps has some sort of an advantage then?

  • @drizkillz It obviously has an advantage. Not sure if you're being sarcastic.

  • @melonaid1 No, just wanted to settle an old argument over PC & Xbox / Crossplay / advantages... yada yada yada.

  • @drizkillz the framerate doesn't present an inherent advantage, but the visual flow of combat can feel more delayed. It's entirely subjective, some people like the artistic direction 30 fps goes, others like me prefer smooth animations that only 60 fps or above provide. Whats unnaceptable is to ask people to invest money on expensive equipment to have the option if it's within the developer's power to provide that option to everyone.

  • The game may be CPU bound and may not be able to provide a locked 60 which would be a juddery mess.

  • @urihamrayne but the visual flow of combat can feel more delayed ...sounds like an advantage.

    Artistic Direction... what does that have to do with games? This isn't an Oscar ceremony.

  • @drizkillz

    but the visual flow of combat can feel more delayed

    It's a feeling, it's not quantifiable in an objective way, it's something some people may experience and some won't, entirely subjective to dwell on which framerate brings a concrete gameplay advantage.

    And yes, videogames are an interactive visual medium which artists, designers and programmers develop a product for entertainment, we don't have the oscars but we do have game awards to celebrate our achievements, because games take skilled craftsmanship to be successful. Your comment was very ignorant.

  • @drizkillz In addition to that, you can still get the artistic vibe and play on 60 fps, just watch top tier streamers play, the game looks beautiful.

  • @urihamrayne We all know... nice use of quantifiable, though.

  • @melonaid1 I know 60fps is just as artistic, I was calling the other guy out for posting garbage that 30fps is more artistic and 60fps has no advantage in games. He's going to be upset at reading this, and I apologize, but I'm not incorrect in making the analogy. Higher frame rate makes for a better gaming xp. Suggesting low fps makes the game artistic is effing insulting and condescending.

  • @drizkillz Yeah, the only problem I have is if they are adding in KB&M support, its going to feel so much worse at 30 fps because keyboard and mouse is so much different compared to a controller.

  • @drizkillz Hahah.. Yeah, who would have seen that coming right? Is was reading about itall night, and to my surprise more FPS is better.. BIG shock

  • @urihamrayne said in Whats up with Xbox Frames?:

    @drizkillz the framerate doesn't present an inherent advantage, but the visual flow of combat can feel more delayed. It's entirely subjective, some people like the artistic direction 30 fps goes, others like me prefer smooth animations that only 60 fps or above provide. Whats unnaceptable is to ask people to invest money on expensive equipment to have the option if it's within the developer's power to provide that option to everyone.

    So you are saying the visual flow is better at 30 FPS than 60 FPS? Or 120 FPS? I mean, holy, have you ever seen a game go over 30 FPS?

  • @drizkillz @GuldLasse

    I'm certain you never watched a movie in 60 fps, some people like when the framerate feels similar to a movie, which is ~ 24 fps, but that is a subjective preference, hence the artistic feel in contrast to smooth animations of a higher framerate. As for a concrete and palpable advantage of a higher framerate compared to 30 fps, it doesn't exist, you can be in denial all you want, you have absolutely no way of showing objective evidence to prove otherwise. Don't be upset that you are wrong, it's something you have to get used to when you argue with me.

    The only thing that is correct is to provide the xbox the option to go for 60 fps, since PC has the option to go for 30 fps, so it's only fair.

  • I've been playing a lot of Shadow of the tomb raider on the xbox one x recently which runs at 60fps and does look and run amazing. Sadly Sea of thieves still runs 30fps but has 4k which did make a huge difference in the appearance of the game, but i wish they would switch it up to 60fps to further enhance it.

  • The only thing that is correct is to provide the xbox the option to go for 60 fps, since PC has the option to go for 30 fps, so it's only fair.

    Why is that unfair then? If there is not advantages by having 120 FPS, why is it unfair for the Xbox players lol?

    Dude you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, if you actually think having 120 FPS is no advantages vs 30 FPS. Sorry to bust your bubble, but more FPS = Smoother game, better visuals and realistic reaction time. The more FPS you get, the more information you have to work with in a second.
    Until you get more FPS than your monitors HZ, you should always want more FPS.

    What are you going to say next? That the eyes cant see more than 60 FPS? LOL

  • @guldlasse

    It's not fair because the xbox is advertised as the most powerful gaming console, but it locks it's users in a framerate that it's PC counterpart can handle, it's fairness for the consumer to have the option to choose between what framerate he wants, not for your baseless claim that "there is an advantage". There is none, you can't prove it objectively. 30 frames interpolated within a second can't affect a person reaction time, they see the same things at nearly the same speed as anyone else at any other higher framerate, the animations are smoother, but the difference is negligable and it becomes even more negligable the higher the framerate goes. Stop embarrasing yourself trying to fight a strawman.

  • @urihamrayne
    Idk why you feel so high and mighty, but you sound like the average console player.
    FPS has a huge impact. But i will give you that, when the FPS goes beyond your HZ on your monitor the FPS becomes a bit useless. So until i hit 240 FPS on average, i can still gain advantages with more FPS. The more FPS the more i see the game in real time.
    And yes you can prove objectively that you see a difference in 60 and 120 FPS, its called a ABX test.
    If you cant understand that with more FPS you get more information per sec = more time to react and proces the information you are given gives you an advantages.
    But again, its hard to discuss FPS with a person that have never seen a game go over 60. There is a reason why pro CS:GO players wants +400 FPS when they play. Cus that gives you more time to react to what is happening.

  • @guldlasse

    you can prove objectively that you see a difference in 60 and 120 FPS

    Correct, there is objectively a difference.

    more FPS you get more information per sec = more time to react and proces the information you are given gives you an advantages.

    This is however subjective, you can't objectively prove an advantage based on higher fps. The difference is negligable in SoT providing no such power of information processing.

  • @urihamrayne Using this argument you can say 5FPS is just as easy to play on as 144HZ, its just "subjective" and if you say this is false, that means there is a distinct point in which it becomes subjective, if there is a point, where would it be?

  • @guldlasse you really can't see much more than 60 fps in a second. But higher framerates do give you better input response which translates to your brain as better visual response. A trick of the mind. But better input response equals better gaming experience. 30fps su*ks but I deal with it.

  • @marsmayflower said in Whats up with Xbox Frames?:

    @guldlasse you really can't see much more than 60 fps in a second. But higher framerates do give you better input response which translates to your brain as better visual response. A trick of the mind. But better input response equals better gaming experience. 30fps su*ks but I deal with it.

    Studies on fighterpilots have shown they can see up to a frame in 1/220 of a second and up to 1/300. So a trained eye can see the difference in around 220-300 FPS. So keep believing you cant see more than 60 FPS all you want, dose not make it true. Or admit that your eyesight is bad.

  • @guldlasse ok

  • i'm still shocked that we can't play SoT at 60fps on Xbox One X. this game is FPV and is intense on hand-to-hand combat. 60fps is essential! Please RARE!

  • Ahoy!

    Please note that bumping old threads is against the forums rules. As this thread was 2 years old and revived today I will be dropping anchor on it here.


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