Changing Character

  • I noticed that I can't change the gender or the type of character you have without losing all your stuff. I would suggest that there is some way that you can change your character and you could only do it every certain amount of days. So you could change it every 30 to 60 days so you could make different combinations with the characters and the different clothes.

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  • @warboyrose I think it's more likely that they add some microtransaction for that.

  • I cant say that Im a fan of changing character.
    But I think you should be able to create a new one, ones you reach legend with the old one.
    But Rare is thinking/making somethinge in that regard of changing character, what? only time can tell

  • I agree. I accidentally chose a really ugly character and I want to change it... I want to change it a lot!

  • As far as i can tell is that rare is still working on this.
    They tried before to implement a char costumization. Problem back than was it broke some of the set features allready when they added it. Example hair colours changed.

    They reverted this all back but did add the dye as a "customization" option. They never mentioned they stopped looking in to it. I just reckon other "problems" came first to the fix.

  • @warboyrose the current responses all make the point that this seems to be something that Rare are looking into, it is certainly much requested here on the forum.

    Personally I believe that the Pirate we make should have some flaws as that is the style of this game - I love the little notches and marks that make my guy imperfect, it has all grown on me and makes him... him!

  • If I was rare, I would offer a microtransaction for this. 5 bucks each change.

  • @goedecke-michel said in Changing Character:

    If I was rare, I would offer a microtransaction for this. 5 bucks each change.

    Wouldn't be unheard of either as most MMO games allow it as well where there is a persistent character.
    WoW is a lot more expensive than that as well with their pricing (good old Activision Blizzard):

    • Name Change = £9
    • Character Transfer = £19
    • Race Change = £19
    • Faction Change = £27
    • Character Transfer AND Faction Change = £46
    • Character Boost = £49

    £19 to change your race?! £49 for a boost to the max level!

    Let's hope that if such shenanigans appear on the Seas, it is limited to a character change and there is no boost involved!

  • @sshteeve I totally agree with you but i think that the players
    who complained about it mostly have horrible pirate of some player who though that they can change their character after.
    For me it was pretty clear roll the dice until you find a pirate that you like but many players made a mistake they should give everyone a chance just for once try pick a diffrent one.
    I love the characters they shouldnt let us to create our character but one chance to change it (i love my pirate but you know i might find a better one :P )

  • I would pay 20 euro just to change my character appareance

  • @warboyrose

    Ahoy there, just going to leave a reply I posted earlier today to a very similar suggestion! Personally I'd like the ability to create more than one pirate on the same account, but that's a whole different story -

    @katttruewalker said in The ability to change your character but not lose progress:


    Ahoy there, definitely one of the most requested features from the Community, with a lot of ideas around ways to do this.

    I believe it has been mentioned in one of the recent Tuesday streams or Dev updates as something which Rare would like to make possible.

  • @Warboyrose , @katttruewalker is referreing to this streaming where Mike Chapman recently confirmed they're going to work specifically in that after the megaupdate of post-20 march

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