Came back after 10 months away

  • So my. 7 year old loves this game. She talked me into playing it tonight. After weeks of wearing me down.

    So we get on a brig, and I see this new quest thing for new Crews to learn the ropes and figure it sounds great for playing with my kid. I pay the 5 doubloons from my last adventure into this sharade, and we start. The first stop is to pick up 5 crates from some sharp shooter chick, we get there and start loading up. We're about to load the last one when out of nowhere(I looked after every create and saw no one) a sloop speeds by and somehow blows 6 holes in our brig. I swim in and try to fix it, but she panics and we lose the ship and they circle back. I kill one and they eventually kill us both.

    The quest is now gone. 5 doubloons and instant failure without refund from this game. I had thought that in 10 months Rare would have done SOMETHING. ANYTHING. about the toxicity in this game. But no. Nothing.

    I've removed this game from both xboxes. There's no excuse for allowing this sort of blatant bullying in a game geared at children.

    Now I know all the toxic trolls that litter this god forsaken forum are just going to flame bait, but I don't care. There's no excuse for this [mod edit].

    Sad. She liked this game.

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  • Sorry but killing a player in a game that allows pvp is not "Toxic" behavior

  • Bud, you don't need to complete cargo runs. They're fluff missions. Only animal runs require you keep and sell all crates in order to complete it.

    If you've been gone for 10 months maybe think that a few things have changed.

  • A private servers or passive modes are something that is wanted by a good amount of people. Should see it by the end of the year

  • @wajuwanmekill a passive mode WOULD work but would also render what they have now as useless as a majority would just grind it with no consequences.
    Im really not a fan of fighting but it's a core part of the game.

  • @sailorkek it was a rat quest. Read the entire post.

  • Also why would you remove a game that your kid likes? just because you died? Seems a little selfish to me.

  • @xzodeak because I'm not letting her play a game with people who play like that and scream vulgarity through a megaphone while they do it?

    Clearly you don't have children

  • @jimmy-voorhees I did,
    Once you pick up the cargo that's it. You can leave it to rot. You said you sunk doing the cargo at his 1st stop. Therefore he could have continued to do the chest and skulls, Instead he golt salty and quit.

  • Ahoy.
    You can also mute other players... text and voice.

  • @jimmy-voorhees on the contrary to animal voyages none of the other voyages (including cargo runs) dont require delivery to complete the quests....

    Its always an impact on morale if you get sunk but thats just part of the game, i do however side with you on the vulgarities part.

    There are some people that think they can say whatever they want over the internet, i usually ignore it but thats my age working in my favor and it usually fires me to avenge my losses.

    However for the smaller people amongst us there is always the option to mute the oposing forces.

    Then about the part of “refunds” in the game because you sunk, thats a simple no for me, it doesnt happen and shouldnt happen sinking is part of the experience and even if it hits you right in the feels its part of the experience, loss and gain.

  • @callmebackdraft said in Came back after 10 months away:

    @jimmy-voorhees on the contrary to animal voyages none of the other voyages (including cargo runs) dont require delivery to complete the quests....

    Its always an impact on morale if you get sunk but thats just part of the game, i do however side with you on the vulgarities part.

    There are some people that think they can say whatever they want over the internet, i usually ignore it but thats my age working in my favor and it usually fires me to avenge my losses.

    However for the smaller people amongst us there is always the option to mute the oposing forces.

    Then about the part of “refunds” in the game because you sunk, thats a simple no for me, it doesnt happen and shouldnt happen sinking is part of the experience and even if it hits you right in the feels its part of the experience, loss and gain.

    I'd agree if I wasn't taking about a seven year old. She almost cried. This game ain't worth that. Players have clearly ruined this title. Whether you want to belive that or not

  • If you are looking for a better time with your kid try the looking for groups that have alliances more often then not their almost always is a group post up

  • The game is not meant for children that young. That said, really sorry to hear you and your kiddo had a bad experience. Wretched toxicity seems to permeate any game that allows PvP.

  • @jimmy-voorhees said in Came back after 10 months away:

    @xzodeak because I'm not letting her play a game with people who play like that and scream vulgarity through a megaphone while they do it?

    Clearly you don't have children

    You never mentioned the vulgar screaming, yes that is an issue, however it occurs in every game that has game chat. Also I do believe Xbox has child settings which block game chat.

  • @irish9399 said in Came back after 10 months away:

    The game is not meant for children that young. That said, really sorry to hear you and your kiddo had a bad experience. Wretched toxicity seems to permeate any game that allows PvP.

    My kid's age is mostly irrelevant. The actions of the random players was the point of the post.

    Worst part? They cleanly had legendary everything and didn't do it for money. So it was all about being toxic. That's why the game was deleted.

  • Quest is gone? You didn't complete the voyage? You don't have to turn in the items, simply digging up the marked spots, solving the riddles, killing the skellies, and removing all merchant items from the marooned pirates completes the voyage and gives out around 15- 25 doubloons (Don't remember now) Did you not get the doubloons?

  • Sinking of the ship and your deaths did not mean the quest was gone. The ship would have respawned elsewhere with the quest still on the table.

  • @jimmy-voorhees sagte in Came back after 10 months away:

    So my. 7 year old loves this game. She talked me into playing it tonight. After weeks of wearing me down.

    So we get on a brig, and I see this new quest thing for new Crews to learn the ropes and figure it sounds great for playing with my kid. I pay the 5 doubloons from my last adventure into this sharade, and we start. The first stop is to pick up 5 crates from some sharp shooter chick, we get there and start loading up. We're about to load the last one when out of nowhere(I looked after every create and saw no one) a sloop speeds by and somehow blows 6 holes in our brig. I swim in and try to fix it, but she panics and we lose the ship and they circle back. I kill one and they eventually kill us both.

    The quest is now gone. 5 doubloons and instant failure without refund from this game. I had thought that in 10 months Rare would have done SOMETHING. ANYTHING. about the toxicity in this game. But no. Nothing.

    I've removed this game from both xboxes. There's no excuse for allowing this sort of blatant bullying in a game geared at children.

    Now I know all the toxic trolls that litter this god forsaken forum are just going to flame bait, but I don't care. There's no excuse for this ****.

    Sad. She liked this game.

    Neither is this game gearing for children, nore is stealing loot, sinking a ship toxic behaviour in a PvEvP game, named Sea Of Thieves. Though I often play this game with a six years old doughter of a friend of mine. We start a party and she loves it. She knows, if we get sunk, we have our orders, still. She knows, we could loose our loot everytime. She loves to buy clothes, flags, sails and cosmetics every time we turn in.

    So, even a kid can have fun with the game, knowing that success or fail are part of it. The great issue are not pirate actions, but insulting speakers. Start a party and get rid of it.

    As far as I understood your story, it was you removing the game, not your daughter.

  • Unfortunately the pvp is part of the game and so are the people. We have to live with both vulgar players and kids of parents who can't read the age ratings. Pvp games and especially those that include chat options are not a good choice for young children.

  • Once you pick up the cargo from the sniper chick the map is gone from your wheel.
    Delivery of said cargo is irrelevant, you and your daughter could have continued on your voyage. Those pirates did you a favor and you didn't even know it.
    A teachable moment about adversity lost. In your ignorance, you failed your daughter.

  • @Jimmy-Voorhees
    I also hope for a private/ coop mode or something like this, no matter if only 50% progression, but sometimes i just dont want any risk, but enjoy playing versus Ai.
    The game is a PvPvE, so other Players ate allways a possible threat and although
    You can meet nice people and join an alliance, but you never know.
    Some betray you at the end.
    This and no online game is good for Kids.
    I wouldnt allow my kid to play on the internet and she is 13 yo.
    I'm 42 and i remember the day i sat in a cinema watching Pulp Fiction and that guy got his head blastet away in the car and the whole audience was laughing.
    Sorry to sound strange, but i was schocked and i thought: that's when brutalization of society starts to becomes obvious.
    From then on i was attentively to things like that.
    It's nearly 25 years ago and my Internet came a couple if years later.
    There were a lot of things going on the past 25 years and i tell you this will become more worse for sure.
    I'm glad i can opt out completely sometimes and live a boring live!
    And as a singleparent i know i cannot protect my daughter from all and everything, but i think the kids grow and learn to deal with new technic and it's unpleasant sideeffects.

    I understand you well and it's sad that not that much see what it is about.
    That's often not about playing games and laugh together even if you loose.
    The thing is, they could have sunk them, but speak friendly, they could have been polite players while cruel pirates, they could have helped them to get to an outpost or they could have left them something and roleplayed the mercifull Pirates and all would have fun.
    But no, most gamers act merciless and want to "own" you and have a sadistic touch. They love when you cry, that's when they feel good if they ruined someones day.
    That's not an exageration that's so true and i have seen the whole evolvement of this in the internet, not only regarding playing games.

    I can stand that, i play further and i am somewhat immune to this sort of toxicity and i'm also fine with open PvP and the thrill while playing, but honestly when arguments like "Sea if friends" start out and you read the massive complains of pvpers, min maxers, heavy grinders and people exagerating about gaming all day and how some of them argue, i can only say, keep the childs away.
    There is not that much fun for them and the only thing they learn is dont trust others and more worse competition over cooperation, when they should learn the opposite to evolve themself and our society further.

    COOP SERVERS Rare for the boring, peacefull carebears, father and children.


  • @jimmy-voorhees
    The game is for 13 year olds and above. That's fact. You are playing Sea of THIEVES. People have a right to be attack, steal your stuff etc. There is options to mute gamechat and text chat so no one can say anything vulgar to your daughter which is good for people who don't want to deal with it, but it's a pirate game and as soon as your take away the aspect of a pirate not being able to do what a pirate does is when your arguement becomes stupid. If she really liked the game why would you delete it. Just mute gamechat and text chat and let her play but as long as she knows what PIRATES ARE. This is not Sea of Friends And Nothing Bad Happens.

  • @jimmy-voorhees You can't be this niave? its an ONLINE game. There is a rating on the game itself, but online interactions are not rated for obvious reasons. If a game has online interactions specifically voice and/or chat, the game is rated M from the view of a parent. I've seen people like you a few times and it's just crazy to me. You and other online gaming parents think that random people online are going to behave in a manner that's G rated because you are and/or your child is there. Since you don't know this already i'll tell you; they do not and will not ever behave in a child appropriate manner. If your child is exposed to that behavior you have no one to blame but yourself for not understanding that the encounter was not only possible, but inevitable to happen many times in an online game. I'm not playing with children but I muted players pretty much immediately after getting a game like SoT because I don't wanna deal or hear those people. You probably could have just turned off all chat instead of deleting the game, but it's obviously your choice to make.

  • Maybe it's just me, but deleting the game because of that is pretty...childish.

    It's a game with PvP in it. Of course PvP will happen at some point. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. You should have just muted the other players and told your daughter "No biggie! let's try again".

    But hey, that's just my opinion.

  • Sea of Thieves is not a game for a 7 year old IMO. Even if playing with parents.
    And, sorry to say that, you're telling us that you've checked everywhere and still got surprised by a sloop ? Player-Ships doesn't pop on your ship like that.

    You have missed something at some point. You have made a mistake. It's not a bad thing, especially after 10 months without playing.

    Also, I really don't understand the need of some players to take a brig with a crew of only 2. Don't do that, even if it's a request from your kid, just don't.

    Sad to see you leave but given what you told us, I just think this wasn't a game for you.

    Cheers !

  • I don't think you can call PvP bullying or toxic. It is just another aspect of the game. Unless they were throwing insults and what not that would be toxic. But just sinking another ship and killing another player is not bullying. Like i get the fact that sure there was a seven year old on the crew and all but the other crew doesn't know that unless you try and tell them that. To them the seven year old is just another player. It is also very possible that even if you were trying to communicate with them then they were probably in an xbox party of their own. I will say that i recommend finding other players to sail with while playing with your daughter cause it would definetly help in such PvP situations.

  • @jimmy-voorhees I see so many mistakes in this post I can't not react.

    1. This game is PEGI 12, sure children younger then that can play it but seeing as there are people talking trough mics in this game and you can never predict what others will say and children will pick up anything at that age.

    Ships don't come out of nowhere and you know this too.
    People don't teleport so you should have kept a better eye out.

    The Quest isn't gone, you gave up.

    It's not bullying, it's called Player versus Player interaction, that's normal in a PvPvE game.

    Geared towards children? Most children don't have the ¤400 for an X-box €60 for the game and €12 per month for X-Box live.
    Gaming is mostly an adult hobby these days, if you still think gaming is for children then you're dead wrong.
    Games geared for children are games made with children as their target demographic, not a game that has nice colours and happy people on the boxart. Before you know it you're going to call Conker's Bad Fur day a childrens game.

    Also calling people toxic when posting like this is just really really childish.

  • @jimmy-voorhees I think you missed the point. Not only is this game aimed at teens and above you talk about the girl being young as an excuse to not have the game because of vulgar language. So yes in your eyes age does matter when it comes to profanity. I’m not even going to suggest how you fix this problem because it’s already been suggested.
    Second you don’t know how the game works by now which is why you believed that you “lost” the voyage. You don’t even know what cargo is which is part of the “rat quest.”
    If you explained to your daughter that life can beat you down at times but you can still get back up and work harder to become better there wouldn’t even be this rant.
    You sir have put yourself behind ignorance and tried to use your daughter as a shield for why you don’t like the game. Ending the chance of growth for both of you. And lastly, if you got problems with vulgarity I wouldn’t suggest posting it in a forum post cause now I’m calling your bs.

  • @jimmy-voorhees said in Came back after 10 months away:

    So my. 7 year old loves this game. She talked me into playing it tonight. After weeks of wearing me down.

    So we get on a brig, and I see this new quest thing for new Crews to learn the ropes and figure it sounds great for playing with my kid. I pay the 5 doubloons from my last adventure into this sharade, and we start. The first stop is to pick up 5 crates from some sharp shooter chick, we get there and start loading up. We're about to load the last one when out of nowhere(I looked after every create and saw no one) a sloop speeds by and somehow blows 6 holes in our brig. I swim in and try to fix it, but she panics and we lose the ship and they circle back. I kill one and they eventually kill us both.

    The quest is now gone. 5 doubloons and instant failure without refund from this game. I had thought that in 10 months Rare would have done SOMETHING. ANYTHING. about the toxicity in this game. But no. Nothing.

    I've removed this game from both xboxes. There's no excuse for allowing this sort of blatant bullying in a game geared at children.

    Now I know all the toxic trolls that litter this god forsaken forum are just going to flame bait, but I don't care. There's no excuse for this ****.

    Sad. She liked this game.

    I am, as most people seem to be, confused as to what aspect of this game made you think it was geared towards children. As there are a lot of references to alcohol (you even begin every game spawned in a bar) as well as an almost unavoidable need to murder either players or skeletons.

    Its s pirate game at the end of the day. And pitates aren't nice folk.

  • @jimmy-voorhees You can mute players and as someone else said you can ignore the cargo missions even if its a bilge rat mission.
    And you can be sure that the game have changed in many ways.
    How can you blame RARE for players with foul mouth?
    They have banned players who were extremely toxic and most of the time its fine and many players are nice even if they try to sink your ship they would still respect you.
    And killing is not a bad thing maybe you should read the name of the game again Sea of Thieves.

  • @jimmy-voorhees I am sorry to say matey that what you described is not actually toxic behaviour and I would hope you reconsider having another go at the game.

    That Sloop had no way of knowing what you were up to or what you had on board that could be worth looting. It isn't bullying at all it is simply playing the game as it was designed.
    Now if they were verbally abusing you as they did this it would be a different story, but you don't mention that in your OP.

    The quest wouldn't have been gone either - the maps for the other items would still have been there and there is no requirement to complete the Merchant delivery to gain access to the final chests (3 chests of grog).

    Now you mention flame bait and use some asterisks to hide some vulgarity yourself, so I do question whether your own OP is click-bait or "flame-bait" as you put it.

    I would also mention that the game has TEEN rating; even though it is a cartoon style it is not a children's game. That would be like saying that as South Park and Family Guy are cartoons they must be aimed at children too...

  • I would recommend anyone else wanting to reply to this thread also takes a look at the OPs profile... nothing but negativity and lots of "this game sucks" from this chap...

  • Hmm, perhaps we should add a sign to ships that say "baby on board" to warn off others? And in this case, no, I'm not talking about the 7-year old.

    Troll fail.

  • @jimmy-voorhees You are sadly mistaken my friend.

    This is a PVPVE Pirate game. It is not just geared at Children. A sloop sailing past you and blowing holes in your ship isnt toxic behaviour.

    If they were shouting abuse through VOIP and being ractist, sexist and extremly insulting then that is toxic behaviour.

    My advice is when you are anchored at an island always chek your surroundings for other ships.

    All I can say is you were simply unfortunate. Don't blame PvPers. They are simply playing this game as it should be played.

    On a final note. The game is PEGI Rating 12 and over. Technically speaking you shouldnt be letting your 7 year old play the game in the first place.

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