PC How to pick items per 1 out of barrels?

  • Hi, I was wondering how to pick items per 1 out of barrels?
    I recently saw a video on youtube where someone does this but I have never seen this while playing the game or is this a removed feature?

    I always have to open the barrel and then click for example planks and I immediately get 5 in my inventory. But in this video they get 1 plank per push on the 'F' button.
    Is there a way to enable this?
    alt text

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  • @seppethehero Is a removed feature. Old barrels worked like this, with Cursed Crews update they changed the barrel interface system, and now you need to open the menu first. After that, you could use "R" key to pick only one item (and "F" for all)

  • @amancebacabras Thank you very much! I didn't know that!

  • @Seppethehero Right click on the item or use the R key to take them one at a time in the new barrel UI.

  • @seppethehero Aaaand for your info, the change was made to introduce new types of resources like the cursed cannonballs that hit the game with that update, and despite no more supplies are in game yet, crewofthieves have some of them datamined, such as pineapples, coconuts, or chiken meat.

  • It would of been a cool feature to keep in the game but a the moment the UI is fine like it is.

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