Sea of Thieves Soundtrack

  • Hello there!

    I was wondering if we are gonna get a release of the soundtrack somewhere. Iwould definitely want it as physical collection but i settle for digital release also :D

    I know it's somewhat dificult to make a collection out of it, because there are many short melodies in the game, but i think there are also plenty full songs there so it's worth it.

    Also guys in case you haven't, CHECK the awesome playlists on spotify. I'm actually very impressed of the quality and the variety of the playlists. Congrats to whoever made them!

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  • as bad as it sounds i took their entire soundtracks off of youtube.

    take the link to say the sea of thieves soundtrack on youtube.
    to go an flv to mp3 converter (google) and bam you have the soundtracks.

    i know personally i want to pay rare money for it but still waiting for an offical soundtrack.

    for now though with the method i listed you can listen to them on the go.

  • i would love to be able to buy a cd or something with the official Music from Sea of Thieves , Mr Beanland is a Genius that silently work in his little studio but creates pieces of music that makes the hairs on my arms stand straight and start to dance...But , since Rare keeps developing this game , even now as we speak , i fear that releasing a soundtrack now would result that a second or even thirth Cd had to be made because Mr Beanland and his team keep also developing tunes and Musical scores...It doesn't seem that there is an end to this man's and his team Genius....

  • @clumsy-george Yeah thought of that. The game is being developed and new music is being created but still a year one collection would be cool. Even for a limited item in the store.

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