No crossplay!?!?!?!

  • I'm sure 101 people have already wrote about this but I just want to give my opinion on the matter. I think that this will be a huge mistake on Rare's part not only will this effect gameplay but I think this will also mess up advertisement for the game, most of the big streamers and youtuber are the ones advertising this game and most of them are pc or at least the big ones, if they implement this I bet you they wont upload on this game anymore. Because of this they will lose potential future players. Thanks for taking your time to read this just wanted to voice my personal opinion.

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  • You do realize that the Devs are making it to where you can pick two options:
    1.) Play Crossplay
    2.) Play ONLY what plaform you have the game on (PC or Xbox)
    I mean on a sidenote, I can careless about crossplay.

  • @prorapidkiller

    Your average Xbox player will get dunked once by a high level player and kick that option over to Xbox only and never look back if they know about it.

    Probably wont stop them from loosing, but they will definitely see it as the easier mode of the two and stay there in hopes of doing better.

  • It's only an option to opt out, just like every other crossplay game has, and it will be fine. :)

    (in case it matters, I am a PC player)

  • @skorch1004 - To prevent having 101 threads on this topic we created a Mega-Thread. Please sail over there to join the discussion on crossplay.

    Anchor dropped!

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