Pirates legends

  • It’s getting way out of hand there stalking again and I’m fed up. Plz add a private server because it’s not far we don’t get a chance at anything and a lot of people are wanting what I want. Rare plz do this like gta 5.

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  • @xx-elite-kb who is doing what now matey?
    And how do you know they're legends? As a legend myself I would like to say my crew don't stalk anyone...

  • @xx-elite-kb Sorry, what? I get that you're asking for private servers. 100% against because this just allows you to fill a server with friends and all run voyages together, in an alliance, with no risk or difficulty.
    As for what your reasons are, you aren't very clear. You got killed by a Pirate Legend and now they are stalking you?

  • They follow my crew and i call it stalking and winds me up

  • @xx-elite-kb Then sink them.

  • There impossible to fight

  • @xx-elite-kb They have nothing different to you to fight with.
    Not to mention that anyone can do this to you. Don't have to be legends.

  • It’s like defeating a boss from dark souls

  • I'm a Pirate Legend, ATHENA Lvl 6 and I am not considered one pirate that will bully or stalk someone just because I am better or want their treasure (unless doing the fort or trying to steal an Athena's Chest of Legends). Not all PL are like that you know. @xX-Elite-KB

  • Well I think one day they might add a private server because people will not stop complaining.

  • @xx-elite-kb This is a open world game my friend, having a private server will be more irrelevant/redundant, than helpful to do whatever you need to do. Better get he server hopping to avoid those "pirates legends stalking you", because they can't follow you to the same server.

  • @xx-elite-kb This discussion is like defeating a boss from Dark Souls. Just no. Play the game and learn. That's the only difference and it's what makes this game amazing. The only skill increase is yours. There are no stats or skills to make anyone better. Just skill, practice and strategy.

  • @xX-Elite-KB I'm a Pirate Legend and I get wrecked by new players every once in a while. It has nothing to do with ranked. Like many games you just have to lose in combat for a while until you get better at the game. If the devs just erased all the challenges then it wouldn't really be a game.

    If by "stalking" you mean a ship follows you around until they sink you, yeah that's part of the game. Some people like to play aggressive like that. I don't think anyone is going out of their way to seek out your ship's spawn points to harass you until you rage quit. That doesn't make any sense. If you are really bothered by it then the best thing you could possibly do is just switch servers.

  • Maybe I’ll just do order and souls best way then less Chance of getting attack because usually people fight over the fort.

  • @xx-elite-kb

    Have a listen to the recent stream at this point, where the question of private servers is discussed.

  • I'd just like to mention that this is the equivalent of saying that in any other game you are about to reach the reward room when a boss battle appears. You then proceed to complain to the devs of said game that the boss is too difficult, and the reward is impossible to get, so the devs should remove said boss battle from the game....makes sense to you?

    because it doesn't to me

  • Please do not ask for a place where you can just easily grind gold and levels in peace. I encourage you to analyze your own gameplay and try to learn what you can do better rather than ask for an unnecessary change to the game.

  • I’ve had a lot of stress going on in the game and I’m very sensitive.

  • If you want some advice heres some.

    -Every moment, every fight, every situation is added to your experience, so with that said, you just have to not repeat the same mistake you have done when you died or sank.

    -Always bring back supplies to the ship, that way you never ran out of anything and you can fill up crate.

    Anticipation is key to this game too, the ships can take time to maneuver, so use that to your advantage.

    Knowledge is key, the more you know the better, as an example, i used the canon on Snake island as a cover for my sloop, if an enemy ship comes closer, i stop it with an anchorball and give him a good barage of canonball and using the island as a suppressing shot. That is one way to do it... There is also an APP for SOT to help you get around.

    There is a lot more, but don't hesitate to go and see tutorial on youtube or ask players for tips and tricks.

    Take care and see you on the seas.

  • [mod edit]

  • @xX-Elite-KB And Plus this as well, get this, you may want to grind in a private server (if you want to focus or get your quest done without trouble) or try to fight with your friends (little PVP), but when you really get back into the actual open world of Sea of Thieves, you will have one of the most difficult times playing out there. Because you are more caught up in just doing quest/mission, rather than actually trying to fight them off you. Then when a real player or players come at you, then what you are going to do? You can't run, otherwise they will be stalking you, you can't do your quest without worries. Because again someone is stalking you. You might as well just keep an eye out as all times while doing a quest and bail if someone does come to attack or steal your prized loot.

  • @j4l-whammer11in Your Post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code

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  • I'm not sure what you're talking about with the stalking, however I do support private servers provided you don't get Any rewards while in one, no risk= no reward. I believe private servers would allow for modding as well as creating a controlled environment for streamers.

  • @xx-elite-kb why dont you fight them, and if you lose you lose and respawn somewhere else. if they are too much of a problem just swap servers. this isnt a problem that cant be fixed already.

  • @xx-elite-kb lol wut this is happening at a fort. well nah dah mate hahaha yea people are going to attack you there, if you have such a big problem with it dont go there. but imo i think you should try to fight them and learn the game

  • @xzodeak YES! Private servers = no rewards what so ever when doing anything from quests to order of souls.

  • @xzodeak Risk will be there, it wouldn't go away in private server. Unless you mean other players, which seem to be more of a nuisance than a risk. Megs, Skellies and Krakens seem claim more treasure than other players :P Personally, I'd expect private servers (with our gaming group) to be more combat focused than current open ones.
    As for modding, I would expect game run as it does now. Just the matchmaking would be different. Don't see any reason why more modding would be available

    For taking away rewards from people who you can't play with since they're on private server.. how about taking away rewards from those who in future can choose to play without crossplay? After all, it's like Xbox (with controllers) only private servers

  • @xx-elite-kb said in Pirates legends:

    There impossible to fight

    The absolute gross of pirate legend that I have personally slain is contrary to your claims.

    Perhaps it is a good day to die, I mean die trying rather than making excuses. I say this because any player is capable of top tier play with practice and dedication to their desire to advance.

    If you're not happy with the outcome of most of your PvP encounters, then you need to improve not just your PvP skilks, but also your situational awareness and understanding how to utilize your environment to advantage.

    You also need to play the long game if you're not good at the short game, this is done by playing the full meta instead of being an elite PvP god. You need to make the enemy play your game instead of you playing theirs.

    This is how old slow guys like me always win overall. I may not win every PvP 1v1, but I play in such a cutthroat way as to use every possible mechanism against my foes. This in tandem with organized team play means we almost never have a problem with other ships, instead we give them hell.

  • its like you expected this game to be 'Sea of Friends'

    What did you expect 'thieves' meant.

    I'm all for adding private servers, but only if you earn zero money and dubloons when you do missions away from the threat of thieves. You should never be able to go to a private server and farm up money cause thieves scare you in a game where its literally in the name.

    reallly realllly dont understand the people who whine about thieves in a game called 'Sea of THIEVES'

    as for PL's, they have the EXACT same stuff someone who just got the game has. Ive not had it for that long, (lvl 30's for me) but i dont see PL's as that big threat, if anything its the newer players who are more aggressive and out for pvp and nothing but.

  • @xx-elite-kb they clearly can't just run a private server for everyone, so the private servers would be player hosted meaning modding private servers probably won't be considered an offence.

  • @xx-elite-kb sagte in Pirates legends:

    They follow my crew and i call it stalking and winds me up

    You MUST be kidding. In a pirate game, you whine about beeing FOLLOWED?

  • @freaktmonline You know that "it's called sea of thieves" argument is pointless one?
    After all, the name can (and likely does) mean the area where the game is located. The mystical part of the sea called "sea of thieves". Kinda like calling LA as city of angels doesn't mean there's angels everywhere.. or atleast I don't think there is.
    Imagine if we started taking all the game titles literally...

  • Stop doing voyages, start sailing and do the same, practice fighting. I wasn't on voyage for last 2 months, and still earning rep and money

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