Athena AFKing is rampant and we need a solution.

  • @archangel-timmy Wow that is a great idea even if you are moving like they do to spin around or just hold a key wont help them good idea!

  • @faceyourdemon that would happen if everyone votes you off. If they do that .... would you want to play with them anyway. I wouldn’t. It would have to be a unanimous vote to kick after a certain amount of time in the brig. Or a certain amount of times locked in the brig. If people want to do that to you.... then you are sailing with the wrong crew anyway

  • @coineggsnipe what? what are you talking about? we are talking about those who stay AFK to get REP and gold from others work by staying active so if you are going to be in the freey of the damned for like 20 minutes youll get kicked its not the best solution but the other solution can be abused by bad players.

  • alot of people on console use rubber bands to make their charecter move in circles

  • should be able to vote to kick

  • @d4m0r3d But in the ferry of the damned they wont be able to get out of there using rubber band.

  • @faceyourdemon so? why does it matter if they cant get out of the ferry of the damned using rubber bands

  • @new-world-clogs Probably would be best to limit it to a timer rather than to a set number of times, so you can only prompt the questions say every 10 or 15 minutes.

  • @d4m0r3d then they will get kicket anyway if they stay there for long

  • @faceyourdemon kicked*

  • @faceyourdemon what if they go afk on an island

  • Here's for Rare

  • @therealepicandy said in Athena AFKing is rampant and we need a solution.:

    Here's for Rare

    Quoting for visibility. Massive problem that doesn't take much development to fix.

  • @D4m0R3d Well you can kill them.
    Its not perfect but there is no perfrct solution for this you cannot satisfy everyone but you can try to do something righr

  • @faceyourdemon how can you kill him? easy solution is just to allow people to vote to kick

  • This was a problem back at launch with people trying to AFK their way to Legend, and believe it or not we've already had our fix for this. Closed Crews, in the beginning there was only open crew, every session was always open, was awful for a lot of reasons. But once we got closed crews AFKing for profit started to go away cos most people used discord or LFG or the forums/facebook/twitter/etc to always find a crew, with no-one to leech from the leeches died off, right now there's a whole new wave of new crewless pirates to leech off. Best advice is crew up and close the crew, that way you're not helping anyone that won't help you, and once you find a regular crew you'll never want to play open again.

  • @d4m0r3d what about all the players that will get abused by kicking system? Do an Athena voyage for two hours and before youll turn the Athena they will kick you and add a friend.
    Its happenning even without kicking system youll give players tool to be cruel and they will be.

  • @faceyourdemon dont do dumb stuff, if your gonna spend time doing stuff like that , do it with peopel you trust, or get another one of your friends on so you are safe, to kick someone you would need 3 out of 4 people to vote kick you. on a brig it would be harder, but just find people you trust, make sure they are people you trust before you work hard for them

  • @d4m0r3d Yeah thanks but that is a dumb answer do you think that my friends are always online when i am?
    What about players who dosent have friends that play Sea of Thieves.
    I know how to judge people whenever they are going to be cool or not but that shouldnt be any kind of solution.
    More then that most of the players in Sea of Thieves are playing with random people, also most of the new players how can you give me such a lazy and bad solution?

  • @faceyourdemon well either way you can get toxic teamates who dont go afk but try to mess with you and stop you from doing anything, vote to kick is the better solution other than them getting kicked for being in the ferry of the damned for 10 mins, they could just come back every 10 mins and move out of the ferry, that will literally stop no one. and its not my problem if you dont have any friends that you can invite, thats something you gotta work out. if you havent got any friends to invite maybe you should make some first, then go do athenas instead of doing it with randos ya know

  • @faceyourdemon how is my solution lazy and bad?

  • @d4m0r3d Most players are playing with random how can you not care?
    That is not logical to my brain cells
    And no thanks for the advices im great where im at ive got friends that i play with sometimes and sometimes i meet new cool people in random crews.
    How can you ignore the fact that the mjority of players playing on random crews and you say i dont care well the devs do care.

  • @faceyourdemon yea just dont do athenas with them, befriend them and then do athenas. i play random crews alot, and i make alot of friends, people i can trust and people i can now do athenas with or other types of missions with and not worry about being kicked. its simple. lemme try explain. if you are affraid people will kick you while you are doing voyages or things that give high pay out/ reward, dont do those things with people you cant trust. heres some more advice, do those things with people who you befriend, people you trust, people who you know you can have a good time with who wont kick you. its pretty easy and pretty simple, goodluck my dude i hope you understand now. and in the pirate code btw it also says crew comes first or something like that, so if people did kick you right before you hand in an athena that is against pirate code and im sure you can report that kind of behaviour

  • @d4m0r3d But for many players who are not pirate legend and someone drop an Athena voyage to help them for them its difficult to just change a server.
    I try to avoide those players by blocking them to never see them in the future but still its awfull at the moment, there are less afk players but nothing is more killing my fun then lazy **** on my ship just sitting there like a leech and getting REP and gold.

  • @faceyourdemon exactly thats why kicking them would be nice. i understand some may abuse the power but alot more good will come out of it than bad. and btw you are supposed to get to pirate legend to be able to do athenas, so if your not pirate legend and people are dropping athenas on you shouldnt care, its kinda exploiting. just play the game yourself and earn it. and eventually you will be able to do them yourself the way you are supposed to do them. people dropping them on you also takes time off the game that you could get in the future, imagine your lvl 1 on everything and your already doing athenas, rip end game content

  • @d4m0r3d I am Athena lvl 10 but its not a game exploit
    its a game design and if someone new or a veteran do the quest and all they deserve it.
    side note i dont think that any player who isnt a pirate legend should buy the Athena set they can earn REP but until they arnt pirate legends they shouldnt be able to purchase the athena set.

  • @faceyourdemon no they allow you to do them when you arent pirate legend because they wanted people to be able to play with their friends otherwise when you got to pirate legend you wouldnt be able to do anything till they hit it, but when people jump into random groups and just drop them then leave drop them then leave and stuff like that, that is exploiting that mechanic to advance players who havent earnt it. anyone who has worked hard to earn pirate legend status deserves the athenas, other people who havent worked for it dont deserve it. I dont think the devs intended for people to drop them on everyone for every to have access to. Otherwise why did they even make them exclusive to pirate legends

  • But i guess theres nothing you can do about it aye cause people arent just going to be like ay an athena damn im not pirate legend so im gonna cancle it cause im not supposed to have this

  • @d4m0r3d hahahahahhaha

  • Hopefully one day they will allow you to continue the voyage you are on in a different server.

  • @d4m0r3d unfortunately I feel like the 'dropping athenas' posts in LFG are due to the commendation of needing to buy so many athenas voyages. I'm not sayin' it's okay, cuz it's not, but devs sorta didn't think that commendation through if they were worried about anyone dropping them for non PL's. Meh.

  • @d4m0r3d vote to kick is a terrible idea, it's a double edged sword, you could be grouped with a trio of friends on a galleon for instance and they could use you during the quests and just before hand in decide to kick just because they can.

  • @o0o-snakey-o0o if you read the other stuff me and the other guy already talked about that

  • @ironrangemaiden you could just buy them then cancel them cant you?

  • @o0o-snakey-o0o people can abuse brigging aswell, its even the way people get people to leave aswell anyways. they get a player who they dont like cause they are doing nothing and they lock them in the brig and hope they leave. the only time people would abuse it is if they had 3 of them and they had another friend who just got on that they wanted to get in on the loot, then what people do now they lock em in the brig, and wait till they leave.

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