Issues opening barrels in Devil's Roar

  • I discovered and issue while I was solo slooping in the Devil's Roar.

    When the volcano on Ashen Reaches started to erupt, I was anchored and started to bucket out water. When I tried to access my plank and banana barrels, it would not allow me to while I was under distress from the hot water.

    I know that having hot water in your boat while near an island erupting is very intentional, however, I'm not sure if this was noticed or overlooked. This particular event caused me to sink with over 100 of each resource aboard my ship.

    I think that while inside a ship, if at all possible, you should still continue to take damage from burning water, but it would be nice to be able to access barrels in order to be able to recover from the event of a volcano attack.

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  • From Joe Neate on the Sea of Thieves Twitter:

    "Yep, pretty sure we've addressed that, but I'll check."

  • @hisdarkestfear Thanks!! I just happened to come across the bug last night and thought I'd mention it.

  • Reported this to the support forums a few days ago - when drowning or venomed or boiling, cannot open barrels.

  • @onemanstanding It's annoying. Especially in DR. On the other hand though venom balls just got a lot more interesting.

  • @boxcar-squidy I used to tell a buddy to sail off without me when I was the last guy in a sunken wreck. I'd plumb the barrels until I drowned and then rejoined the ship via the Ferry - good to check if anyone else is there, start a little groundwork on the alliance. However, I can't do this at a moment; once you start drowning, better come up for air.

    Jumping off onto islands to get supplies and a snake gets you, you need to wait until it wears off ... when, typically, another snake gets you!

    Yep, the venom-ball firing skeleton ships were a particular pain - you couldn't get cannon balls, planks or bananas whilst under their curse, and boy do those skeletons like to curse! My buddy had just promised me he wasn't going to loose his wig over the game anymore ... and proceeded to completely and utterly loose his wig!

    For what it's worth, the support ticket is still open :)

  • I believe the bug is related to all forms of damage.
    So if your being damaged and try to look into a barrel you will not be able to.

  • @sgt-palooggoo you're right, it happens when taking poison damage too.

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