Allow Kicking

  • So since I've hit pirate legend I haven't had a core crew recently. About 50% of the random players on my crew will afk for at least half of an Athena. And if they get in they're unkickable. The afk timer is something like 10 minutes so its not hard for them to move every 10 minutes while they're leeching. This makes it a pain to play with people you don't know.

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  • @captancola Yeah, that's really annoying. I'm also not a big fan of the brig solution.

  • The problem with kicking is the situations where 2-3 people do an athenas/skull fort, get all the loot, and then kick the other crewmate and invite their friend.

    I think though, they should modify the way AFK abandonment works.
    If you go afk for a few minutes, your crew should be able to vote you off, or keep you.

    That way if you are a group doing well and you needed a bit of AFK you don't just lose the crew from being AFK, when neither they, nor you, want that.
    But if a crew member is AFK constantly barely moving to avoid kick, and your crew is upset, they can vote you off.

    AFK detection can be much stronger then too, as any "false positives" can be dismissed by the crew.

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