Barrel on the Ferry of the Darned

  • Ahoy Mates!
    Sometimes before I log off I'll go to the Ferry of the Darned to hand out my Cursed Cannonballs:

    But sometimes nobody's on the ferry when I show up, and I don't have time to to wait around for somebody to come.
    So those Cursed Cannonballs go to waste.

    However I've come up with a great suggestion to fix this!
    Maybe Rare should add a Barrel on the Ferry for us to leave things in for other pirates!

    And a Barrel would also add an extra thing to do on the Ferry while you wait for the door to open.

    Well mates, what do ya think of this suggestion?
    Is this a great idea or what?
    Let me know!
    Anyways, see ya on the seas!

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  • I have always thought that having a way to leave something behind for other pirates would be a very cool idea. I think the Ferry would be a cool place to have one barrel just for this purpose. A nice way to leave something behind on our way through. Grab a lantern flame and perhaps something left that can help you out when you return to the world of the living. Awesome idea!

  • Great idea. I've done the same but like you said, you don't always have the time to wait for someone else to die and find you on the ferry. When that would happen to me, I would just stuff it in a barrel on the dock of the outpost but always assumed that they would disappear the next time the barrels respawn.

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    I don't see why not. This also couldn't be abused easily, as that requires dying repeatedly and waiting for the time each time. Although, I could see someone waiting there after stocking that barrel full of a few hundred items.

  • @sgt-palooggoo if i know im going to turn in my loot and log ill usually just dump everything in a barrel at the docks.

  • Nice idea. In docks stuff you put in a barrel despawns before someone finds it but on the ferry there is a chance they can find it and help one in need.. last round i quit with 38 ccb's could have put them in this barrel :)

  • I would be okay with this provided the items in the barrel despawn at regular intervals (like every 5 minutes). Otherwise someone may get 1 heck of a payday.

  • @ruigtand-nl said in Barrel on the Ferry of the Darned:

    Nice idea. In docks stuff you put in a barrel despawns before someone finds it but on the ferry there is a chance they can find it and help one in need.. last round i quit with 38 ccb's could have put them in this barrel :)

    Aye exactly!
    38 Cursed CannonballSails that could've gone to some pirate in need, if there was a Barrel on the Ferry this issue could be solved!

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    What a fantastic idea!

    I've got into the habit of putting things into a nearby barrel on the Outpost, but often wonder 'what if they're missed'. On the Ferry there's a greater chance of someone coming along and those items might also be a lifesaver for some poor pirate in need!

  • @sgt-palooggoo yes it's great mate I hope it happens

  • Great idea. Someone on the ferry died for some reason and those CCB's just might be just what the doctor ordered to get revenge.

    Plus when you're out of supplies and all hope is lost this would be the little boost to get you back in the game!

  • great idea

  • Weapon box would be sweet too. If you're getting spawn killed by a crew and you have the wrong weapons to counter it would be nice to be able to change the loadout while dead.

  • @m1sterpunch
    I wouldn't mind a weapon locker on the ferry mate!

  • Grog refill station

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